If you opened the first chest previously you don't get anything for the Deathsinger this week. The first chest is the "new" drop so everyone can go get it no matter what they did before. The old first chest was just moved to Deathsinger.
Buying digitally is more expensive right now.
Fuck, it looks like primaries require rank 5.
That's a lot of IB.
And with us! And raids with us! ONE OF US
hmmmm. yeah, I think the $45 amazon + $35 pass is a better deal, I don't know about the $10 for a ghost shell, ship, and emblem.
lol this is going to happen isn't it. XD
Sure I'm there for slice-n-dice, what time do you wanna do this?
I know. But it's so convenient!
Yeah, seems like instead of having people spread out to snipe, you'll need 2 people to be on each totem as well.
Not a big change. Easily done legit, just interesting to see what they changed.
Anyone got gorgon checkpoint I can grab on 3 toons
Anyone know if the level 32 Iron Banner gear will require Radiant Mats?
I have the Crota CP and am looking to do it with my new Hunter tonight before the reset. If you guys don't mind that my Hunter is 29 but I have maxed G-Horn and IB on him so he should still be able to kill stuff and help make Crota kneel.
what about cosmos. are you cosmos.Alright awesome! DrLawyerCop is in too, Nami is interested as well. Waiting on Dhruv and AutoAim (Kartik).
I believe Ive got it. Ill be on in 30 mins if noone else has it.
That should be fine if we get a whole group together.
It won't. It requires ascendant shards.
That should be fine if we get a whole group together.
what about cosmos. are you cosmos.
One or two.Reports regarding bridge phase:
I'm getting news that annihilator totems are spawning as Ogres are sighted on the opposite side...might have to send one guy over first?
When are you starting? I need a full run, but will take what I can get....
This may be more of a PS4 question rather than a Destiny one... but if I went the physical copy route, since I already have the trial version (full game) installed on my PS4, could I just pop the disc in and start playing? Or would I need to delete and re-install from the disc?
I'm down for 2 runs.Reset Squad Unite!
So we originally wanted to wait for the patch, but since it is now live do we all want to go ahead with the 4am EST multiple (3) runs for Crota's End?
I am down for reset time, I will have until 8am EST when I will have to get ready for work.
1. Cosmos_Man (Me)
2. Dhruv_Hanom
3. Auto_Aim (Kartik21)
4. Owlialicious (PikaPuff)
5. DrLawyerCop
6. Nami (you down?)
Let me know if that works for you all!
We're still putting the team together so haven't decided yet. I could get on as early as 630 EST but can do it any time after that too. Hawkian is usually on within a half hour of that but not sure how that time suits Fig.
Second legendary engram of the day from daily!
Reset Squad Unite!
So we originally wanted to wait for the patch, but since it is now live do we all want to go ahead with the 4am EST multiple (3) runs for Crota's End?
I am down for reset time, I will have until 8am EST when I will have to get ready for work.
1. Cosmos_Man (Me)
2. Dhruv_Hanom
3. Auto_Aim (Kartik21)
4. Owlialicious (PikaPuff)
5. DrLawyerCop
6. Nami (you down?)
Let me know if that works for you all!
Anyone still need to run CE? Hunter just reached 31 and I just realized I didn't complete it with him...
This thread moves fast! Repost:
I'm going to run the sword tonight for my group with my newly-minted lvl 32 Titan. What's the most efficient attack pattern for Crota? I've read people claiming the R1-R1-R2 combo is best and others saying to just mash the slam button.
pre-patch: if someone goes to the other side, turn on condition: if everyone on orge side is dead/missing, activate totems and kill party.So from what I've gathered, how to solo/cheese the first two phases of CE post-patch 1/12/2015:
Lamp Phase - Run to the rock after the second lamp just like before but instead of waiting for the lamp to explode, turn around and jump onto the platform with your regular highest jump ability when your weight of darkness stacks are low. Continue to the bridge, activate lamp and bridge, hop on rock, kill ogre and then go once bridge is complete.
Bridge Phase - Awaiting Confirmation - Hop on the switch to start the phase then run off and back into the room where the swordbearer spawns. Hop on the boxes in the back of the room, this will cause enemies to despawn and trigger the encounter on the other side. Leave the room and snipe everything on the other side, ogres included. As soon as you're finished kill the sword bearer, take the sword and go to the other side.
Reports regarding bridge phase:
I'm getting news that annihilator totems are spawning as Ogres are sighted on the opposite side...might have to send one guy over first?
It appears that the totems start as soon as the ogres appear so unless they can be melted quickly it's over.
Bah, Rad mats from Pub events is just a bug.
"If you have old public event postmaster packages, they will award radiant materials. New packages will properly award ascendant materials."
I'll join.Last Call Crota Kill
630 EST (time can be pushed to later if teammates need it)
1. Squall ASF
2. Hawkian
3. Fig
4. Greenymac
LOL. Ka Ching! Been saving up a whole lot of them.
Thanks Bungie!
I'll join.
LOL. Ka Ching! Been saving up a whole lot of them.
Thanks Bungie!
I need to run it with my Titan....
LOL. Ka Ching! Been saving up a whole lot of them.
Thanks Bungie!
LOL. Ka Ching! Been saving up a whole lot of them.
Thanks Bungie!
Someone already got it, its still 324.
I got it again after exotics were boosted. Dismantled it. Was same as it was before. Started at 274 and capped at 323 I think. Which is why I sharded it.
Someone did and it was still 323, last page![]()
Someone got it already. It's 323 just like before.