Sooo hyped for Iron Banner next week!
Timur's Lash available to buy!! All of my 100+ motes will be spent on rolling rangefinder, field scout and third eye.
Third eye I don't get, all on gun stats, evrrytime
Sooo hyped for Iron Banner next week!
Timur's Lash available to buy!! All of my 100+ motes will be spent on rolling rangefinder, field scout and third eye.
interesting quote from urk on reddit
"DeeJ has a lot of autonomy, but often, there really isn't a whole lot to say. Traditionally, we'd fill those down weeks with fun stuff from the studio like the Pentathlon, and whatnot, but recently those types of updates haven't been well received, and the expectation is that the BWU focuses primarily on game updates.
My hope is that DeeJ will start becoming more comfortable with the idea of weeks without update, when they are not needed. He struggles with the idea of not providing the community with something even when there really isn't a lot for him to talk about.
We'll see!"
Both. Before AND after school. It just seems to be weekdays period.
Just had a guy AFK'd like halfway through the Summoning Pits. Me and the second guy solo'd Phogoth for about 90% of his health when the AFKer finally decided he wanted to "help".
I'm down for some Roc Strikes if you're still around![]()
I told them
interesting quote from urk on reddit
"DeeJ has a lot of autonomy, but often, there really isn't a whole lot to say. Traditionally, we'd fill those down weeks with fun stuff from the studio like the Pentathlon, and whatnot, but recently those types of updates haven't been well received, and the expectation is that the BWU focuses primarily on game updates.
My hope is that DeeJ will start becoming more comfortable with the idea of weeks without update, when they are not needed. He struggles with the idea of not providing the community with something even when there really isn't a lot for him to talk about.
We'll see!"
That is how it has always been no? Activate the bridge and plates to spawn the swordbearer, then get off. Then despawn, then snipe, then loot.
I can't believe they haven't fixed the stand on the boxes to despawn enemies and trigger the last encounter trick for the bridge phase.
It is still entirely cheesable to the highest degree. It is so ridiculous.
How could Bungie never have thought that players would go there? The boxes are not in any way difficult to get to, not to mention the possibility of players camping there to take out the swordbearer immediately. Wow.
need 331 timurs lash with outlaw firefly and field scout please
So, I had my first dream about Destiny last night........
I had one too. It was getting a Dead Orbit shader. Not even joking.
Bah, Rad mats from Pub events is just a bug.
"If you have old public event postmaster packages, they will award radiant materials. New packages will properly award ascendant materials."
interesting quote from urk on reddit
"DeeJ has a lot of autonomy, but often, there really isn't a whole lot to say. Traditionally, we'd fill those down weeks with fun stuff from the studio like the Pentathlon, and whatnot, but recently those types of updates haven't been well received, and the expectation is that the BWU focuses primarily on game updates.
My hope is that DeeJ will start becoming more comfortable with the idea of weeks without update, when they are not needed. He struggles with the idea of not providing the community with something even when there really isn't a lot for him to talk about.
We'll see!"
While I agree that it's pretty silly how they didn't fix this, I really don't like how Destiny is turning into "find the new cheese".
you cant win that way. someone still needs to get across with the sword. if no one is over there the totems will go boom when the ogres spawn
That is how it has always been no? Activate the bridge and plates to spawn the swordbearer, then get off. Then despawn, then snipe, then loot.
Said it before but was it mentioned that Black Hammer lost Hive Disruptor perk in its entirety? Its a Raid weapon without disruptor lol, its the VEX!
Hnnnngggggg! Tomorrow guys, right? Tomorrow? It's going to happen tomorrow?!?
The only hand cannon that can have firefly is fatebringer
need 331 timurs lash with outlaw firefly and field scout please
damn. I wonder if there's any chance of still getting one of those sweet radiant mat postmaster packages today.
I meant for bridge part. could also have gatekeepers spawn as soon as sword bearers spawn.two sword bearers at a time is awesome! so awesome they patched that out from happening
Wait, are you kidding me? Their solution to the bug is to remove Hive Disruptor entirely? lolSaid it before but was it mentioned that Black Hammer lost Hive Disruptor perk in its entirety? Its a Raid weapon without disruptor lol, its the VEX!
IIRC it's one at 3 and one at 5.For anyone who's more familiar with IB than I am...
Is it Rank 3 and 5 to buy the weapons?
For anyone who's more familiar with IB than I am...
Is it Rank 3 and 5 to buy the weapons?
For anyone who's more familiar with IB than I am...
Is it Rank 3 and 5 to buy the weapons?
Said it before but was it mentioned that Black Hammer lost Hive Disruptor perk in its entirety? Its a Raid weapon without disruptor lol, its the VEX!
Wait, are you kidding me? Their solution to the bug is to remove Hive Disruptor entirely? lol
IIRC it's one at 3 and one at 5.
No you could just snipe after you activated the bridge and hid away. We did this, and went to the back. Thralls despawned but everything turned red after a minute of sniping or so. That wasn't there before.
So from what I've gathered, how to solo/cheese the first two phases of CE post-patch 1/12/2015:
Lamp Phase - Run to the rock after the second lamp just like before but instead of waiting for the lamp to explode, turn around and jump onto the platform with your regular highest jump ability when your weight of darkness stacks are low. Continue to the bridge, activate lamp and bridge, hop on rock, kill ogre and then go once bridge is complete.
Bridge Phase - Hop on the switch to start the phase then run off and back into the room where the swordbearer spawns. Hop on the boxes in the back of the room, this will cause enemies to despawn and trigger the encounter on the other side. Leave the room and snipe everything on the other side, ogres included. As soon as you're finished kill the sword bearer, take the sword and go to the other side.
Wait is there a 331 fatebringer in VoG now? Notes only said no mythoclast upgrade
Has that bridge phase thing been confirmed? Other people are saying that if your not on the other side when the ogres spawn then the bridge annihilation totems go off and wipe.
So the final enemy encounter spawned on the opposite side and the Totems activated on the side you were on?
Just have to get on the Totems then? Or was it instant?
"Fix for heavy ammo glitch: all raid and exotic boots have extra heavy ammo perk removed."For the timing being, yes this is the case. Its gone.
Has that bridge phase thing been confirmed? Other people are saying that if your not on the other side when the ogres spawn then the bridge annihilation totems go off and wipe.
I think ascendant materials are the permanent upgrade material for tower vendors in Destiny. And each new expansion will bring new upgrade materials that only work on the raid weapons and raid armor for the raid from that expansion.
If that's the case, it isn't that hard to count to 19 before you kill the swordbearer and jump across from the side area with the sword.
I will be sitting at gorgons during reset so you can always try that route.
Did this person open the first chest pre-patch?
For anyone who's more familiar with IB than I am...
Is it Rank 3 and 5 to buy the weapons?
Well my birthday is coming up in a few days and my fiance is going to get me the Digital Guardian edition on PSN since I already have the trial installed. Had one question though... Is it worth it?
I mean I know the game is not without it's shares of problems but I do enjoy the core "game-play loop" as it were. Shooting is good, loot drops, etc. But is it worth the $90? Since I'm going the PSN-route I won't be able to re-sell or trade in.
All my friends who have the game are all level 25 and up it seems. Am I going to be slogging my way through levels solo until I catch up with them? Other than the pleasure of my company; do they have any incentives to play through some of the old missions with me? Am I fucked by coming in so late? Or am I better off coming in late now that so many things have changed?
Also, I'm not huge on PvP... am I going to be missing out on a lot by not playing in the Crucible?
Ugh, I hope not. The number of mats and currencies is spiraling out of control. Absurd to think.
It sounds like the easiest thing is just to go across the bridge legit. People say it is now an insta-wipe kill box if you try to kite across the divide.
So from what I've gathered, how to solo/cheese the first two phases of CE post-patch 1/12/2015:
Lamp Phase - Run to the rock after the second lamp just like before but instead of waiting for the lamp to explode, turn around and jump onto the platform with your regular highest jump ability when your weight of darkness stacks are low. Continue to the bridge, activate lamp and bridge, hop on rock, kill ogre and then go once bridge is complete.
Bridge Phase - Hop on the switch to start the phase then run off and back into the room where the swordbearer spawns. Hop on the boxes in the back of the room, this will cause enemies to despawn and trigger the encounter on the other side. Leave the room and snipe everything on the other side, ogres included. As soon as you're finished kill the sword bearer, take the sword and go to the other side.
Sooo hyped for Iron Bannernextthis week!
Timur's Lash available to buy!! All of my 100+ motes will be spent on rolling rangefinder, field scout and third eye.