PSN is being bad. Can't add anybody!
Kicked off Destiny servers. Maybe it's a sign
PSN is fucking up again along with Destiny. Friends is messed up or not showing up.
I'll join. Trying to add
If you have Found Verdict I'd go for LDR.
I do not have VerdictYup, LDR for sure. Great Vangaurd sniper.
I sent you a invite back in. But seems like Psn is having issues overallYeah me too. Trying to join back on the VoG team...
I second that, very generous, hope psn comes back soon. Going for the first chests until thenKadey thanks for the extremely selfless and generous offer of carrying low levels through CE. PSN won't let me add you though
I'll have to go now but thanks regardless for agreeing to helphope some other peeps get lucky.
I sent you a invite back in. But seems like Psn is having issues overall
Hmm... can't sign into Destiny. Tested my connection on the PS4 and said NAT type Failed, but everything else was good. :/
Bungie needs to add more ways to get Radiant Shards. It's a major pain when the Raid only gives me Radiant Energy. And ranking up Eris takes forever.
Yeah can't even log in to get first chest now, thanks again for the offer!Yeah I think it's a no go. Friend's list and messages aren't working. Always tomorrow.
I'm with you. You should at least get a good chunk of eris rep for avenging her fire team by killing Crota.
NVM - Destiny has gone to shit.
Ha...that's my favorite thing. Oh...you killed Crota, the God of the Hive who destroyed my comrades and who I have been seeking revenge on. No rep. Please go kill some hive in a very specific way and maybe then we can be friends.
Thanks for trying.
I really picked the best nightfall to finish the pocket infinity bounty =/
OMG thanks for reminding me. Good thing psn took a dump. So you don't have to do the whole bounty in 1 Nightfall?
The wording seems like you do.
Anyone able to connect and share Gorgon CP?
I can connect, but unsure you can add me. I have CP. Psn:rsin
Well I just got kicked. I should be around tomorrow night if anyone needs it.Love to grab it from you as well, but can't connect to Destiny servers right now. :-(
Anybody wanna do nightfall?
PSN : ck716