I'm about to Nightfall on my Hunter.
Catching up on podcasts and the day so no mic atm.
Cool if I join? Already friends.
I'm about to Nightfall on my Hunter.
Catching up on podcasts and the day so no mic atm.
Got some spots for HM Crota CP if anyone wants to join.
Psn skatelivelearn 32 hunterNeed 6th for Death singer Crota HM
Nightfall time, who's in?
PSN kidklovius
Nightfall time, who's in?
PSN kidklovius
3 nightfalls, all 3 complete crap for the 3rd or 4th week in a row, lost track.
1) 1st red hand, bad roll = 2 ass energy
2) 3rd vanquisher, bad roll = 2 ass energy
3) 4th purifier, meh roll = 2 ass energy
I have normal DS if you'd rather have that and/or if Rawr needs a CP break...
Thanks for the offer. We plan to run hard after anyway.
hard mode fresh?
Need 4 for Normal Crota cp only. We plan to do Crota twice if you need it.
1 Orthogonal
2 Friend
3 GraveRobberX
Normal Crota just gave me my 2nd black hammer, helmet, two energy, and my FOURTH dragons breath. Meanwhile still no horn. Pretty good drop though.
This is way late, but I don't see why it wouldn't applydo you run faster with the sword if you have mida multi-tool equipped when you pick it up?
I'll run it again on my Warlock if you guys need help. Will just drop off this FB and G-Horn, and I'll get right with you all.Still looking for 3. Normal Crota cp only. Don't make me go to LFG, GAF.
I'll run it again on my Warlock if you guys need help. Will just drop off this FB and G-Horn, and I'll get right with you all.
PSN: GibbShift
Need two more for Atheon 3x
PSN: hydruxxo
Hard? Sending you FR, ShikiAoi
Need two more for Atheon 3x
PSN: hydruxxo
Uuuggg ... why do I pick the oddest destinylfg group, they don't want to use bubble shield even though i can do it, and they don't want to do rockets on the first down only primaries ...
Thanks Forrest and crew just got the Crux and I am never doing hard again.
Still got 2 more nightfalls to do and need a new squad
PSN kidklovius
Well we actually did it, we would have had it like 3 different times if they would have done rockets and bubble strat, but whatever. I got my Fang of Ir Yut so I'm happy.Reason why I only use GAF to find groups #257
Thanks Forrest and crew just got the Crux and I am never doing hard again.
I'll join you again, need to do it 2 more times as well.
Psn dawnoflife
Looks like Forest has a group, so I can help out here.
Agreed, awesome run guys! Got my hand cannon, now to delete my alt warlock, rebuild my titan, and use that as my motivation to keep playing until HoW (titan has all 31 gear, but no raid). Still planning to not touch HM Crota again until Xur brings me more heavy. My 136 strange coins are ready.
Grats, still need crux and sparrow from hard and hunger from normal.
Glad yall were able to get it done! I wasn't feeling well, so that's why I left at Ir Yut. Thanks for letting me tag along! Arramos' bridge cheesing skills are second to none.
Need two for Atheon HM. Just join
Just when I thought I was done grinding bounties to level weapons, the mother f'ing deathsinger gives me a mother f'ing Thunderlord! Thanks Forrest and crew. Was a really chill group abd things went pretty smooth, especially for a pug.
Just when I thought I was done grinding bounties to level weapons, the mother f'ing deathsinger gives me a mother f'ing Thunderlord! Thanks Forrest and crew. Was a really chill group abd things went pretty smooth, especially for a pug.