Doing weekly heroic if anyone wants to join.
Nice Atheon runs there, always a pleasure. Takes no time at all, especially if I actually remember to keep at least 1 VoG primary on each alt (unlike today...)
Somebody say something about fist of havoc?![]()
Doing weekly heroic if anyone wants to join.
Return of the super-lag! haha wtf, I kept seeing agent fall off the top Nexus cheese cliff and land on the bottom... then warp back up top![]()
Fist of Havoc.
You started Bayonetta 2 yet btw?
A reenactment of when I asked Destiny if I could stop playing. Phaethon will be playing the role of DrDrizzay:
We should get some DGAF does TLOU matches going tonight.
Any1 got gorgon hm checkpoint?, would like to see what I get
Yes, definitely want to organize some DGAFDTLOUMP, I'd be up for it whenever. Like a lot of people, I mainly only play Destiny now because of all the fine folks I've met, just gotta take 'em with us to TLOU for a bit.
I wouldn't mind some TLOU, one of my fav PVP ever.
I'm working on the exotic bounty for Bad JuJu. It says I have to complete 25 strikes. I done the daily strike and another strike from a bounty and it still says '0/25 complete' on the exotic bounty.
Am I misunderstanding something? is there something I need to find during the strike?
Fist of Havoc.
Ever since last week I've stopped playing Destiny every day. I now only do the nightfalls, some weeklies but not all (nearing 100 coins, don't need that much coins anymore), solo the first phase of CE for some shards and energies, and hop into Gorgon CP. It takes me something like 2 or 3 game sessions to do that in the week, and in the meantime I've started playing other games.I think I have Destiny fatigue. Getting Ascendant Shards from the Nightfall was the final straw I think whilst my mate got Gjallherhorn.
I'm not even a particularly hardcore player, I only have one character who is maybe 21 radiant shards away from 32, but it seems to be that as soon as you start caring about what loot you might get, the game starts to become a heartbreaking chore.
I think I'll take a Destiny break, play something different, come back in a few days and try and readjust my attitude back towards having fun as oppose to what I can 'win'.
I'm working on the exotic bounty for Bad JuJu. It says I have to complete 25 strikes. I done the daily strike and another strike from a bounty and it still says '0/25 complete' on the exotic bounty.
Am I misunderstanding something? is there something I need to find during the strike?
Ever since last week I've stopped playing Destiny every day. I now only do the nightfalls, some weeklies but not all (nearing 100 coins, don't need that much coins anymore), solo the first phase of CE for some shards and energies, and hop into Gorgon CP. It takes me something like 2 or 3 game sessions to do that in the week, and in the meantime I've started playing other games.
The key to handling Destiny nowadays, during this rather slow period of the game content wise, seems to be to not care too much anymore, and just come back once or twice a week to do some quick weekly stuff.
Sounds like youre confusing story missions with strikes. There are no daily strikes.
Thanks, I suspected it was something like that!There's nothing else you have to do during the strikes, but the Daily is actually a "Story mission" and not a strike. Not sure which bounty you are referring to, but doing a strike isn't tied to bounties like that. Just pick one of the Strikes from a planet, i.e. Devil's Lair on Earth, or do one of the Vanguard Strike playlists depending on your level (e.g. Lv 26 Roc).
For Bad Juju bounty, you get 1 point for a normal strike like the Roc playlist, but the Weekly Heroic counts for 2 points (any difficulty level) and the Nightfall counts for 3 points towards the 25.
WTF? Let me check.So, I was browsing the xbox store when I spotted something and started the download:
Anyone else find this?
Need help with the boss on weekly, if anyone's free to help.
At Nexus on weekly heroic. Psn is redman_dk
I tried. Getting a lot of lag![]()
Got shot while I was inside my bubble.
WTF? Let me check.
i find Bladedancers more annoying. FoH and Novabomb are over in a second, but that Bladedancer keeps coming at you for what usually feels like an eternity. an eternity filled with "oh fuck... please... no".
I added you to the PSN chat right? I'll send out a message tonight for some matches. Time to dust off that Burst Rifle.
Crota used lag tactis..mehh
Man literally nobody listens to me...
1) I told my clan to invite me and Wicked when they got to Crota. They didn't, and they had him at 50% health when I joined their party. They'd wiped a bunch of times and when I joined was no different.
2) Before I left I said if they were at Crota I'd send Wicked an invite. I did! And then I saw the 3 of you were in Skirmish.
Literally no one listens to me. Only person who does is IRAWRASAURUS and he has NAT issues with me...
It's super effective
Do you guys think bungie seeing the frustration of some players might have done something about Gjarllarhorn drop rate?
I ask this because yesterday I've seen 7 Horn drops. My clan has 8 players and 5 of us got a Gjarllarhorn yesterday.
I got 2. One in Nightfall and one in Hard Crota. My 2nd and 3rd.
Lebeau got one in Hard Atheon. His 2nd.
DimasCrivalente got one in Nightfall. His 2nd.
ViniFJV got one in Normal Crota. His 1st.
KillUiu got one in Nightfall. His 1st.
And I also witnessed Cosmos get one in Hard Crota (or Deathsinger, I'm not sure).
Either way, Feb. 10 will forever be known in my Clan as G-Horn day.
I tried to run the sword last night with my team and something was missing, I was just not dealing enough damage. At least not as much as you or Kartik can deal.