I get it, I mean I sometimes get so pissed you can go 5 minutes and get killed like this "super, rocket, rocket, super, super, super"... and it really gets to you because yes in that way the fun is sucked out of it.
But really I don't see how it's any different than any other MP game... if you have a bad team, you are going to have less fun in some situations. In COD if someone was spamming AC140 or how about a nuke? you would pretty much just quit out.
Battlefield, if you had one team who had two good heli pilots, it was hell. same with tanks.
I think its a team game so at some point you need a good team. My biggest issue is lag because I run a sunsinger. Therefore as a sunsinger everything kills me lol... bladedancer, I can't go into bubbles, titan smash. My only recourse is of course to raise from the dead and punch or spam grenades but due to lag you often get simultaneous kills. However I can switch on the fly meaning if I run up against a team of bubble titans I will switch to void walker and start sending void bombs in there.
Again i think there should be custom modes but I don't think the supers should be nerfed in any way. They are meant to be a super, probably the only problem is perhaps there should be a cap on how fast you earn supers. but again the problem of team balance comes into play because the team with more kills will earn super faster.
I vastly prefer this game type to halo where it was a rush for the rocket launcher and then everyone just scattered. Whole games revolved around weapon spawns, which I hate.