Red death will be too OP after the patch, so Bungle will make tomorrow a NLB day. Gotta keep that TTK as high as possible! Happy Xursday!After today's update how could it be anything other than Red Death.
Red death will be too OP after the patch, so Bungle will make tomorrow a NLB day. Gotta keep that TTK as high as possible! Happy Xursday!After today's update how could it be anything other than Red Death.
Great run with j_rocca's team. Very smooth no glitch run.
Haul was:
Oversoul Eddict
Abyss Defiant
No Land Beyond aka Exotic Shard
Word of Crota
Red Death
All I really want is the Scout Rifle.
Damn now that's a haul with a single run. Red Death!
Great run with j_rocca's team. Very smooth no glitch run.
Haul was:
Oversoul Eddict
Abyss Defiant
No Land Beyond aka Exotic Shard
Word of Crota
Red Death
All I really want is the Scout Rifle.
Yeah ill probably still be aroundGoogle says 3:30 AM. That doesn't seem right . . . Unless you live in Europe. Then I guess that's right.
After today's update how could it be anything other than Red Death.
Can you two do 9:30? That'd mean we'd need 1 more if so.
Anyone want to do a quick full Crota's End normal run? I want to run it through with my hunter (oh and I am not comfortable being swordbearer).
I just want heavy ammo![]()
(we thought it would be heavy ammo last week)
Join us! We should be running in 35 minutes
After running Vault Of Glass Hard Mode literally every single week since its release, I finally have my most coveted weapon:
My spirit was all but broken, but I descended into depths every week hoping...praying that this would be the week. I literally jumped out of my chair when I saw the yellow.
I plan to stockpile some synth, but I plan to shamelessly exploit the Heavy drop glitch until they patch it. A minute or two of time spent expelling your reserves is worth it most of the time.
I plan to stockpile some synth, but I plan to shamelessly exploit the Heavy drop glitch until they patch it. A minute or two of time spent expelling your reserves is worth it most of the time.
Fr sentForgot to post:
My PSN is VincentAlexander. Feel free to shoot me a friend request if I don't send you one first.
I have a maxed 331 Red Death and can confirm it is already puuurty good.
Alright, I'm out of here. I'll be back ~7pm PST to check on that flawless run.
What gun do you use? I find the NLB to be too slow and lose patience lol. Still need to try Universal Remote.
yeah i bring my universal remote for crota hard every time
it can be a little tedious when people are trying to empty their 100 clip fate bringers
its really great for the sword bearer especially if they have a horn.. take down the sword bearer real fast
Congrats, Better late than never. I'm also a fairly new owner of it. It is already pretty powerful out of the box, but once you unlock the stability scope and range perk, it is awesome in PvP.After running Vault Of Glass Hard Mode literally every single week since its release, I finally have my most coveted weapon:
My spirit was all but broken, but I descended into depths every week hoping...praying that this would be the week. I literally jumped out of my chair when I saw the yellow.
Hawkian can add "babysitter" to his resume.
We do it to ourselves. Every week.I'm gonna wake up tomorrow to a bunch of disappointed posts. I just know it.
I'm gonna wake up tomorrow to a bunch of disappointed posts. I just know it.
I am down to do that. Psn Ditters1I've got a normal Crota checkpoint if anyone's interested in beating him real quick.
Should be able to run in about an hour. Anyone interested? On PS4. PSN: UF_C
Hey Josh holds his own. He usually has the most kills or nearly the most lol
What else would you expect on Xurday. I can count on 1 finger the number of times we had a collective party on Xurday. Disappointment is the expectation now.
I've got a normal Crota checkpoint if anyone's interested in beating him real quick.
Should be able to run in about an hour. Anyone interested? On PS4. PSN: UF_C
People here sleeping on Witcher 3. smdh
I don't recall Witcher 2 launching simultaneously across different platforms. I also don't recall it having the marketing budget Witcher 3 will have.
As long as there isn't another fucking Starfire Protocol, I'll be happy.
AcceptedSent you a friend request for the raid.
edit: haha ok I will check back at that time then!
@flawless guys: not sure if you filled up or not but I'm not going to be able to jump on right now so definitely go ahead and fire it up if there's anyon else that wants to help and/or needs the trophy. You can also 5-man it just fine, we did that on one flawless CE when somebody got disconnected at Scrota (sorry Cosmos!). Just make sure to have the fireteam set to closed.
I'll check back a bit later to see how things are going...
Looks like someday is missing, need one for a Newbie raid, VoG Normal (min level 26... could take a 25 with this group)
Post PSN if you would like the spot, we're heading down now.
Anyone else interested in raid starting in a few minutes? We haven't heard from our sixth yet. Not sure if he'll make it in time, and we can't wait around too long unfortunately.
As long as there isn't another fucking Starfire Protocol, I'll be happy.
I've got a normal Crota checkpoint if anyone's interested in beating him real quick.
Should be able to run in about an hour. Anyone interested? On PS4. PSN: UF_C