Destiny |OT31| The Courted Oryx (Spoiler Tag ALL Raid Discussion)


I deleted mine. I have so much to do with just one character right now it's insane. If this was the kind of content in the game from the beginning I never would have made additional characters to begin with. I don't feel like there is a need to stretch the content by having multiple characters anymore since as is there is way too much to do at any given moment.

But now you need three characters so you can get all three exotic swords lol.


Someone delete their supercell for me and tell me if it unlocks a secret quest line to get me one

I got a second supercell from the nightfall x.x I've now received two supercells, two monte carlos and two telestos. I want some variety dammit >.<


New HC: looks alright
Fusion: meh
Boots: good Light, so ugly
Class item: not a fan

Great loot run for me


The Cryptarch's Bane
We also all died once and didn't wipe, we were able to re-spawn. Don't think the darkness zone thing is working properly. Didn't beat it that time anyway.
Just rewatched video and I'm fairly certain there simply is no Darkness Zone in this side-mission. Actually, this is the only factor in the Guardians' favor for this challenge and could potentially be used to our advantage.

Certainly wouldn't be a bad way to start the fight while adds aren't too bad, then revert to sniping him down. Punch him with a sunbro first for increased damage.
Mellting point, that's right. Could also peg him with a Shadowshot first too.

I'd like to give this strategy a shot with somebody tonight.


Curious to see what else the community finds in the coming weeks hidden away in the game. Was this spindle quest in since day one or just this daily instance?
FUUUUUUUUUUU!!!! Sorry Diablo, PSN kicked off and Is currently undergoing maintenance for me

Any tips tips getting through the daily ? It keeps kicking our asses handily
Got my exotic sword, new exotic blackhammer, and got that cool ship with it too. Now light level 303 and ready to take down Oryx a second time if Century link can fix their damn internet


FUUUUUUUUUUU!!!! Sorry Diablo, PSN kicked off and Is currently undergoing maintenance for me

Any tips tips getting through the daily ? It keeps kicking our asses handily

On the sprinting part...don't stop.

For the combat at the end just recognize that for the multi-lock doors, once you set the first orb down, you need to fall back to a defensible position. Stay on the perimeter of those rooms; I tend to fall back to the main entryway and work my way back in.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
I gotta do the Undying Mind in my quest to acquire You Know What after I killed You Know Who and collected all the You Hate Them Too.

My PSN is bitmapfrogs, send me a message if you are in a similar predicament =)

Deku Tree

Is it possible to hit Rank 4 with the Gunsmith this week?

I think most people who did every single thing possible in the optimal way were just barely over Rank 3 before today. So no I think they still have to wait until next week since its 2000 rep per rank and 1250 rep per week... unless there are new additional secret ways to increase rep that we find out about soon....

If you get a bunch of the items that drop then yeah. Would need a lot though.

Reddit thinks that there are a maximum of four of those items that you can find in the wild per toon. I stopped getting them a while ago.


yea, I'm doing that quest but stuck cuz I only have 7 Black Wax Idols. can't obtain any Stolen Runes to continue.

i'll do the Gunsmith stuff tonight. haven't done any.

Are you only stuck on the stolen runes or do you have an antiquated rune to do also? I am one reciprocal rune away from being able to charge 2 stolen runes but won't be on until 10pm CST or so.


I think most people who did every single thing possible in the optimal way were just barely over Rank 3 before today. So no I think they still have to wait until next week since its 2000 rep per rank and 1250 rep per week... unless there are new additional secret ways to increase rep that we find out about soon....

Reddit thinks that there are a maximum of four of those items that you can find in the wild per toon. I stopped getting them a while ago.

There's a legendary "relic" fusion rifle looking item that can drop occasionally that's worth like 200 rep.

Edit: Ah, I didn't see you mentioned that before quoting lol.... I wonder if they're actually limited like that or if it's a weekly kind of thing?


Are you only stuck on the stolen runes or do you have an antiquated rune to do also? I am one reciprocal rune away from being able to charge 2 stolen runes but won't be on until 10pm CST or so.

got no other runes so far aside from Reciprocals. I'm also way too weak to even help you past tier 2. it's all ??? when tier 3 is activated.
On the sprinting part...don't stop.

For the combat at the end just recognize that for the multi-lock doors, once you set the first orb down, you need to fall back to a defensible position. Stay on the perimeter of those rooms; I tend to fall back to the main entryway and work my way back in.

I meant the taken boss and the adds; it gets so hectic so quick, i the moment I peak my head out I get blinded

Am I like the only person in which PSN is down?


I think most people who did every single thing possible in the optimal way were just barely over Rank 3 before today. So no I think they still have to wait until next week since its 2000 rep per rank and 1250 rep per week... unless there are new additional secret ways to increase rep that we find out about soon....

Reddit thinks that there are a maximum of four of those items that you can find in the wild per toon. I stopped getting them a while ago.

Yes unless you get very lucky. Last week I found 6 of the 200 rep items but I didn't even do it at all the first week so I'm still behind. It is possible if someone found several of the rep items to be rank 4 but that would be super rare I'd think,
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