Yo ne0
Hit me up if you're doing the sisters today
ill most definitely do it tomorrow got on for awhile and played some crucible... but seriously i need to play some MGS5 lol i quit hard since ttk's launch..
Yo ne0
Hit me up if you're doing the sisters today
So are there any Destiny books? I like ready the grimmore, but I'd like something I can take with me to work.
God this armor set looks so good...
I'll go Dunlop75Anyone needs doing the Nightfall or care to help? Two guardians in trouble with the final boss. Please respond, over. PSN distress code: FirewalkR
So are there any Destiny books? I like ready the grimmore, but I'd like something I can take with me to work.
DGAF King's Fall Blind Raid in 1 hour!!!
Friday, 7:30pm CST
1) xplicitone (confirmed)
2) Frenden (confirmed)
3) Pyrandes (confirmed)
4) Rehsa / Moridhin (confirmed)
5) darkshodan / darkshodan84 (confirmed)
6) achamian / cptsupermarket (need confirmation 730pm CST works)
alt) xir (apt when? Does 7:30pm CST work if cpt can't make it?)
Pyrandes, Darkshodan and cptsupermarket hasn't responded to my FR yet. Please try to by 7pm CST or respond here
I'm guessing we'll need a 6th because I haven't heard from cptsupermarket (or xir) for a while...
Also, holy shit! My "The Hype Rises" gif has over 40k views. More than all my other gifs combined.
If you need a sixth, I can join.
Will be on right about 730 after I put my son to bed
Well the size got massive so had to use 10 FPS to get all of it, but yes
Can Hunter gear infuse into other class gear? To level my alts faster later?
Can someone help me with The Undying Mind strike for the ToM quest? Psn biggy70686
Have to say: Luke interview was great! He was always a great listen since 1UP Yours days.
another trick to make it smaller is to use the magnify option on your youttube video page and make the video window smaller... it definitely takes more mbs the bigger the window your using... but also the length as well... they can get 300-500mbs lol
So....theres a trick to get this exotic sword qyest done faster...
If you have 2 in your inventory you can skip certain steps... Not sure of the details.
Anyone doing a fresh start on the raid? Looking to play for the first time!
Level 294 Titan.
g3ud0Yes! We most likely need 1. Psn?
Touch of Malice get! Much thanks Igor, couldn't have done that mission on my own.
Alright, need 1 more for The Undying Mind strike.I need to do this too.
psn robertlebrone
/u/artaru on REDDIT:
1) Finish exotic sword on character A
2) Build second sword on character B with hadium flakes
3) Transfer legendary second sword to character A through the vault
4) Fully level up and infuse second sword to 280+ on character A
5) On character A, go talk to Lord Shaxx and he will give you a quest to go collect planetary materials and kill things with the appropriate subclass elemental abilities.
This allows you to the skip the time consuming step before that, which is to kill in pvp and kill majors with your sword.
You know it, son. Send me a message if you take him down, going to sleep now. Hope to finally finish this raid myself spoilers
holy shit oryx is HUGE
So i guess i should get a hung jury, huh?
You know it, son. Send me a message if you take him down, going to sleep now. Hope to finally finish this raid myself tomorrow.
I got one from a Dead Orbit pack right after TTK release. I deleted it as soon as I had another Legendary Primary, because I hated it. To be fair, I didn't get the roll of the default Dead Orbit purchased one.So i guess i should get a hung jury, huh?
Have you don't it before?
I'll definitely let you know if we need another!
Sounds good! Thanks for confirming.
I still haven't heard from the rest.
Doing the daily, join me if you want. Psn same as gaf
omg.. I joined WAY too late. Chrnocide here. Thanks man. D=
edit: Yeah, I got the marks. xD
I feel bad.
It is time!! Sending party invites now
DGAF King's Fall Blind Raid in 1 hour!!!
Friday, 7:30pm CST
1) xplicitone (confirmed)
2) Frenden (confirmed)
3) Pyrandes (confirmed)
4) Rehsa / Moridhin (confirmed)
5) darkshodan / darkshodan84 (confirmed)
6) achamian / cptsupermarket (need confirmation 730pm CST works)
Alt) sjay
Alt2) g3
No, I haven't. It will be my first time.