I can help. PSN: hypoetical
Cool! Sent an invite.
I can help. PSN: hypoetical
After listening to the Kotaku podcast with Luke Smith, I'm amped as hell to find out which of the other story missions have hidden weapons/gear, ala the Black Spindle.
People on Reddit are speculating that the next area to explore is the Omnigul/Rasputin room in the story mission "The Promethian Code."
V1ctImOne spot open for nightfall.
my teammates got so hosed...
damn, can't believe the nightfall of all things got me my prize
now I just need some gloves over 290 to equip sos I can use it and I'll be shadesteppin all over the place
edit: Thanks Vault for the invite and for sticking with the attempt! Damn that Warsat! O_O
Anyone need to take down Oryx?
I have been trying to all day.
I do.
Have you played this game before?
I want, nay, NEED Infusable VoG armour. Still the best Raid armour set in the game.Personally I really hope the VoG mission has something. I had a dream last night where you continue down into Atheon's room and he was just chilling there standing inside the door. Can't remember what happened next.... (true story)
Well there's 4 dead Ghosts which have not yet been discovered, and their names are all VoG related. The old Vault holds secrets yet.Personally I really hope the VoG mission has something. I had a dream last night where you continue down into Atheon's room and he was just chilling there standing inside the door. Can't remember what happened next.... (true story)
Cool! Sent an invite.
After listening to the Kotaku podcast with Luke Smith, I'm amped as hell to find out which of the other story missions have hidden weapons/gear, ala the Black Spindle.
People on Reddit are speculating that the next area to explore is the Omnigul/Rasputin room in the story mission "The Promethian Code."
For your Aural pleasure.podcast link?
I could help w an Oryx kill if you need people although priority to those who still need loot.
Still need lootI could help w an Oryx kill if you need people although priority to those who still need loot.
Big thanks to SilvardCT, Kaikken, Perineumlick, Elb858, and Nightfox619 for the Raid run. I'm sorry I couldn't stay, but I hope you guys make it all the way through. I'll be back on in about two hours if anybody wants to start from theCP.Daughters
I want, nay, NEED Infusable VoG armour. Still the best Raid armour set in the game.
Sent friend request I'll join shortlyWho's down to raid King's Fall on PS4? I have a group of three already.
PSN: ShadowKayos
Sent you a friend request. Can't talk on mic unfortunately.If anybody wants to do story I have my last character to do.
I want, nay, NEED Infusable VoG armour. Still the best Raid armour set in the game.
We need 1 for Oryx.
Taken Atheon... flanked by Taken Shield Brothers... followed up by Crota in the Vault of Glass.If Bungie did Taken overhauls of old raids I think.. I would melt.
So jealous. Curse you!
Doing the Undying Mind strike for the Hunger pangs quest. Have room for one
Ps4 EL_CUCO305
Just got Stillpiercer from Banshee-44 from a quest he gave me randomly. It looks like an amazing legendary sniper rifle. Special perks:
Perfectionist: Magazine is refunded if all shots fired are precision shots. (Is this from the reserve or free ammo...?)
Self Spotter: Increased radar resolution when this weapon is equipped. (Was hoping this perk existed).
Getting pretty late so I doubt I will have time to level it up tonight. Oh yeah it looks very similar to Patience and Time but the front is different.
I did the king's fall raid 3 times already and none of them decided to do Oryx during the same session :/
Reposting because I posted in the wrong thread like a dummy:
I ended up using motes of light to unlock perfectionist. I can confirm it doesn't take rounds from your reserve and there is no time limit. Free ammo as long as they are all head shots. Potentially better than Black Spindle??
Perfectionist only gives back ammo on kills. The black spindle/black hammer perk procs on hits, not kills. So black spindle is good for high DPS against ultras and bosses, perfectionist perk weapons are for use against small mobs and enemies.Reposting because I posted in the wrong thread like a dummy:
I ended up using motes of light to unlock perfectionist. I can confirm it doesn't take rounds from your reserve and there is no time limit. Free ammo as long as they are all head shots. Potentially better than Black Spindle??
I think the people in charge of most of those clans don't play anymore, there's an up-to-date list of Gaf clans in the OT.So when Destiny launched the Destiny GAF NA Central clan was full, so I got put into 3. I know it's dumb, but who do I bug about seeing if room opened in Central1 now ?