Morning GAF! I will farm for shards. Let me know if you want to join. Will take around 1h
how the FUCK are you supposed to get 25 kills with a heavy ammo limited melee weapon in a game where every single person has a shotgun?
Do you mean the calcified fragments? If so I might be down...
how the FUCK are you supposed to get 25 kills with a heavy ammo limited melee weapon in a game where every single person has a shotgun?
how the FUCK are you supposed to get 25 kills with a heavy ammo limited melee weapon in a game where every single person has a shotgun?
Raid ongoing at Dright now, we need two more people:aughters
1. SilvardCT
2. Kaikken
3. perineumlick
4. ELB858
Let's go guys!
Question about the Shaxx Crucible Quest Line
I just did the part where I have to win for Dead Orbit, now I have to talk to the thing from Future War Cult. Do I have to rep them on my wins? That means I cant continue this quest until next week as I had just switched to DO for the previous step (assumed we had to)
Can I join too?Yes. Join in.
Have a spot?Yes. Join in.
You can kill people without ammo using the sword and it still counts. Please do this in rumble so you don't hurt your the FUCK are you supposed to get 25 kills with a heavy ammo limited melee weapon in a game where every single person has a shotgun?
how the FUCK are you supposed to get 25 kills with a heavy ammo limited melee weapon in a game where every single person has a shotgun?
Have a spot?
Edit: I'm late. Luck bunny I'll go get some ghosts
Can I join too?
how the FUCK are you supposed to get 25 kills with a heavy ammo limited melee weapon in a game where every single person has a shotgun?
What's PSN name?No one joined so far.
We just started it. Got 1 spot.Doing daily heroic feel free to join,
psn chiquili59
Schreier, you sneak fuck!![]()
Hell yes.
Go into Rumble with a fireteam, and be in a party chat, so that you can organise a spot to meet up in and bash the FUCK are you supposed to get 25 kills with a heavy ammo limited melee weapon in a game where every single person has a shotgun?
how the FUCK are you supposed to get 25 kills with a heavy ammo limited melee weapon in a game where every single person has a shotgun?
Perfectionist only gives back ammo on kills. The black spindle/black hammer perk procs on hits, not kills. So black spindle is good for high DPS against ultras and bosses, perfectionist perk weapons are for use against small mobs and enemies.
Anyone up for Nightfall? It stomped me this morning with Strider, hoping to get a full team that needs to run it.
Anyone up for Nightfall? It stomped me this morning with Strider, hoping to get a full team that needs to run it.
Hell yes.
Hell yes.
Guys, earlier today I decrypted 4 exotic engrams with 303 light and they came with 310 light. Now I just decrypted 2 engrams and they came 290.
how the FUCK are you supposed to get 25 kills with a heavy ammo limited melee weapon in a game where every single person has a shotgun?
Two raids. We started blind last Friday,If this was all from one raid then please tell me how to get your luck.
Anyone wanna do Oryx?
Anyone wanna do Oryx?
Not gonna bother with 3oC after this week unless Bungie sorts out whatever is going on with exotic engrams.
6 engrams found, 5 duplicates I already had.
Don't know why I bothered trying to do it legit, should have cheesed all of it xD
Game will not stop giving me Crest of Alpha Lupis.
I lost my spot in my friends' group and now blueberries are creeping on me in the Tower so I'm gonna take a break now. But if you want to do Oryx I'm down for that. A few other people had posted earlier but I didn't hear much back so not sure who all is still looking to do it.
Yea. No one in our group from last night posted about it so I assume we won't get back together for it now. Wanna join me for quick daily?
Two raids. We started blind last Friday,got through Warpriest and Golgoroth, then started again with the reset this Tuesday, got to Oryx on Wednesday, and beat him tonight.