About grouping upOnce a person grabs the spark, he is supposed to jump into the bubble of one of the sisters (the one not on fire) and press Square. He then is supposed to immediately run back to the stairs/entrance and meet you guys there, then you all shoot the unprotected sister.
About grouping up
I feel like my team was the only team so far who actually used the small platforms right underneath the deathsinger's platform to stand and shoot the other deathsinger.
We've done it several times in the correct order, but no one could pick it up. I haven't been the one between dimensions yet, but nobody else knew what to do once they got to the spark.
that actually sounds easier, good shit.
If you zone out two zones away and come back you can get a new instance. I did that a few times until I got into one with a couple randoms and then after running a couple tier 1s sent them party invites. Each of us invited more people to our fireteams and the 9 man fireteam was born. Makes the tier 3s a joke as long as most if not all players are 290+. Screenlag gets pretty bad though, particularly when one of the tier 1 or 2s runs with the three wizards.how does matchmaking for court of oryx work? i'm trying to do court of oryx bounty where i have to finish off antiquated rune boss in under 2 minutes and i have been sitting here for ages(currently not in a fireteam) and no other player has popped up. i heard it supports 9 players but since you can't go into the dreadnaught with a fireteam of 6 what is the point of supporting that many?
1 spot for CoO. join party chat on me or drizzay
Is it weird that I like that gunsmith test Hakke auto rifle? Thing kicks like a mule but feels real, meaty.
1 spot for CoO. join party chat on me or drizzay
Well we made it toin about 7 hours with an hour break going in blindDeathsingers
Thanks to Azys, g3ud0, pyrandes, SJay1994, and Xplicit. That was a fucking blast
how does matchmaking for court of oryx work? i'm trying to do court of oryx bounty where i have to finish off antiquated rune boss in under 2 minutes and i have been sitting here for ages(currently not in a fireteam) and no other player has popped up. i heard it supports 9 players but since you can't go into the dreadnaught with a fireteam of 6 what is the point of supporting that many?
Finally found an elimination match after 30 minutes.
Asshole on my team decides to AFK after we were 3 rounds leading.
Comes back just as the other team smashes us on the 5th round.
Fucking randoms make my blood boil.
ThatWell we made it toin about 7 hours with an hour break going in blindDeathsingers
Thanks to Azys, g3ud0, pyrandes, SJay1994, and Xplicit. That was a fucking blast
Back tosometime today.Oryx
Yup, plus another 30 to level it up.
Yep, long ass Reddit thread reports the same https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyThe...o_not_use_the_firefly_perk_on_the_future_war/
The grinding with all the quests and getting all characters up to speed finally caught up with me last night and I hit the proverbial brick wall mentally and physically, all the flashing etc atwas the tipping pointthe sisters
A good nights sleep and I'm ready to go again :d Just need to finish the post story quests to get the sword and NF on my Titan, 2x Court quests, 25 pvp kills on one character for the exotic sword then grind out Hadium flakes and materials for 3 of them, finish collecting fragments/flakes for the ToM then I think i'm up to speed
About grouping up
I feel like my team was the only team so far who actually used the small platforms right underneath the deathsinger's platform to stand and shoot the other deathsinger.
I kept going back to orbit and back down again to get in a new instance and hope there are more players around. Players that have played Crota raid before... Wasted some time yesterday with people who had no idea what to do in it.
Wait a minute, you can not move reciprocal runes between characters?
I pointed it out to my teams but the warlocks cried that it takes too long to get up there so whateverAbout grouping up
I feel like my team was the only team so far who actually used the small platforms right underneath the deathsinger's platform to stand and shoot the other deathsinger.
Wait a minute, you can not move reciprocal runes between characters?
Only problem starting fresh on a different console. I now have almost zero weapon parts/motes/coins. I miss being rich
I accidently deleted my weapon parts while levelling up gear with motes of light. It sucks now being able to upgrade stuff because you're missing weapon parts![]()
Need 2 for Oryx trying to beat this thing.
PSN: Alpha-Perro
Ouch. That would hurt. I just hate having to be careful about what I upgrade or infuse because constantly broke.
Never ceases to amaze me how people from LFG etc can die so often in basic content.
I'll help you, PSN Jignxs
I'm still not sure if I'm using 3oC correctly. Is it used at the start of each Strike?
I'm still not sure if I'm using 3oC correctly. Is it used at the start of each Strike?