Any raiding going down? Got all my characters to raid status. Need an Oryx kill and 2 full clears
Yeah join party chat.
Any raiding going down? Got all my characters to raid status. Need an Oryx kill and 2 full clears
Any raiding going down? Got all my characters to raid status. Need an Oryx kill and 2 full clears
Let's put a team together for Oryx. We already have 3 - you, Marvel and me
I'm in, mocolos_usa.Let's put a team together for Oryx. We already have 3 - you, Marvel and me
Oryx kill
1. Toasty ?
2. Macello
3. Hzoltan969
Marvel, how much time do you need?
Oryx kill
1. Toasty ?
2. Macello
3. Hzoltan969
4. Mocolos_usa
Marvel, how much time do you need?
Void kills was super easy for hunters though. Awake the hive, grenades and poison gas, tethered shared damage all count. I did all the kills in one sitting.HOLY SHIT THE EXOTIC SWORD QUEST IS ATROCIOUS AND FUCKING BORING AND SHIT AND MY GOD WHO DESIGNED THIS PIECE OF CRAP?! - deoee after spending 3 hours for the material gathering and trying to get the solar kills as a Hunter.
Need 1 more for fresh KF run this morning.
1. DirtyAquaticApe
2. LiquidsV2
3. Bitsurugi
4. OkayRene
5. Ps_flocki
Starting soon
SameI need ankill too.Oryx
Need 1 more, starting from sisters then a fresh run
Ill join
OkSorry someone comeback from afking
Oryx kill
1. Toasty ?
2. Macello
3. Hzoltan969
4. Mocolos_usa
Marvel, how much time do you need?
Oryx kill
1. Toasty ?
2. Macello
3. Hzoltan969
4. Mocolos_usa
Marvel, how much time do you need?
I can hop in right now if still room. PSN Raptor2525
Fuck. Forgot I had it on invite only due to farming stuff yesterday. Should be open now for anyone to hop in for daily.
Three for three on Kingslayer shell on all classes first try.![]()
Three for three on Kingslayer shell on all classes first try.![]()
Another raid virgin here, currently at around 265 light with Titan. Once I was in a VoG raid with ppl who had finished it zillion times before, so it wasn't super fun when everyone except me knew what to to. So if anyone here who wants to do blind raids add me on psn GimmeCat (I am at gmt +2).
Would love to run a blind raid with other's who haven't done it before, sometime late afternoon/earlier evening. I've got a 290-293(depending on what gear I go with) Warlock with all subclasses maxed. If anyone is interested, would be great to try and get something together. Can send me a PM or a message on PSN (PSN: FamousLastX) if I don't see or reply to your post in the thread since I'm at work currently. Really dont know anything about the raid and want to keep it that way, since I feel that's the best way to experience it.
HOLY SHIT THE EXOTIC SWORD QUEST IS ATROCIOUS AND FUCKING BORING AND SHIT AND MY GOD WHO DESIGNED THIS PIECE OF CRAP?! - deoee after spending 3 hours for the material gathering and trying to get the solar kills as a Hunter.
stop gloating
i only have 2
This DO scout is so good. Favorite legendary weapon of the new expansion so far.
Hey guys! How's your day like? Mine has been shitty so far. Spent a few hours in the hospital last night. My clumsy self tripped down a flight of stairs after my movie date night with the gf. Nothing broken or anything thankfully. Can't place my right foot down though. Ankle swelled up to the size of a baseball (a bit of an exaggeration there but it was fucking swollen). Have to keep my foot elevated for a few days.
So anyway, need to beat Oryx on my Warlock. Just Oryx. Did everything else on Thursday.
Looking for a team for just Oryx on PS4. Much prefer folks who have already beaten him and know the mechanics. Don't really want to spend hours on him. Also, at least 1 Titan.
1. namikaze1