Psn has died for me.
Well looks like I won't be getting Touch of Malice anytime soon, I am on 41/50 fragments on my main...Destiny tracker shows me I am on 46/50 because I have taken 5 more of them on my other characters...but I don't know which ones. That leaves me with trying for the other remaining 4 fragments so as to get the gun.
The problem is that the ones that I can still check as missing on Destiny tracker are all undiscovered fragments with no video.
So fuck it.
You became a kingslayer for such little rewards as that?
A metric craptonne of Moldering Shards, the Fusion Rifle, and the Boots so far.How is everyone's raid going?
I'll be at home in 5hours and ready to do at least 1 raid.
You spoke to soon.310 zhallo from primary engram from gorgoroth
raid redeemed
What time(zone)?
Looking for a raid myself. Probably around 9 Germany time.
I'll be up for one arround that time, 299 warlock. Need dem fragments!!
Guys! GUYS!
Is Bungie getting rid of burns in the primary slot altogether?
I mean the Raid weapons,obviously have no burn (at least so far)
but going through my exotics I realize there is also no burn to be found.
Say it aint so!![]()
It's infusionfodder for the supercell with arcGuys! GUYS!
Is Bungie getting rid of burns in the primary slot altogether?
I mean the Raid weapons,obviously have no burn (at least so far)
but going through my exotics I realize there is also no burn to be found.
Say it aint so!
hit me up when the time comes.
This hunt for the Sleeper is getting ridicilous. Really. Check out Reddit. Not a day goes by that someone isn't posting about the damn thing.
I really love that Bungie has "hidden" Exotics. But this tinfoil hat shit is getting out of control.
Speaking of Exotics ... Why do I have the feeling that MOST Exotics wont arrive untill Trials of Osiris or Hard Mode Oryx? There's so much stuff in TTK video's that haven't been found yet. I've got this gut feeling we wont even see these Exotics. Gotta keep something behind for DLC eh?
So far there's only a handful of TTK Exotics that are actually worthy. I'm pretty disappointed in most of them .
Hammerdin for daysI found this really amusing for some reason lmao
So what's this hammer glitch now?
I found this really amusing for some reason lmao
So what's this hammer glitch now?
This I need to do todayFor this weeks Tier 3 Court of Oryx:
Balwur (you get a grim card & fragment) will put you at 47/50 fragments if you've collected them since day 1 of TTK
- Once Balwur spawns, parts of the ground will turn to that green poison shit.
- Go right underneath the portal, there will be a safe zone with a light buff you get by standing next to
- Clear adds, wait for buff to fully charge
- Go into the middle, and start DPS (telesto & heavy MG works great)
- Go back to under the portal, get buff, clear adds, DPS Balwur again
- Rinse & Repeat
So anyone up for 3 Nightfalls? Starting now. PSN is namikaze1.
Fair punishment for not answering my question i guess.
That is far to amusing. So good
Oops, missed it.
Group is full but I'll get you in if we have a drop out. I hope that's ok![]()
3 weeks of raid
do you have other armor raid?
People were using this broken crap in pvp.
lol doing some dirt in the crucible before work. Lord Shaxx would be proud.
So anyone up for 3 Nightfalls? Starting now. PSN is namikaze1.
Raid loot spoiler:Piston pumping secret chest can drop exotic weapons. Unstable just got a 290 Invective.