I'm down for T3CoO
Ill send a request
I'm down for T3CoO
Ill send a request
It's been known for over a week that chest drops exotics and that Oryx can drop an exotic if you have 20+ shards. Don't know what the big deal is all of a sudden. Y'all are late on the news. Igordennis confirmed the chest dropping exotics and my group had two get exotics from Oryx last week.
I have 18 shards from my last raidhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kre8fWaMQjM
raid chest exotic drop confirmed, with proof
also oryx drops exotic (NOT engram) only if you have20+ shards.
Because we all need those 12 Strange Coins.
It's all RNG. Like everything else.Sometimes he takes the 20 shards and seems to give nothing in return![]()
It's been known for over a week that chest drops exotics and that Oryx can drop an exotic if you have 20+ shards. Don't know what the big deal is all of a sudden. Y'all are late on the news. Igordennis confirmed the chest dropping exotics and my group had two get exotics from Oryx last week.
You Get strange coins out the ads for just playing. I went from 0 to 63 in a week doing no nightfall.
no one posted proof that's all
I mentioned it here before. No need to post proof. Hell, Igordennis mentioned his countless time when folks kept saying no exotics drop from the chest. People just ignored him. Afro and Zocano even mentioned their drops just minutes after beating Oryx.no one posted proof that's all
Ill send a request
Think I'm gonna infuse my Suros with my Raid auto rifle. That thing is just bad.
Last time I saw this kind of video being posted, it was attached with a "guy probably just used the app to transfer himself an exotic while opening up the chest" comment.Videos were posted on Reddit on week 1 of the raid.
Hung jury ate mine
Still have my DestinyGAF clan tag, need in on that community
Sometimes he takes the 20 shards and seems to give nothing in return![]()
There is no exotic chest.
Haven't heard anyone getting an exotic to drop from Oryx either.
Had two people from my raid group Tuesday get exotics from Oryx. Though they both had 20+ Mouldering Shards on them.
Direct drop.
It was Afro and another gaffer that got the exotics.
Someone in our raid group got an exotic from the jumping puzzle chest.
I already posted a lot of times that the chest on thecan give exotics. I got one from there, a suros regime.piston puzzle
Odds seems to be pretty low though.
Cleared the raid with Nami, Math, Figs, Zocano, and JustGotWicked.Golgorath is still tricky and I don't have it down just yet as someone who grabs the gaze. Also, Touch of Malice almost killed me in that fight. I always lose count on how many shots I have left before it starts eating my health. When shooting, I don't focus on the ammo count if it's a weird number or a gun that's not a scout or handcannon
Raid Fusion Rifle
2nd pair of boots
It's so fitting considering how much I love being a Stormcaller.
Also, check it: I'm now in the 300 club!
Raid Question;
At the totems, I know you have to complete 10 cycles to open the door. But what is actually being counted? Is it the number of times you clear the deathsinger thing after you hand off the shield? or the number of times you hand over the shield?
Sure it'll be fine mateHeads up for my raid group, BT are outside my house and have managed to disconnect my internet lol. Hopefully I can get back online in time.
The stacks from deathsinger you bring back and time you stay on the platform with stack-
Damn.Well goddamn. Finally got it.
Guess I'll go back to pledging FWC on this character.
Had 2 people getting an exotic drop from chest on week 1 and 3 on week2.
Thought it was clear that it can drop exotics, it was also mentioned on reddit by several people.
That said, i don't mind people to say some things multiple times, as it might not be common knowledge to everyone.
And dear RNG, pretty please, give me ANY exotic, ANYWHERE, week2 and still no exotic in NF/chests or anywhere![]()
Heads up for my raid group, BT are outside my house and have managed to disconnect my internet lol. Hopefully I can get back online in time.
Thanks for the CoO runs guys, its NF time now, anyone for NF?
Some people just refused to believe even after we had gaffers here get exotics from the chest over the past two weeks.i dont understand why people are saying that the chest does not drops exotics, two times in kings fall, two times i saw one guy get it, one red death and one hawkmoon
Psn KeanBurke.Thanks for the CoO runs guys, its NF time now, anyone for NF?
the Crucible Quest line is still ongoing for me, I hope to have it down for the next reset, it seems to never end, now I have to do kills with specific primary weapon types to appease Gunsmith lol. Thank God special weapons are not included or else this one never end
Thanks for the CoO runs guys, its NF time now, anyone for NF?