It won't repeat because it's not even close to true anymore.
The difference between 309 and 310 is nothing like 29 vs 30 in the Hard Vault.
Once you get past a certain light level, say 305, every single exotic engram you decrypt and every piece of Raid or ToO gear that drops for you should be 310, because fuck being stuck at 309 and getting constant 290 and 300 drops, Bungie surely don't want a repeat of the "Forever 29" meme, do they?
Once your over 300 you have a 50/50 chance for an engram to decode as 310 or 290. There is no 300 possibility. And a 50/50 chance is very good. If it's a 310 keep it or infuse it. If it's a 290 cup then it gives you an exotic shard to use for infusion later on...
Anyone doing a NF?
Need it on my hunterrrrr
Once your over 300 you have a 50/50 chance for an engram to decode as 310 or 290. There is no 300 possibility. And a 50/50 chance is very good. If it's a 310 keep it or infuse it. If it's a 290 cup then it gives you an exotic shard to use for infusion later on...
I haven't gotten a single 310 from an engram =/
Lol with Blueberries? You'd be lucky if random's use ANY weapon that is the right burn for the Nightfall![]()
Yes, we are indeed fabulous
wait nightfall has matchmaking now?
You mute the Destiny in-game music and instead play this at all times, right?
Yes, we are indeed fabulous
Anyone wanna help me kill the shield brothers with shotguns?
Still looking for members for the shield brother strike once ive done this NF. Its 290 strike.
Kind of a strange question, I picked up TTK Legendary Edition today, brand new Destiny player on PS4 - kind of excited. PSN is expired. Should I be able to rock it solo offline for a while and wait for a $39.99 PSN deal (they come along every few weeks it seems) or will I have a miserable time trying to play solo and offline? Keep in mind I have literally 0 friends with a PS4 so it'd be only pugs.
Once you get past a certain light level, say 305, every single exotic engram you decrypt and every piece of Raid or ToO gear that drops for you should be 310, because fuck being stuck at 309 and getting constant 290 and 300 drops, Bungie surely don't want a repeat of the "Forever 29" meme, do they?
Want to raid with us later? I think we have a spot open. We will be raiding in two hours.I need a raid group
300 Titan
Hire me
Are we doing anything for when PSN 3.0 launches tomorrow? There is already a GAF Community in the beta right?
Does it work well?
Kind of a strange question, I picked up TTK Legendary Edition today, brand new Destiny player on PS4 - kind of excited. PSN is expired. Should I be able to rock it solo offline for a while and wait for a $39.99 PSN deal (they come along every few weeks it seems) or will I have a miserable time trying to play solo and offline? Keep in mind I have literally 0 friends with a PS4 so it'd be only pugs.
The Forever 29 meme isn't an apt comparison at all. And everytime someone stretches to trying to make it, I shake my head.
Raid final boss isn't 310 (so you aren't pushing against something you can't attain), and so there's no meaningful progression content above 300 for you right now so being 307 or 308 in week 2 doesn't really matter in terms of power (vertical) progression.
The max Light value for content currently in the game is 300, once you've crossed that threshold, you can climb all of the mountains currently on your horizon.
Don't think you can do any of the activities with matchmaking without PS+.
We are at Warpriest...Anyone starting up a new raid? I'm down to clown. PSN: ultrajari
join anytime, no worries
Sticking this here again:
Are there any PS4 players that have any interest in a night time weekly reset raid? My thoughts were starting around 10pm EST. I have one friend who would join who isn’t on Gaf, so would need 4 people. If we had a few people who wanted to be alts that would be good too, just in case people dropped out. Sign-up sheet below. (Ideally this could become a weekly adventure)
1. Ichabod00 (me)
2. Ichabod00's friend
3. PerilousInJ
4. UndoneBahamut
5. blackhawk2914
The Forever 29 meme isn't an apt comparison at all. And everytime someone stretches to trying to make it, I shake my head.
Raid final boss isn't 310 (so you aren't pushing against something you can't attain), and so there's no meaningful progression content above 300 for you right now so being 307 or 308 in week 2 doesn't really matter in terms of power (vertical) progression.
The max Light value for content currently in the game is 300, once you've crossed that threshold, you can climb all of the mountains currently on your horizon.
Why was I not invited to this photo op?
It has matchmaking, fyi. And it's gotten many of us through the quest, especially since it doesn't have to be all shotgun damage.
Why don't shaders affect marks and cloaks anymore?
This is terrible! Half of the Hunter cloaks are neon green, which doesn't go with anything. Sure my Ruin Wings change color, but you know what's even bigger and more noticeable? My dumb mark that's periwinkle blue.
I would hands down, no regrets, no hesitation give up exotic shading to get back mark/cloak shading. Easily the worst part of TTK.
I'd rather not fight over kill with blueberries.
The Forever 29 meme isn't an apt comparison at all. And everytime someone stretches to trying to make it, I shake my head.
Raid final boss isn't 310 (so you aren't pushing against something you can't attain), and so there's no meaningful progression content above 300 for you right now so being 307 or 308 in week 2 doesn't really matter in terms of power (vertical) progression.
The max Light value for content currently in the game is 300, once you've crossed that threshold, you can climb all of the mountains currently on your horizon.
9 man what?
Damn I need that calcified fragment too for ToM. guess Ill have to find a group later tonight
if a spot opens up let me know please, I need that calcified fragment. I have 2 antiquated runes.
The Forever 29 meme isn't an apt comparison at all. And everytime someone stretches to trying to make it, I shake my head.
Raid final boss isn't 310 (so you aren't pushing against something you can't attain), and so there's no meaningful progression content above 300 for you right now so being 307 or 308 in week 2 doesn't really matter in terms of power (vertical) progression.
The max Light value for content currently in the game is 300, once you've crossed that threshold, you can climb all of the mountains currently on your horizon.
Yeah, falls under the understanding partner category lol.
It's strange: Destiny is the only game where it feels like "falling behind" even though our progress gets reset on major expansions.
Kinda crazy to think about.
I will.
PSN AdamKoy
Haven't touched it this week yet, but Sunsinger was ace in Mayhem (with Radiant Skin, no need to self revive here) and I usually prefer Voidwalker.Void walker definitely isn't as good compared to these new sub classes. At least in mayhem.
Whole team gets the credit. I didn't have last shot on either brother. Just made sure I did shotgun damage to both at some point in the fight. It's a welcome change from trying to do Thorn after everyone else already had it and no one wanted to do a slog of a strike waiting for 10 minutes for an add.
easiest way to kill 50 majors for the sword quest?