Was just listening to a post GDC episode where Luke was talking about visiting Blizzard and telling them he was a Scarab Lord. It was funny, because now someone can visit Bungie and tell Luke all of their raid/Destiny accomplishments.
1UP Yours was so good. Still my favorite podcast of all time.
I will probably never detail investment and reward systems, but "smart loot" isn't the right term (I think this is the first time I've even said it, and it shouldn't have ever been used because it sets a bunch of expectations in ways the game simply isn't going to meet) and it isn't a catch-all for every piece of gear that drops.
As for your anecdotal evidence re: Raid Drops. Yep, some people got lucky some people didn't.
Exotic Engrams don't have a lot they can roll from (e.g. Hunter chests), so you're going to naturally see more duplicates. Most of the new weapons are found through quests, not through Exotics or Three of Coin Engrams.
- What I will say is, if you got a helmet in the first or second week, luck was truly on your side.
Is Fear's Embrace hard to solo?
Wheres the guy that comes every tuesday that takes strange coins?
Wheres the guy that comes every tuesday that takes strange coins?
I will probably never detail investment and reward systems, but "smart loot" isn't the right term (I think this is the first time I've even said it, and it shouldn't have ever been used because it sets a bunch of expectations in ways the game simply isn't going to meet) and it isn't a catch-all for every piece of gear that drops.
As for your anecdotal evidence re: Raid Drops. Yep, some people got lucky some people didn't.
Exotic Engrams don't have a lot they can roll from (e.g. Hunter chests), so you're going to naturally see more duplicates. Most of the new weapons are found through quests, not through Exotics or Three of Coin Engrams.
- What I will say is, if you got a helmet in the first or second week, luck was truly on your side.
Easy to infuse with 310 exotic helms, be glad you have it!Got a raid helm last night. Felt lucky, until I saw that it rolled 300.![]()
Screw this game!
After getting a damn rune drop from the nightfall, the entire raid gave me nothing but duplicates all of which were 300 and no ghost again...
That's 0 progress on my hunter for a week >.>
Wheres the guy that comes every tuesday that takes strange coins?
I'm not going to speak for Luke, but speaking for me, yes.
Yeah that's an easy fix. I need my Cloud Walker cloak back badly.
I will probably never detail investment and reward systems, but "smart loot" isn't the right term (I think this is the first time I've even said it, and it shouldn't have ever been used because it sets a bunch of expectations in ways the game simply isn't going to meet) and it isn't a catch-all for every piece of gear that drops.
As for your anecdotal evidence re: Raid Drops. Yep, some people got lucky some people didn't.
Exotic Engrams don't have a lot they can roll from (e.g. Hunter chests), so you're going to naturally see more duplicates. Most of the new weapons are found through quests, not through Exotics or Three of Coin Engrams.
- What I will say is, if you got a helmet in the first or second week, luck was truly on your side.
I will probably never detail investment and reward systems, but "smart loot" isn't the right term (I think this is the first time I've even said it, and it shouldn't have ever been used because it sets a bunch of expectations in ways the game simply isn't going to meet) and it isn't a catch-all for every piece of gear that drops.
As for your anecdotal evidence re: Raid Drops. Yep, some people got lucky some people didn't.
Exotic Engrams don't have a lot they can roll from (e.g. Hunter chests), so you're going to naturally see more duplicates. Most of the new weapons are found through quests, not through Exotics or Three of Coin Engrams.
- What I will say is, if you got a helmet in the first or second week, luck was truly on your side.
Did it work? D:
Screw this game!
After getting a damn rune drop from the nightfall, the entire raid gave me nothing but duplicates all of which were 300 and no ghost again...
That's 0 progress on my hunter for a week >.>
Another pulse, chest, and cloak.
Oh and shards. Lots and lots of shards.
Not one thing I didn't already have.
Trying again on my alt, but not holding my breathe. I'll just be happy with the boots at least.
Oh I don't know. If anyone sees it in his inventory please put up a hawk signal.Won't the Speaker eventually sell Cloud Walker at 280 light? I don't think he has had it up for sale yet since TTK dropped but his wares rotate every week.
We absolutely love the new quest system and getting exotics through them, so thanks for that. But going back to bungie's twitch stream few months ago, we were told that when we get a piece of gear, there would be lower chances of getting that drop the next time.
Since raid is the only activity (as of now) to get any gear over 300, it's a little disheartening to get the same piece of armor on all 3 characters back to back weeks.
We love the new infusion system and reduced grinding (exotic sword quest excluded).
The heroic version for the sword or the regular one you get for the Taken Wars Mars questline? I haven't tried the heroic version yet but the regular one was easy for me solo. Just stay in the entryway for the boss fight, pick off adds, and take pot shots at the boss. Took me a couple tries but that was it.
We absolutely love the new quest system and getting exotics through them, so thanks for that. But going back to bungie's twitch stream few months ago, we were told that when we get a piece of gear, there would be lower chances of getting that drop the next time.
Since raid is the only activity (as of now) to get any gear over 300, it's a little disheartening to get the same piece of armor on all 3 characters back to back weeks.
To be honest I don't mind getting duplicates from raid armour.I will probably never detail investment and reward systems, but "smart loot" isn't the right term (I think this is the first time I've even said it, and it shouldn't have ever been used because it sets a bunch of expectations in ways the game simply isn't going to meet) and it isn't a catch-all for every piece of gear that drops.
As for your anecdotal evidence re: Raid Drops. Yep, some people got lucky some people didn't.
Exotic Engrams don't have a lot they can roll from (e.g. Hunter chests), so you're going to naturally see more duplicates. Most of the new weapons are found through quests, not through Exotics or Three of Coin Engrams.
- What I will say is, if you got a helmet in the first or second week, luck was truly on your side.
So if all my characters are 300+ in the second week, why isn't there a higher mountain top?
Why hold back hard mode which you say was designed first?
Why is there only one 310 artifact? Why do I need the raid ghost to roll 310 if I ever want to reach 310 light?
Why are cosmetic items such as cloaks only allow me to use legendary cloaks to be at the appropriate light level? What's the harm in letting all cosmetic items be infused to 310?
Sorry for all the questions, but your post doesn't sit right with me. Obviously people are going to want to hit 310 and the ghost shell is going to be what keeps me forever 309 without RNG because its the only avenue and there is no guaranteed 310 ghost available.
Another pulse, chest, and cloak.
Oh and shards. Lots and lots of shards.
Not one thing I didn't already have.
Trying again on my alt, but not holding my breathe. I'll just be happy with the boots at least.
Oh I don't know. If anyone sees it in his inventory please put up a hawk signal.
The Forever 29 meme isn't an apt comparison at all. And everytime someone stretches to trying to make it, I shake my head.
Raid final boss isn't 310 (so you aren't pushing against something you can't attain), and so there's no meaningful progression content above 300 for you right now so being 307 or 308 in week 2 doesn't really matter in terms of power (vertical) progression.
The max Light value for content currently in the game is 300, once you've crossed that threshold, you can climb all of the mountains currently on your horizon.
Are they really dups? I mean, neither of you are mentioning perks or stats. And do you have nothing that you prefer more that you could feed the dups to?
Just the regular one for now. Thanks!
I, subjectively, like the parceling out of content. Both for progression pacing aspect, but also for longevity. If the HM was released with the NM raid, and people were done with it, we'd already be hearing "what do we do now?!" and "FFS, Bungie, it's only been out 2 weeks, and I've done everything. Sure it took me 80 hours, but why wasn't there more to do?!". I'm not saying YOU personally would say stuff like that, but it'd be out there.
There is a higher mountaintop; it just isn't released yet (hard raid).
I doubt Luke or Bungie will comment on why the HM raid wasn't released, but I'd wager that even though some people were "ready" for a HM raid on week 2, 99.99% of the playerbase wasn't/isnt. Having that out there and doable, and hearing about the uber-elite actually doing it fosters the "I'm behind" feeling and flies in the face of the "Destiny shouldn't be a second job" philosophy.
I, subjectively, like the parceling out of content. Both for progression pacing aspect, but also for longevity. If the HM was released with the NM raid, and people were done with it, we'd already be hearing "what do we do now?!" and "FFS, Bungie, it's only been out 2 weeks, and I've done everything. Sure it took me 80 hours, but why wasn't there more to do?!". I'm not saying YOU personally would say stuff like that, but it'd be out there.
Lower chances, not 0 chances. Just bad luck. It's only been 2-3 clears per character, so far.
Well it triggered the next stepso it should have yeahi think![]()
I also think that as a community, we don't understand the impacts that light and level have on damage output/input. The raid ends at 300 light, but the enemies are also level 42. The Spindle encounter is tough, but is light 240, but level 41. We've already maxed our level, so the only thing we can go after now is light.
It is a sea change from past raids. For Crota Hard, you had to get to 32. For Skolas, get to 34. People see 310 and think they need to get there before the Hard Raid comes, and since we don't know when that is, it imparts a sense of urgency.
I think what you're getting at is that we should stop chasing 310 so emphatically and instead focus on getting 300+ with a more ideal setup rather than an hodgepodge assortment of perks and stats that befits a clown. With that mindset, getting a 300 ghost when you already have one isn't bad, because it's infusion fuel to get a ghost with better stats up to high light. Horizontal progression, particularly for the raid, is totally new for us. And welcome.
Got my 6th Alpha Lupi for my Titan yesterday.
1) Etheric Light. Save us from this mat!
That is all
And yes. I wish raid gear/weapons dropped at a 301 minimum instead of 300. But maybe that's being a little nitpicky.
Oh I don't know. If anyone sees it in his inventory please put up a hawk signal.
What quest was that all about? ^^
Want to raid with us later? I think we have a spot open. We will be raiding in two hours.
To be honest I don't mind getting duplicates from raid armour.
The only downside to the raid which I've seen is the fact you can get 300 defense or attack values. I have blue armour which are at the same value or at 298/299. It just leaves a bit of a sour taste to go through the raid and be rewarded with armour which won't increase your light level.
If the minimum value started at 302 then you would at least see that small leap in light / progression.
Apart from that though I really have loved everything you've done with Year 2 destiny! Having exotics tied to quests is a brilliant idea and gives you a sense of earning that said weapon. Love the strike specific exclusive armour pieces too! Still after the void flare cloak for my hunter! Have both the arc and solar ones already!
the chaperone questline. I just need to wait for next reset i think to acquire it.
Anyone up for forming a raid tonight at, say, 7 pm eastern?
Many of you guys are the 1% of the 1% in terms of power progression. I think sometimes folks lose sight of that.
Ghost slot concerns me, too. I'll dig into it when I'm back at the office.
Here's what I'm doing (on all three of my characters):
My Gearing Goal:
Trying to get armor pieces with ideal stats/talents and crucially, visuals. If I can make a Raid piece work visually, great, otherwise, I'm using them as Infusion sources.
Slot Talent goals (prioritized):
Head: 1. Orbs trigger shield regen 2. inverse shadow equiv
Gloves: 1. scout rifle reloader
Chest: 1. Bonus Armor for X Subclass 2. Sniper Ammo 3. Scout Ammo
Boots: 1. HMG ammor 2. Sniper Ammo
For my Nightstalker, I'm trying to keep Str at 300 and everything else in Int because I want high uptime on Vanish or Smoke grenade, depending on what I pick.
Saw some dude in the Tower last night before bed with Int/Str Bog Wild, Scout/Sniper and Void Armor. Hunter was a Bladedancer and didn't know what found gold looks like.
For Strikes my Sunbreaker is 300 Str, but I want to start to build a different stat kit for Raiding because Melting point doesn't (for my roles within the group) have the usage, so it's kind of wasted stat points.
And all of this, I think it goes without saying (but I'll say it anyway), is just for my own obsessive perfection on my characters. The game isn't balanced around this, I just want my kits set up well. >_<
Ghost slot concerns me, too. I'll dig into it when I'm back at the office.