Many of you guys are the 1% of the 1% in terms of power progression. I think sometimes folks lose sight of that.
Ghost slot concerns me, too. I'll dig into it when I'm back at the office.
Here's what I'm doing (on all three of my characters):
My Gearing Goal:
Trying to get armor pieces with ideal stats/talents and crucially, visuals. If I can make a Raid piece work visually, great, otherwise, I'm using them as Infusion sources.
Slot Talent goals (prioritized):
Head: 1. Orbs trigger shield regen 2. inverse shadow equiv
Gloves: 1. scout rifle reloader
Chest: 1. Bonus Armor for X Subclass 2. Sniper Ammo 3. Scout Ammo
Boots: 1. HMG ammor 2. Sniper Ammo
For my Nightstalker, I'm trying to keep Str at 300 and everything else in Int because I want high uptime on Vanish or Smoke grenade, depending on what I pick.
Saw some dude in the Tower last night before bed with Int/Str Bog Wild, Scout/Sniper and Void Armor. Hunter was a Bladedancer and didn't know what found gold looks like.
For Strikes my Sunbreaker is 300 Str, but I want to start to build a different stat kit for Raiding because Melting point doesn't (for my roles within the group) have the usage, so it's kind of wasted stat points.
And all of this, I think it goes without saying (but I'll say it anyway), is just for my own obsessive perfection on my characters. The game isn't balanced around this, I just want my kits set up well. >_<
Not stealth edit: I agree it's frustrating getting a Raid piece at 300, esp when you can roll yahtzee and get a 300 blue. I'll add that to my To-discuss list.