|OT♦33| The 1% of the 1%
I just started mine. You can join on me. Psn gunawi.I can go, 292 Titan. Shiv2099 on PSN
Maybe it's Destiny's version of the "take a break" screen. Turns out it's actually smart ass loot.That's where I'm at, though I do totally sympathize w/ DJRuth. getting the same drop 3 weeks in a row, and on all 3 characters, is some astronomically bad luck.
Indeed. Before the raid launched I figured that Melting Point would be the most valuable and powerful ability for bosses, however, it's just not feasible to use when chances are you're going to get smashed by either the boss itself or adds, etc. I understand the risk/reward intention but the risk is too high, making it something I rarely ever get to use in the raid or even some Strikes.
Instead, Nightstalkers give the same effect as Melting Point but from range at zero risk.
Any 'guide' to get 2 or more fireteam together on coo? Or it is just 'luck'?
Any 'guide' to get 2 or more fireteam together on coo? Or it is just 'luck'?
I just wanna stop getting Gauntlets. But yeah I'm chill.1% complain about system designed to reward you over time instead of the amount of time you play #1%problems
Friends get a ton of cool shit and you always get shards
i know that feel
1. Walk instead of run into CoO so matchmaking has time to workAny 'guide' to get 2 or more fireteam together on coo? Or it is just 'luck'?
Many of you guys are the 1% of the 1% in terms of power progression. I think sometimes folks lose sight of that.
Ghost slot concerns me, too. I'll dig into it when I'm back at the office.
Here's what I'm doing (on all three of my characters):
My Gearing Goal:
Trying to get armor pieces with ideal stats/talents and crucially, visuals. If I can make a Raid piece work visually, great, otherwise, I'm using them as Infusion sources.
Slot Talent goals (prioritized):
Head: 1. Orbs trigger shield regen 2. inverse shadow equiv
Gloves: 1. scout rifle reloader
Chest: 1. Bonus Armor for X Subclass 2. Sniper Ammo 3. Scout Ammo
Boots: 1. HMG ammor 2. Sniper Ammo
For my Nightstalker, I'm trying to keep Str at 300 and everything else in Int because I want high uptime on Vanish or Smoke grenade, depending on what I pick.
Saw some dude in the Tower last night before bed with Int/Str Bog Wild, Scout/Sniper and Void Armor. Hunter was a Bladedancer and didn't know what found gold looks like.
For Strikes my Sunbreaker is 300 Str, but I want to start to build a different stat kit for Raiding because Melting point doesn't (for my roles within the group) have the usage, so it's kind of wasted stat points.
And all of this, I think it goes without saying (but I'll say it anyway), is just for my own obsessive perfection on my characters. The game isn't balanced around this, I just want my kits set up well. >_<
Not stealth edit: I agree it's frustrating getting a Raid piece at 300, esp when you can roll yahtzee and get a 300 blue. I'll add that to my To-discuss list.
Any 'guide' to get 2 or more fireteam together on coo? Or it is just 'luck'?
Undying Mind as Nightfall is ungodly difficult. I think I might just skip this week's nightfall.
This shit is ridiculous.
My luck is exactly the same. But there's only one hunter exotic chest, and I think it must be weighted toward exotics in your class... it's the only thing I get.Luck smuck. I made a fucking graph (that may or may not be 100% accurate, I'm not very good at math)
There are 11 exotic chest pieces in year 2. The last 8 chest engrams that I have decrypted have all been Alpha Lupis. The chances of that?
Look at where that 8 is.
Near impossible.
There's no way my luck is that bad. There's no ANYONE's luck is that bad.
I don't mean to be dismissive here but it means the people who had bad luck had bad luck. Some people also had good luck. I see people complaining on this page about their progression being stymied in their current scenario despite already having acquired a full raid armor set on a single character.
I think for most people, statistically speaking, they'll have had average luck. Not perfect, not horrible. Such that it's barely worth posting about, know what I mean?
I don't think I made any posts about my armor drops. On my Hunter I got just the cloak. On my Titan I got the boots and chest. On either character I can now hit a maximum of 299. But I know that if I melted my Titan's armor into my lower-level Hunter counterparts he'd break 300... I just don't feel a pressing need to do that. I'm just going to keep raiding; my Warlock is almost ready now as well and it's rather obvious to me from my runs so far that it's simply not necessary for me to break the 300 mark as soon as technically possible to be successful.
And I mean on that last note, please, bring on the duplicates. I need at least one of each raid piece for the nonsensical collector in me, but I really don't like any of them at all. I have pleeeeeenty of stuff I want to infuse up to 300+, though.
XDLuck smuck. I made a fucking graph (that may or may not be 100% accurate, I'm not very good at math)
There are 11 exotic chest pieces in year 2. The last 8 chest engrams that I have decrypted have all been Alpha Lupis. The chances of that?
Look at where that 8 is.
Near impossible.
There's no way my luck is that bad. There's no way ANYONE's luck is that bad. I call bug.
Destiny |OT♦33| The 1% of the 1%
Undying Mind as Nightfall is ungodly difficult. I think I might just skip this week's nightfall.
This shit is ridiculous.
Hey Luke, I was listening to the interview you had and I was given a bit a flak for assuming this on here and wanted to be sure of it. Do you have any estimates of how much of the Destiny community abused the re-roll feature? I was under the assumption that only a small percentage of Destiny players had enough (an over abundance) of the endgame currency to re-roll for god weapons in Crucible and that people complaining about the issues were playing in pvp modes with a high concentration of that small percentage (skirmish, trials, elimination etc.)
My luck is exactly the same. But there's only one hunter exotic chest, and I think it must be weighted toward exotics in your class... it's the only thing I get.
Assuming you're a Titan:Luck smuck. I made a fucking graph (that may or may not be 100% accurate, I'm not very good at math)
There are 11 exotic chest pieces in year 2. The last 8 chest engrams that I have decrypted have all been Alpha Lupis. The chances of that?
Look at where that 8 is.
Near impossible.
There's no way my luck is that bad. There's no way ANYONE's luck is that bad. I call bug.
Assuming you're a Titan:
There's a 66% chance it'll roll for your own class. And Alpha Lupi is the only possible option.
The remaining 33% of the time you'll either get a Hunter piece (100% of it being the other Alpha Lupi) or a Warlock piece (4 possible options).
So your linear 1/11 odds don't match the current reality of Engram loot table possibilities. The remaining pieces will come from other sources, or the same sources at a later time as far as we can tell.
I'm not sure of the validity of this, but it looks like there is only 1 Exotic Chest for Hunter/Titan. smuck. I made a fucking graph (that may or may not be 100% accurate, I'm not very good at math)
There are 11 exotic chest pieces in year 2. The last 8 chest engrams that I have decrypted have all been Alpha Lupis. The chances of that?
Look at where that 8 is.
Near impossible.
There's no way my luck is that bad. There's no way ANYONE's luck is that bad. I call bug.
Nope. I got 4 Alpha Lupis in a row on my Warlock.
Sorry about your pack of Wolves.
Absolutely non. Hate math. Seems like Ocean has you tho.perhaps you can spotcheck my graph. I don know how much merit that name of yours holds.
Also, Luke, if you could give whomever was in charge of the exotic sword quest a stern talking to. Perhaps, make them farm Spinmetal for 4 hours or so.
That is all.
Assuming you're a Titan:
There's a 66% chance it'll roll for your own class. And Alpha Lupi is the only possible option.
The remaining 33% of the time you'll either get a Hunter piece (100% of it being the other Alpha Lupi) or a Warlock piece (4 possible options).
So your linear 1/11 odds don't match the current reality of Engram loot table possibilities. The remaining pieces will come from other sources, or the same sources at a later time as far as we can tell.
I'm not sure of the validity of this, but it looks like there is only 1 Exotic Chest for Hunter/Titan.
I talked about this yesterday on Gaming side too, but the chances of decrypting an exotic tied to your class is higher than another class. So as a hunter/titan you can expect a hunter/titan piece. The problem is, there is only one rollable chest on hunter/titan and that's Crest of Alpha Lupi. Did anyone else get any other chest as a hunter/titan when farming Draksis that one weekend? It looks like some exotics are tied to nightfalls/drops now too.
I'm 99% of 99% sure Twilight Garrison is still locked, and that video is beta footage of it.
This. This right here. I'm not sure a stern talking to is enough...
I also think that as a community, we don't understand the impacts that light and level have on damage output/input. The raid ends at 300 light, but the enemies are also level 42. The Spindle encounter is tough, but is light 240, but level 41. We've already maxed our level, so the only thing we can go after now is light.
It is a sea change from past raids. For Crota Hard, you had to get to 32. For Skolas, get to 34. People see 310 and think they need to get there before the Hard Raid comes, and since we don't know when that is, it imparts a sense of urgency.
I think what you're getting at is that we should stop chasing 310 so emphatically and instead focus on getting 300+ with a more ideal setup rather than an hodgepodge assortment of perks and stats that befits a clown. With that mindset, getting a 300 ghost when you already have one isn't bad, because it's infusion fuel to get a ghost with better stats up to high light. Horizontal progression, particularly for the raid, is totally new for us. And welcome.
Many of you guys are the 1% of the 1% in terms of power progression. I think sometimes folks lose sight of that.
Ghost slot concerns me, too. I'll dig into it when I'm back at the office.
Here's what I'm doing (on all three of my characters):
My Gearing Goal:
Trying to get armor pieces with ideal stats/talents and crucially, visuals. If I can make a Raid piece work visually, great, otherwise, I'm using them as Infusion sources.
Slot Talent goals (prioritized):
Head: 1. Orbs trigger shield regen 2. inverse shadow equiv
Gloves: 1. scout rifle reloader
Chest: 1. Bonus Armor for X Subclass 2. Sniper Ammo 3. Scout Ammo
Boots: 1. HMG ammor 2. Sniper Ammo
For my Nightstalker, I'm trying to keep Str at 300 and everything else in Int because I want high uptime on Vanish or Smoke grenade, depending on what I pick.
Saw some dude in the Tower last night before bed with Int/Str Bog Wild, Scout/Sniper and Void Armor. Hunter was a Bladedancer and didn't know what found gold looks like.
For Strikes my Sunbreaker is 300 Str, but I want to start to build a different stat kit for Raiding because Melting point doesn't (for my roles within the group) have the usage, so it's kind of wasted stat points.
And all of this, I think it goes without saying (but I'll say it anyway), is just for my own obsessive perfection on my characters. The game isn't balanced around this, I just want my kits set up well. >_<
Not stealth edit: I agree it's frustrating getting a Raid piece at 300, esp when you can roll yahtzee and get a 300 blue. I'll add that to my To-discuss list.
I didn't know bout the 66% per your class thing.
Also, I wasn't aware that Lupi was the only Titan chest piece. Bungie's site is wrong then? Armamentarium
has anyone gotten anything good from a nightfall yet?
seems like its better to just play anything else and use 3 of coins
I got a 310 Truth and a 290 Zhalo earlier.has anyone gotten anything good from a nightfall yet?
seems like its better to just play anything else and use 3 of coins
A water boarding, perhaps?
Now that I'm thinking about it, why the hell is it the only exotic hunter chest??
I didn't know bout the 66% per your class thing.
Also, I wasn't aware that Lupi was the only Titan chest piece. Bungie's site is wrong then? Armamentarium
you linked me to a droppable engram list. Just noticed that.
fuck all. fuck these lupis. I can't hold them all.
I got a 310 Truth and a 290 Zhalo earlier.
Although I must admit the loot table has lowered in quality in Year 2 for the NF.
Too far lol. Say, something between a stern talking to and waterboarding. Perhaps make them sit through an unskippable vanilla cutscene whenever then go to the tower...