Tomorrow, the PS4 will be getting an update with community features to allow for large groups to engage with each other.
This feature was tested during the 3.00 firmware Beta, and has shown its self to be quite promising. Currently for the Beta testers, all community functions are offline, and no pre-planning/purging can occur. When the update goes live, I will most likely make a new group for Destiny Gaf to join.
To join, you will need some form of identification to be allowed to join. Most that post regularly I expect to have no issues getting in, but for those new, or less inclined to post/friend with others will be asked to PM a Mod, or myself for passage.
PM's should reflect your needs in the subject, and your PSN should be in the message for confirmation.
An example of a proper PM may look something like this.
Requesting DGAF Community Invite said:
Your Gaf name is not going to be needed obviously, but please put your PSN at least.
Also, we will not be accepting friends of Gaffers for now, only DGaf members.
This may change if enough people wish for it. For now, it will be locked.
Any questions regarding Mod status, or anything else, feel free to PM me here, or on PSN: GutZ31