and ill add to it with this post. and to keep it on topic.
doing any raids tonight?
It was a self ban? Why? If its not inappropiate to ask that is.
It's clearly not intended that way. I guess we'll find out when paradox is the daily.
1. me
2. Frostburn
3. Ozone
4. Darryl
5. Manic
6. kreepmode
Okay, that's 6. We will start 7 pm EST (a few minutes late is fine, kreep). My PSN is Tigerheli. If we aren't already friends, please add me. Id' add you but I'm still at work!
ummm yeah maybe. Did my usual 3 this morning but if I'm around I could definitely help with another run or two.
I really need to finish my exotic sword quest (6 more fancy planetary materials and the Strike...) and I'd like to finish my Armsday weapons before tomorrow but otherwise I didn't have any gaming plans tonight.
Lots of people do it when they want to focus on real-life stuff. Fairly common from what I've seen honestly.
Whoops! A third already joined up! Sorry, man. If you need anything in the future though, I owe you one.
Was in the Tower where someone was talking to Rahool.
xX7yP1c4LN4M3Xx found Twilight Garrison
Armsday should be on reset too. It seems weird to have everything else roll over but not get to play with your new weapons.
How did people even find out about that Paradox Ghost thing?
It's such absurd steps you have to take![]()
Got in on the hung jury hype now just whether to get that to 310 or the supercell, decisions, decisions.
How did people even find out about that Paradox Ghost thing?
It's such absurd steps you have to take![]()
ummm yeah maybe. Did my usual 3 this morning but if I'm around I could definitely help with another run or two.
I really need to finish my exotic sword quest (6 more fancy planetary materials and the Strike...) and I'd like to finish my Armsday weapons before tomorrow but otherwise I didn't have any gaming plans tonight.
Lots of people do it when they want to focus on real-life stuff. Fairly common from what I've seen honestly.
I've got a lot of marks to spend. Any suggestions, aside from Hung Jury?
Need 1 more for nightfall, currently at boss. Any takers?
I'll hop in on my Titan. Lemme transfer weapons super quick.
At least for now I've really enjoyed having an extra day to get stuff done (like the exotic sword and the Armsday weapons). Lots of people probably finish this stuff earlier in the week but I don't spend much time just grinding out these sorts of things.
4 places left for fresh raid psn v1br4t1ons
Need 1 for a fresh raid. Somewhat time-constrained so as long as you've done the raid before, we should be good.
Anyone for NightFall Ps4?
PSN: Ocelott
I'm down for it.
Also down. Completed it twice.
I'll join whoever is doing a fresh run and needs 1.
I've got a lot of marks to spend. Any suggestions, aside from Hung Jury?
I'll join haven't done any yet. No mic
Psn rc213
Well once people figured it out me and 2 other Gaffers went in a got it.
Sadly Bungie seems to avoid answering if getting it this way is intended or not.
Psn?I'm down for it.
Also down. Completed it twice.
I'll join whoever is doing a fresh run and needs 1.
So I went level 5 to 40 playing PVP only. I've only just hit 40 and have 200 light. What do I do now?
So I went level 5 to 40 playing PVP only. I've only just hit 40 and have 200 light. What do I do now?
Need 1 for a fresh raid. Somewhat time-constrained so as long as you've done the raid before, we should be good.
Whtas your psnI'm down as well.
You poor soul.
200 marks again. I guess I'm gonna buy a Y2 version of Bad Juju, because why not.
You probably want to get the planetary materials done today so you don't have to wait a whole week since armsday is tomorrow. I'm currently waiting on him so I can do the strike.
It is helpful for quests but I'm not sure if I really care for having to wait for a questline to advance in the first place. It's kinda anti climatic to do some difficult and exciting quest only to have to wait a week to pick up your reward.
Down to just 5 ToC
So I went level 5 to 40 playing PVP only. I've only just hit 40 and have 200 light. What do I do now?
You poor soul.
You can only get one charge a day on the agnorach rune, right?