Nightfall a 270 some Answering Chord...everyone else 310 exotics haha
I usually fair really well. Since TTK I have had terrible RNG.
Gotten the hand cannon 4 times and each one has been lower rated than the last. So it went 307 305 302 300. No scout or pulse yet.
Smart loot my ass.
Just found out that mayhem is the way to go for ability kills while doing the sword quest. 15% in one match!
Anybody on PS4 interested in Nightfall? Hit me up, PSN is Azys_
Edit: That Top of the page hype baby
It was good for the class emblem and Chaperone bounties too. I got the golden gun multikills and Chaperone done in four or five games.Just found out that mayhem is the way to go for ability kills while doing the sword quest. 15% in one match!
Hey I am gonna send you a pm quickly.S M A R T L O O T B O Y Z
Hey DestinyGAF, I've been posting in the Taken King thread but thought I'd come on over. I want to attempt the Blighted Coven quest but I am bad at videogames and wouldn't mind a hand. Anyone interested?
Yeah was a really smooth run. MVP is Frost since he was much better at explaining things than merunner up mvp is frost's wife for not killing him.
Hey DestinyGAF, I've been posting in the Taken King thread but thought I'd come on over. I want to attempt the Blighted Coven quest but I am bad at videogames and wouldn't mind a hand. Anyone interested?
K.Hey I am gonna send you a pm quickly.
Need one more for Golgoroth on Xbox One. Be 290 plus.
I deleted my hunter to make another Titan so I can have a male titan to accompany my ladybecause bungie is terrible and won't make super crazy bulky armor like the men get.
Got my Touch of Malice today is it good for anything other than the raid?
Complete sword quest on 1 character -> transfer unupgraded swords from alts onto said character -> upgrade them on that character -> Shaxx will give you the material/ability kill farm step for the other swords
Sure PSN? my PSN is the same as my GAF name.
Add GutZ31 if you are on PS4.
I will be on shortly to give you a hand.
SentNeed one more were atall above 295 with one new guy, actually need twosisters
Psn rarbusto
how is Black Spindle worth an exotic slot? the 1000 Stare sniper is better with a 4 mag, same perks
When you say "unupgraded swords" do you mean non infused?
YeahWhen you say "unupgraded swords" do you mean non infused?
When you say "unupgraded swords" do you mean non infused?
Yes.When you say "unupgraded swords" do you mean non infused?
It'll be a cold day in hell when I shed a tear for hunters.
I've spent the past five hours of my life mastering the art of Hammer animation breaking.
The result? Hammer Time!
This completely breaks the game and is going to be patch.
(That doesn't stop it from being awesome)
PS, You're a jerk if you do this in PvP. Don't be a jerk.
I've spent the past five hours of my life mastering the art of Hammer animation breaking.
The result? Hammer Time!
This completely breaks the game and is going to be patch.
(That doesn't stop it from being awesome)
PS, You're a jerk if you do this in PvP. Don't be a jerk.
How in the hell did you do that?!?
You can infuse them, just can't have all the nodes filled.
No, please don't discuss how to do it on a public forum.
AAHHH I think i'm going to give in and finally get the taken king. After the whole taken king pricing fiasco I didn't want to give bungie my money. :S