My psn is the210 Can I join
Sorry. Had two other people hop in before you posted.
My psn is the210 Can I join
I'm going to do one last NF.
Literally strange coins, 11 each for my first two. NF is the new heroic weekly.
And the heroic strike playlist is a huge waste of time.
Doesn't it drop more legendarys ?And the heroic strike playlist is a huge waste of time.
3 oryx kills, 60 shards redeemed, 0 weapons. What a joke.
I can help if I'm not doing it with Boom.
I'm going to assume we are no longer in spoiler mode, but to be safe I'm still going to put it in spoil.
3 oryx kills, 60 shards redeemed, 0 weapons. What a joke.
Why would we assume this when it's still in the title?
I would, but have to sleep.Can someone please help with Fear's Embrace? I'm at the boss.
PSN LordNimon
Completing the Court of Oryx is also worth a 300 artifact.How can I get a better Artifact? I feel like mine is holding me back.
I'm light 266, all my weapons are exactly around that level and all my armor is 280-290, but my artifact is 230 or whatever. Every engram I drop is around 250-260 and I can't really increase my level all that effectively.
where did it drop for you? Strikes or Heroic Strikes?
Yeah bro, Im just getting shards but you should have gotten a weapon by now.
Nightfall is a pain in the fucking ass this week.
And now I have to wait another week before I can even try it again. So dumb. It'll be week 4 before I even get the scout rifle or hand cannon, and that's if I get lucky.
Nightfall is a pain in the fucking ass this week.
This, so much. Last week I got put into a rumble game where the top dude had 2200 score. I obviously didn't win.There should be 0 chance of the game putting me in a match that's on a losing team when it costs me points to start games on a bounty.
That's just plain bullshit.
You should make a second character during that week. Then you can run the raid twice. Twice the loot.
Anyone want to team up for 2 crucible matches so I can finish these weekly crucible bounties? I don't care what game mode.
How long do you have? I am fine with waiting till maomaoIYP gets online..Anyone want to team up for 2 crucible matches so I can finish these weekly crucible bounties? I don't care what game mode.
And how long till you get off work?I don't want to sound mean, but I hope I you don't find anyone so that I can join you for this bounty when I get off work.Joking, obviously
I don't want to sound mean, but I hope I you don't find anyone so that I can join you for this bounty when I get off work.Joking, obviously
How long do you have? I am fine with waiting till maomaoIYP gets online..
And how long till you get off work?
You fiend! We can team up when you get on. I need to do some heroic strikes anyways.
Looking to do a raid or nightfall run. Anyone?
It's 1.20 pm here, don't wait for me. I have 4 hours to go. I was kidding, I'll try to find some dudes who need help with their shaxx quest wins for my fireteam bounty when I get home.
So, my return to Phobos to complete my ToM questline is upon me. Anyone want to go with? That quest sucked the first time around, I can't imagine it's any more fun this time.
Yeah. This plus The Impossible Machine gauntlets look amazing. It's the first time I'm not jealous of other classes for having all the cool looking shit.Best Warlock Helmet or Best Warlock Helmet?
Oh boy. I'll probably be asleep by then since it's 10:30pm where I'm at![]()
Oh boy. I'll probably be asleep by then since it's 10:30pm where I'm at![]()
Join up with iRawr, he'll help you out! I'll check the thread when I get home to see if anyone needs help.
Exotic sword grind done, never again. People who did it for 3 times, take a bow.
Yeah I'll see if he's still interested after I finish this strike.