Fuck man.
I also noticed that when I used the Worm Rune, a 'The enemy is moving against each other..' event got cancelled out immediately.
Like I said.. different subsystems. One is changing a background formula. One is tied into the animation subsystem, which are historically a bit more complicated to change around while avoiding breaking something else in the process.
The patches also have to hitch a ride on whatever current build is in progress, and it's a waste of manpower and can cause even more breakage if you try to hotshot a separate patch in. So say a patch is being built, it may be too late to get in that patch but it'll be scheduled into the next one.
A good example is that the quickest vault expansion was just a few slots, but they were able to substantially increase the vault space by re-writing the whole UI, which was more prudent to roll into the TTK client update than a mid-cycle one.
True enough, it was just an observation though >_> I know how hard it is to make code play nice and work with each other when dispatched quickly.