Firefly or unflinching for the gunsmith sniper?
Firefly, most definitely.
Firefly or unflinching for the gunsmith sniper?
Hi trance. You are alteady on my fl from last year![]()
I have 306 one now. Unfortantly this is a hard lesson to learn about making sure your shit is locked.RIP Flashbang Sorry Maff :/
Who needs an exotic sword? I have to run it again on my Titan.
I feel the patch today is for the sunbreaker hammer exploit fix, not the spindle fix. Guess we'll find out.
What is everyone dumping their 310 Spindle infusion into? Trying to decide if I should go up to 310 with my 1000 Yard Stare or something else....already have a 310 Telesto...
I must've missed it, there is a patch today?
I feel the patch today is for the sunbreaker hammer exploit fix, not the spindle fix. Guess we'll find out.
I like itHereafter is a good gun what
I finally saw this in action playing Mayhem Clash yesterday. Needless to say, he/she did quite well on the scoreboard.I feel the patch today is for the sunbreaker hammer exploit fix, not the spindle fix. Guess we'll find out.
People that already have the spindle are going for it again? Omg , that's crazy.
I need to do the void one, 297 if the nerf spindle, 298 if not hunter lol
Edit: Just updating ps4 be on in a few mins
I feel the patch today is for the sunbreaker hammer exploit fix, not the spindle fix. Guess we'll find out.
The 1% stay 1%ing
Already got someone, sorry. I'll have to get off after this, but if you're still looking later I can help.
Anybody prepared to help me and my brother get the black spindle? We are a warlock and a hunter and struggling bad298 and 291...
I feel the patch today is for the sunbreaker hammer exploit fix, not the spindle fix. Guess we'll find out.
I can join, never did it.
Psn is kiguel183. I'm 290.
Spindle Group 5 complete. RexNovis and Kyofu are next.
I love it, thanks! I especially love how smug Papyrus looks. I made an avatar change at the best possible time. Gonna have to add it to my Twitch info later today.
I liked it
Looked cool with an intresting perk.
Ugh. Just 150 rep points away from Ace of Spades.
I need #4 to drop for my Hunter dammit. I need those 200 rep points.
So who's handling the DestinyGAF community? Or better question, who do I ask for an invite?
It's difficult as hell manI think we need someone with a bubble and helm, not to mention a sword.
So who's handling the DestinyGAF community? Or better question, who do I ask for an invite?
GutZ31 or iRAWRasaurusSo who's handling the DestinyGAF community? Or better question, who do I ask for an invite?
So who's handling the DestinyGAF community? Or better question, who do I ask for an invite?
It's difficult as hell manI think we need someone with a bubble and helm, not to mention a sword.
Good lord, would that be a first? Game breaking patch before loot patch? The Bungie love would pour through this thread.
I don't see it happening, but I challenge them to prove me wrong.
1000 Yard stare.
The Spindle nerf isn't really goning to effect me at all as I was using it. No reason to use my exotic slot in special when I have a solar legendary sniper that's this good.
Bubble is not good for the spindle mission. Better go go sunbreaker and blow shit up.
You simply have to focus the right targets and stay alive while doing it.
Ball > adds > boss
I had to restart my Playstation so it could download 3.0 correctly. Rest mode is worthless
I had to restart my Playstation so it could download 3.0 correctly. Rest mode is worthless
I had to restart my Playstation so it could download 3.0 correctly. Rest mode is worthless