Can I an invite to any Dgaf communities?
PSN: goldenmegazx
Region: NA
PSN: goldenmegazx
Region: NA
How do you do the hammer glitch? I kept trying last night and I couldn't produce the constant hammer throws...
Yeah, not singling out anyone, but as someone who has friends who complain about not being able to get high level gear, I'm not seeing how folks avoid Court of Oryx.
Is it confusing? I guess it can be, but it's honestly a giant slot machine that takes in runes you find.
My 1% may be showing, but when I saw some of my friends do Skolas the other day for gear, I shook my head.
/end rant
I dont guess anyone is raiding huh? Everyone seems to be going for the Spindle
My 1% may be showing, but when I saw some of my friends do Skolas the other day for gear, I shook my head.
Wait why on earth
Yeah, not singling out anyone, but as someone who has friends who complain about not being able to get high level gear, I'm not seeing how folks avoid Court of Oryx.
Is it confusing? I guess it can be, but it's honestly a giant slot machine that takes in runes you find.
My 1% may be showing, but when I saw some of my friends do Skolas the other day for gear, I shook my head.
/end rant
I shit you not. I have no clue. I didn't say a thing about it to them either. Instead I took the to the court. AFAIK, they haven't done court since. I think the only time they do court is when I take them, which confuses me.
I heard Skolas goes down in mere seconds now. Though I'm not sure what the point is.
sooo randoms are a nono for this sealing the blade quest anyone else doing the void sword could help me pls...
aint no way ill kill them within 30 seconds with randoms...
psn ne0ism-
Really? Fucking really? Randoms fucking left. It's fucking Taniks dammit!
Someone join in and help me out with this strike.
It's okay, only 1% of RL friends play this game. No feelings hurt.I shit you not. I have no clue. I didn't say a thing about it to them either. Instead I took the to the court. AFAIK, they haven't done court since. I think the only time they do court is when I take them, which confuses me.
Really? Fucking really? Randoms fucking left. It's fucking Taniks dammit!
Someone join in and help me out with this strike.
sooo randoms are a nono for this sealing the blade quest anyone else doing the void sword could help me pls...
aint no way ill kill them within 30 seconds with randoms...
psn ne0ism-
How come nobody ever told me Ace of Spades has the Last Word spin animation? Literally just flipped a shit when I was testing it out in patrol and it happened.
Well, there are also people elsewhere in the GAF sphere that insist they have no method of grouping with people in this game without matchmaking, no matter how many times DGAF people beg them to just post here in community. You can bring a horse to water...
Is there a trophy? I never did finish off Skolas. Maybe I'll put together a kill crew of my irl mates and go dust him, spit on his corpse.
Really? Fucking really? Randoms fucking left. It's fucking Taniks dammit!
Someone join in and help me out with this strike.
Anyone that did multiple swords on one toon do the final mission yet? Needs to be done once for all swords? Separate times depending on how many swords you have?
How anyone can play the strike playlist and think matchmaking is the answer to their raid problems....
4 hours trying for Black Spindle. We failed. Leaving it this week.
How anyone can play the strike playlist and think matchmaking is the answer to their raid problems....
Yeah, not singling out anyone, but as someone who has friends who complain about not being able to get high level gear, I'm not seeing how folks avoid Court of Oryx.
Is it confusing? I guess it can be, but it's honestly a giant slot machine that takes in runes you find.
My 1% may be showing, but when I saw some of my friends do Skolas the other day for gear, I shook my head.
/end rant
How anyone can play the strike playlist and think matchmaking is the answer to their raid problems....
How anyone can play the strike playlist and think matchmaking is the answer to their raid problems....
I shit you not. I have no clue. I didn't say a thing about it to them either. Instead I took the to the court. AFAIK, they haven't done court since. I think the only time they do court is when I take them, which confuses me.
It is so odd seeing all the HoW/PoE content on the Reddit weekly update threads too. I took a Destiny break right before HoW launched and only played the HoW content the weekend before TTK just to get that silly triumphs emblem (I also wanted to at least experience PoE as intended before we all over level it with TTK). It was incredibly underwhelming when it was that most recent content and "best weapons." Now with TTK, why on earth would anyone set foot in that arena other than boardem or maybe some quick strange coins? All the gear is 170 tops right? And unless your buddies are some PvP elites where some HoW gear still has some crazy perks for a PvP min/max build, I don't think you need to feel 1% for shaking your head at that. Like...just run vanguard playlists , you don't even need to understand CoO to know that PoE is not where you gear up for TTK. I got more blue and purple engrams in the vanguard playlist last night in 4 strikes than I did in 20 pre-TTK.
is it really that difficult? I have yet to try to get it
Spindle been nerfed or na?
Yes.Probably been answered, but the thread is too fast...
If I'm using black spindle on a character who hasn't had one drop yet, will it still drop during the daily?
How anyone can play the strike playlist and think matchmaking is the answer to their raid problems....
I guess I could use the spare Praedyth's I have.If you have old legendary snipers from Y1 those count for like 5 rares. Dismantle away. Well, I should say ANY legendary will count, but I used those.
5 minutes of CoO tells you that matchmaking is an absolute horrible idea for raids.
5 minutes of CoO tells you that matchmaking is an absolute horrible idea for raids.