Rollo Tomasi
Would it? If there's no year 2 version of Thorn and ToO remains level dependent, I don't see how Thorn will stand up against 280-310 armor and weapons.
Ooh yeah...didnt think about that.
Would it? If there's no year 2 version of Thorn and ToO remains level dependent, I don't see how Thorn will stand up against 280-310 armor and weapons.
Would it? If there's no year 2 version of Thorn and ToO remains level dependent, I don't see how Thorn will stand up against 280-310 armor and weapons.
I have a feeling Thorn will make its triumphant return once ToO is back.
I want to know patch notes.
The anticipation is killing me.
Yoooo, there's still a chest that can be farmed for Hadium Flakes. It's a bit more to run, but still close enough.
The room just to the left of The Founts area. If a chest spawns in there, open it, run to The Founts, come back and it should still be there.
Sad. 10 years since Serenity
im down but we should wait til the patch is out..
psn ne0ism-
I enjoy the pain.
I'm trying to surprise my son before he gets home from hockey tonight. I told him there was no way in hell I was doing the exotic sword quest line but in reality stayed up disturbingly late the last 2 nights to grind it out.
I'm on the last quest to kill the 3 Enemies(sealing the blade). Assuming this can be done in a group are there any kind souls who have done the quest and who would be available at 6pm est? My understanding is you need to be level 300.. But my hunter is only 294
Dunlop75 psn
Is a light level 290 doable for a first time Spindle run?
Would it? If there's no year 2 version of Thorn and ToO remains level dependent, I don't see how Thorn will stand up against 280-310 armor and weapons. Besides, equipping it will gimp a player severely in light.
10 years since Doctor Who came back as well. It's weird to me that there are people who are 20 now for whom Doctor Who being on TV is just how it is and not a miracle delivered directly onto me by the heavens.
TLR - The Wilderness Years suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucked.
In Destiny related talk. I charged the one rune that you have to kill a Taken major for every day of the week to charge. Finally. Is the battle connected to it hard or can I safely solo it on my own?
I get sad everytime I get a sidearm. Always think it's a handcannon at first lol
yep, this is why I think the pvp-dropped and armsday weapons are going to be important. Assuming of course that the level scaling will be similar to IB/Trials have in the past.
Someone who lands a decent stable pulse rifle rolled with headseeker and radar is going to have a significant advantage if they infuse it up to 310. I know I've found a few house of wolves weapons in year 2 form during crucible - I've got a spare change and some other things with crap rolls.
Thing is I haven't found any shotguns of the 'felwinter' archetype in TTK. Most shotguns I've run across in pvp are either the old ones or quest rewards that everyone has.
I get sad everytime I get a sidearm. Always think it's a handcannon at first lol
Don't like sidearms (what is their purpose?) but kept the one with the silencer. Looks way cool!
Too soon.
I solo'd it with relative ease. Lots of adds spawn in the final bit but the room has a fair amount of cover. I'd save your super for said adds and use your nastiest guns on the "boss". If you are a Titan or Warlock, add clearing is pretty trivial.
I get sad everytime I get a sidearm. Always think it's a handcannon at first lol
I can't think of a reason to equip a sidearm over a shotty, sniper, or fusion depending on the situation... Maybe the sidearm police can explain.
The feels
There is a new Party Crasher dropping.
Yoooo, there's still a chest that can be farmed for Hadium Flakes. It's a bit more to run, but still close enough.
The room just to the left of The Founts area. If a chest spawns in there, open it, run to The Founts, come back and it should still be there. - The one with fewer hammers and more Strike rewards.
This basic piece of housekeeping fixes issues that shipped with The Taken King or were introduced by Update
Fixed an issue where Titan Sunbreakers could rapidly spam the Hammer of Sol attack
Fixed an issue where players were occasionally not getting loot when opening chests
Fixed an issue where players were not earning their rightfully-owed equipment from Valus Ta'aurc
99% of Trials/Iron Banner will be:
Primary: Some sort of Pulse RifleSpecial: 1000-Yard Stare /Conspiracy Theory DLyudmila-D for meHeavy: The VertigoI will probably be using The Chaperone
believe it.
Maaaan the arc exotic sword is fun as shit in pvp
Motherfuckers don't know about that destructo disc.
99% of Trials/Iron Banner will be:
Primary: Some sort of Pulse RifleSpecial: 1000-Yard Stare /Conspiracy Theory DLyudmila-D for meHeavy: The VertigoI will probably be using The Chaperone
believe it.
I'll be sure to save a little of the ol' Shazam magic for the end. Thanks for the tip.
Chaperone will be the new meta for ToO. Calling it. The range on that thing is ridiculous.