Makes sense. I didn't think they would put int he Spindle nerf the same day they had the daily going.
Wait, is this the patch?Fixed hammer of sol hack, occasionally not getting loot from chests, and Vlaus Ta'aurc bug. Spindle okay then?
I tried using it last night. What am I missing? Everytime I thought it was going to 1HK the person I shot had a SLIVER of health left. Teach me Lawd Puma.
Maaaan the arc exotic sword is fun as shit in pvp
Motherfuckers don't know about that destructo disc.
(Waves)Is it the spindle mission again? And I'm stuck at work for hours again. :/ always happens. I' sometimes wish I could have someone use my account lol
Nah, there was a bug in patrol that was introduced because of their hadium flake patch last week where looting too many chests on ANY planet would result in chests being empty. It was really annoying.Excellent - that was game breaking, though funny. Had no idea chests were glitched! That's where my raid weapons went!
Excellent - that was game breaking, though funny. Had no idea chests were glitched! That's where my raid weapons went!
That sounds good. That sounds real good.
It's a two-shot bodyshot kill and a one-shot precision kill. Just gotta aim for the dome.
I tried using it last night. What am I missing? Everytime I thought it was going to 1HK the person I shot had a SLIVER of health left. Teach me Lawd Puma.
exotic arc sword in unstoppable in pvp. destructo disc aoe that you can >aim< isn't even remotely fair. can't even block it either. it'll kill another sword's heavy ammo trying to maintain a block
Chaperone is a lot better than most people realize. You can't quite use it in the air the same way you use a Felwinter, but its waaaaaaaaaaaaaay faster and the perks for it make it ridiculous if you have any kind of skill with it.
I tried using it last night. What am I missing? Everytime I thought it was going to 1HK the person I shot had a SLIVER of health left. Teach me Lawd Puma.
I hope the patch notes include a slight buff to TLW.
Sob, cry, sniffle.
Please stop that Firefly feeltrain or I'm gonna cry... for real ;_;
RIP hammer time, it was fun while it lasted.
I don't actually have it. I was judging based off a video that was on reddit recently. Dude was getting OHKs outside of even Felwinter's range. It was sick.
Please stop that Firefly feeltrain or I'm gonna cry... for real ;_;
Nothing in the patch notes, did something change for you Unstable?
Fixed an issue where Titan Sunbreakers could rapidly spam the Hammer of Sol attack
Nah, there was a bug in patrol that was introduced because of their hadium flake patch last week where looting too many chests on ANY planet would result in chests being empty. It was really annoying.
Edit: Oh wow I just read that it did happen to some people with the raid chest as well. Well damn, good thing they fixed it. Sorry about your raid weapons
I can attest that all the raid chests I opened last night were glitched lol...RIP you dirty Titans.
Should I use my Spindle to infuse my Telesto or my 1000-Yard Stare or Tao Hua Yuan DGAF?
Rest in RIP Hammertime
it's in the air that it shines brightest. If you have any kind of handle on directional attacking then this thing is a fucking beast.
No stopping the train...
Your hammer now status:
Kiosk Spindle is still 300, wat
what do you mean Kiosk? Can we buy it?
I've been waiting on today (Armsday) to continue the quest for mine. How much do I have left?
I'd do the 1000-Yard Stare since you can get a 310 Talesto to drop. The only way to get 1000-YS to 310 is by infusion.Should I use my Spindle to infuse my Telesto or my 1000-Yard Stare or Tao Hua Yuan DGAF?