Yeah, the perk is noticeable against majors.Do the raid weapons do noticeable extra damage to Taken?
I have the scout, shotgun, and rocket launcher and would consider running all three to try to get theSpindleship
Yeah, the perk is noticeable against majors.Do the raid weapons do noticeable extra damage to Taken?
I have the scout, shotgun, and rocket launcher and would consider running all three to try to get theSpindleship
I could join too. Already on your friends list so I'm ready when you areAlways down. Myopic_mossberg on psn. Getting on now
Yep, adds are the priority. If you leave them alone to focus on the boss too much they will keep multiplying from the blights and the psions which replicate. Pick at the boss once the adds are clear then wipe out the next round, repeat until only the boss is left. He's very easy to kill by himself.
Gonna be trying for my Spindle(s) and, if successful, helping others until a bit before raiding time tonight.
Not exactly. The orbs cause enemies to respawn. So killing the orbs and then all adds, there won't be any more. But then the orbs respawn at certain triggers (either boss health or just timed). So you have to repeat.
invite me...
Gonna ignore the condescending post.
Forgot this happened the other day:
(raid spoiler) (seriously, when can we stop putting things behind spoiler bars?)
Lol! Whoops! Forgot I had the previous OT opened on my laptop. Didn't meant to post there.
I'm down.
Psn- LuckyDoobage
Invites coming.I'll do it.
PSN: RagnarokMB
Gonna ignore the condescending post.
Forgot this happened the other day:
(raid spoiler) (seriously, when can we stop putting things behind spoiler bars?)
Lol! Whoops! Forgot I had the previous OT opened on my laptop. Didn't meant to post there.
The gif aboveWhy isnt it locked lol
What did you post lol
Yeah, the perk is noticeable against majors.
I could join if you still want people.4v6 matchmaking yo.
Anyone for PvP on this page?
Cool, time to fill in some bubbles....Yeah, the perk is noticeable against majors.
I could join if you still want people.
You're not online???I'm down.
Psn- LuckyDoobage
I'm having trouble visualizing this strat. Let's get together tonight and you can show me.
Invites coming.
Gonna ignore the condescending post.
Empirical evidence
Alright cool be ready as soon as you finish the matchAwesome hop inWe just started a match ill back out after this.
(raid spoiler) (seriously, when can we stop putting things behind spoiler bars?).
Welp Just went thro a majority of the PMs and I received. There is a few left as of now. If you did PM me and did not get an invite, I will get the rest of you guys in a little bit. However if you do not get a invite from me in 3 days max, resend me a PM.
If you are still waiting for an invite or want to be accepted into the new Destiny GAF Community on PSN due to the new firmware, please spam me PMs with your GAF name and PSN name :3
I did not look over the thread so if you posted your info, I did miss it. Please PM me with your PSN name and GAF name.
It's the same psn community Gutz created and as of now there are only 3 mods. More will come along soon..
Chilling for now..tired..
edit: I need to re-read things when I copy, paste and edit it![]()
Anyone down for Spindle duty? About to start it now.
No idea, but I don't see why they would.Do raid weapons do extra damage on raid bosses as well?Oryx, daughters, etc.
How do you hit with hilt? Just attacking without ammo?
Grats guys, that was fun. I've got the jumping part down pat now, I'll have to run a different aspect next time so I'm not a one trick pony.Great run Jafku and co. Thanks for the helpSo satisfying nailing the mechanics. Very cool raid. Can't wait to see what Hard is like.
Thanks for the raid Jakfu and co.
310 Doom of Chelchis scout rifle with full auto perk![]()
Anyone down for Spindle duty? About to start it now.
Thanks for your advice, guys. Hoping my headache clears soon.
How does one obtain the ship?
No dice. Shit. Not about to try that again though, such a pain. Thanks for the run guys.
Alright cool be ready as soon as you finish the match
Solar Exotic get. I need Void and Arc now. I thought we had them all within 30 but too slow.
No dice. Shit. Not about to try that again though, such a pain. Thanks for the run guys.
Yup. I'll send you a friend request.
Nice one, grab colonel too, hes a visual person
I wish i had a vegetable name too
are you spindling?
I can help if you want. Already got all my swords, it's not too hard to kill all 3 knights and boss within 30 seconds.