So I've been doing some thinking about how PvP has changed for better and worse with 2.0 and felt like writing it up for you guys, so here we go.
So I took some time away to recollect my thoughts and settle back down into the game stress free. I've mentioned before that it felt as though I was being left behind despite having played the game daily, so I wanted to move at my own pace to find my perspective. I caught the quoted post above the other day and wanted to offer my point of view.
Managed to read both these posts. I agree with the bits on resource RNG farming again, I'm not a fan and I'm not entirely sure I will ever get the ToM because I can't give a fart about farming for flakes. I did manage to get all the stuff for 3 exotic swords reasonably fast, while blasting some 80s tunes to distract myself from the tedium.
I'm a big fan of PvP as well. I'm not too upset about the current weapon meta, or even the quests that need to be done in PvP. The game has been out for 2 weeks, players will inevitably be done with those shitty quests. But the fact remains is that there is no incentive for most players to play PvP outside of the daily and weekly playlist. I am assuming that Bungie thinks that the incentive for players to use year 2 equipment in crucible would be for rewards having a light level comparable to your light level, but the rewards are still way too random, and too few. If players can play strikes for guaranteed rewards, there's no need to play crucible at all. Rocket ammo in PvP has been nerfed considerably, and I'm sure swords will play a much bigger role. But until they realize that the reward for playing crucible is basically non-existent, myself and players who care about winning in crucible will stick to our year 1 hopscotch/matador/radegast fury.
Current weapon meta will be sorted out as time progresses, I'm just glad thorn/TLW/hawkmoon dominance is gone. They were overpowered, game breaking and boring. I feel that HCs are still viable, just not in the same way that we were used to in year 1.
That being said, I hated the Shaxx crucible quest because it was way too long for basically no reward. However now that I have unlocked his weekly bounties I'm enjoying crucible considerably more. The NF rewards are shit and I don't really care about those, but I like having to try and get 6 kills in a winning game with a weapon that I'm not used to. It gives me an incentive to hunt for, try out and test weapons and with different perk combinations. I find that entertaining, for now.