Cool, on standby.Just finished group 12... Sort of? Rehsa got booted at the last minute unfortunately, but I'll run him again.
You two are up.If Rehsa can't get his internet working then Sentient and FiraB are on stand-by.
PSN: FiraBud
Cool, on standby.Just finished group 12... Sort of? Rehsa got booted at the last minute unfortunately, but I'll run him again.
You two are up.If Rehsa can't get his internet working then Sentient and FiraB are on stand-by.
Yea sad part is im considering instead of wasting hours trying like last time so i can be done with it and eat some dinner and watch a movie with the wife.Again if i can tag along with anyone on spindle quest id appreciate it and i will help ahyway i can in return.
Psn is legendkilla3rd im on now just farming helium.
got spindle with 2:00 still remaining on the timer. Take that "gaf pros"...
anyway, anyone want to run a nightfall?
Yeah run them, it just cycles right now and won't connectJust finished group 12... Sort of? Rehsa got booted at the last minute unfortunately, but I'll run him again.
You two are up.If Rehsa can't get his internet working then Sentient and FiraB are on stand-by.
I'm not sure if it's even possible to balance a MP shooter of this nature, where the performance of you gun relies on your RNG drop perk.
The most they could really do is have all primaries be equally effective in different situations and remove the felwinters archetype from the game.
I don't understand how to kill enough adds. I'm 297. This should not be so challenging.
A friend at a similar light level dragged me through it. I think he had an exotic sword. I don't see how to beat this with 2 minutes left for the ship, though.
I'd be down for NF in like 15. Probably gonna stay off mic tonight though.
I have guns that I like but I'm not going to play PvP until the things I mentioned are change.
I need a NF as well. Psn rc213
Surely you'll give Trials a shot? That's what I'm most excited for.
I'm at light level 291(just found gear to break 290 XD), and am looking to finish the Void one as well. Will I make the cut?
Anyone for exotic sword strike? I'm going for solar
You're on the list man, don't worry. It'll be 3 or 4 runs from now though, but I'll get to you. So no one else panics I'll tell you who's on the list: Sentient, FiraB, SwordStruck, Wired All Wrong, FFMafia, Mass Appeal, NoHeDidn't, Rollo Tomasi, perineumlick, NoThru22, and VLEXP.
Back up now, ready wheneverYou're on the list man, don't worry. It'll be 3 or 4 runs from now though, but I'll get to you. So no one else panics I'll tell you who's on the list: Sentient, FiraB, SwordStruck, Wired All Wrong, FFMafia, Mass Appeal, NoHeDidn't, Rollo Tomasi, perineumlick, NoThru22, and VLEXP.
I'm inclined to agree, on top of the fact that it's going to be harder due to be scorecard-based matchmaking as well...Trials will be full of meta weapons so I'm steering clear of that.
Is it possible to get spindle in the 280s?
Ps4 PSN is SchryverrHey what console you on? Need solar too
I'd be down for NF in like 15. Probably gonna stay off mic tonight though.
One more for spindle? Psn rarbusto
One more for spindle? Psn rarbusto
Or team is giving it one more shot. If it doesn't happen and you still need a team, let me know.
Can I join? Hunter at 294. Hopefully my exotic sword will help.
I'm ready when you are... we just need to find one more.
Could use a hand with the Fear's Embrace mission, I can't seem to solo it, shouldn't be to difficult or time consuming with more than one person though, PS4 tag is strivedsoul01 (No mic)
PSN: ScareGoat
Can't use my mic at the moment
Trials will be full of meta weapons so I'm steering clear of that.
MindlogLooking for 3 more for a fresh raid.
PSN: Longhornbevo
I'm ready when you are... we just need to find one more.
I'm good to go. Shoot me an FR or invite or w/e. PSN: Kaiotheforsaken
Invite me VLEXPOk did the daily solo until I found the door, died once tho so it was closed. Ready to try this with a fireteam!
PSN kidklovius
I'm good to go. Shoot me an FR or invite or w/e. PSN: Kaiotheforsaken
PSN: ScareGoat
Can't use my mic at the moment