Hehe, I can't stop calling him Crota either.I appreciate it man but I'm not sure where to begin. I believe we have the wrong person running relic, first off, but he wouldn't take that well. I think it's best if we just split, unfortunately.
Otherwise, what's going wrong?Ogre's being forgotten, so the two floaters are fucking up somehow. Adds killing people while taking down the knight. Multiple people popping nighthawk despite that being called out and designated. Not enough DPS to flinch Crota every time without nighthawks, despite everyone having the right level/build/snipers. Feels like noone is using supers/generating orbs, but noone speaks up when this is brought up. People crossing paths during bombardment, getting each other killed, no fucking clue why. It feels like everytime we do get him to flinch and hit all four bombs, people die to adds on the way back to center or the bombs go off and don't do any damage. All in all, we suck as a group.
Thing is, it's not like one person is always to blame. I joined an LFG group the other night after we failed for hours, and they didn't have a runner, so I stepped up and we got it done in one try. Could I do this with my group? Take over as runner and expect everything to change? Doubtful, considering all the other problems we're having. I think we need to cut our losses and split at this point. Just frustrating. We've all gone flawless, killed Skolas, all of that. Something about this encounter.
Well, you did indeed describe just about every area of the fight, so I see where you're coming from in just wanting to pronounce the group dead.
I will mention three factors just in case
-Getting a Weapons of Light bubble up for every Doxology stagger? It gives you a lot more leeway than you have without it
-Dying on the way back from the bombs- not a big deal in normal mode at least. The bombardment phase lasts longer than 30 seconds so everyone will be able to be rezzed.
-Bombs going off and not doing any damage- Oryx MUST be shot again to some extent after the detonations to "lock in" the damage. I didn't notice this at all my first time killing him but actually tested it out during the second run.
-Dying on the way back from the bombs- not a big deal in normal mode at least. The bombardment phase lasts longer than 30 seconds so everyone will be able to be rezzed.
-Bombs going off and not doing any damage- Oryx MUST be shot again to some extent after the detonations to "lock in" the damage. I didn't notice this at all my first time killing him but actually tested it out during the second run.