What's the best place to farm Glimmer now?
Any fresh raids running?
still is normal GK.
thanks for the Black Spindle run, last night!![]()
At the end of the daily. Hop in.
Anyone have a normal GK checkpoint then? Really need to restock my Heavy Ammo Synths after burning through half of them last night on multiple Driviks kills. Plus I want to buy some Moldering Shards for extra Raid rewards tomorrow when my group does King's Fall.
Any fresh raids running?
Prepare for disappointment.
At the end of the daily. Hop in.
I'm also interested. Should we form a group and look for 3 more?Im interested.
I'm sure I will be, but I still like testing things out myself. Just going to farm Exclusion Zone in the meantime while waiting to see if anyone has a GK checkpoint.
I'm also interested. Should we form a group and look for 3 more?
edit: 2 more
That happened to me a few times. I was toldYesterday we nearly beat Oryx, and then, this happened..........
We'll bring him down today though!!!!! Everyone was seriously upset when this happened but I was cracking up because of how absurd the death was![]()
Nightfall 1 spot left. add me BrunoArrais85 PSN
Aight 5 of us are stuck at 2nd boss of the raid. We need 1 person who has done this to guide us.
Add one of us:
Need one for gorgoroth. Experience preferred.
Added! Patrolling until we have a group ready.Let's do it!
PSN: supremestarhawk
I am looking to do the nightfall if anyone is interested. Ditters1
Also, check out the bottom reticle option. It highlights enemies at a distance. Really cool.
Added! Patrolling until we have a group ready.
Will join if you got a spot.Need two more for a quick oryx kill. psn keanburke
Need two more for a quick oryx kill. psn keanburke
Need 1 on the nightfall. Ditters1
Anyone need Daily Heroic? PSN: Azys_
I'm mid-mission.
Sure, I'll join.
What's your PSN?
mini crota got wrecked 20 times.
can't hold all these engrams
Welp...let's see here...
Interesting...But surely he won't be a biased little grump because he couldn't handle it. First...let's see what his claim is:Some succeeded, and many, many failed. I’m in the latter camp, and I’ve had some time to reflect on the experience.
All right. Bold claim.The Black Spindle Taken hunt is far and away the most poorly designed mission in Destiny. It’s not just punishing in its difficulty, but in its structure and mechanics as well.
Yes. There are mechanics. There is strategy. It was a breeze because we focused on the orbs spawning enemies, and made the boss number 2 target. Why would someone fail over and over and not think they maybe need to hit the mission another way? Instead of stamping feet and saying there isn't anything "to get"I had fun exactly once running this mission, when it was first discovered and I was experiencing it for the first time. I expected to fail, and I did, and I laughed it off. Then I failed again. And again. And again. It became the video game equivalent of hell. This is not the raid where your team wipes 20 times to try and figure out the mechanics before getting the hang of it and moving on. There’s nothing to “get” here, just a mission made artificially harder by dead time in between attempts, an arbitrary time limit and unavoidable hazards like blinding and burning.
so, i got a skyburners command beacon. what am i supposed to do with that?
skyburners command beacon spoiler follows:
When you spawn on the Dreadnaught, a broken Cabal ship is in front of you. Walk through the door and on the left is a console. Use the beacon to activate the console. A dropship will come with a Cabal Champion. Defeat the champion and receive Skyburners Deployment Codes.