2nd Oryx down for the week. Running it again.
The gun, you mean? It does seem kind of wack, and it's also busted right now apparently. The class-specific legendary is also total dumpster tier compared to the Hunter & Warlock ones.
On the other hand some of our new exotics are pretty amazing, and with how many options are in the primary slot it's not too big of a deal.
how is it busted?
Hahaha, that picture.fuck I logged into my level nothing hunter that I spent like 2 hours in character creation on, and
dammit she was perfect in the character creator lighting
Did you get danger close on it? That would probably be why. If not it is pretty decent with Life Support/ Glass Half as it becomes a mini Red Death.
Seemed pretty good to me. Free WoL perk and Firefly, which isn't allowed on normal PR perk rolls.
You probably need to leave an empty spot in your weapons slots. ^^
2nd Oryx down for the week. Running it again.
Aren't the raid weapons just infusion fodder anyway?
I think I've heard good things about the machine gun, but otherwise it all seems pretty underwhelming...
Yep, PSN same as gafGot an antiquated rune if anyone wants in
Anyone need or want to do the nightfall?
Got an antiquated rune if anyone wants in. Some randoms here too.
Deej leaving?
Twitter said: "It's been great"
I wish the best for him and his family, but he has been my least favorite community manager by far and I can't say I would miss em.
Hire me guys
I talk about Destiny in 3 different groups
I have 1000+ hours in game and the platinum
I can make Top Gun quotes in context
I can imitate Hank Hill and Arnold Schwarzenegger
I love the game, love to help people and love to be a peacemaker between people as necessary
I'll do you proud
I'm interested... I still have two characters who need to complete the nightfall.
PSN: HidingMyThunder
It's the next step, but you need 30 calcified fragments to unlock the Undying Mind quest.
Speaking of which, I just picked up my Touch of Malice!
Ended up soloing Fear's Embrace portion.
I have 18 ;_;
Thanks for the info. I really want the exotic swords and Touch of Malice but holy moly they stuffed these quests full of insufferable grinding. I don't know how much more Filament Farming I can do, plus all the RNG planetary material farming for the swords..... ughhh...
DebatableAre you completely terrible at the game?
You got room for 1 more? I need to do a stolen rune in under 2 mins if you can help with that
I have 18 ;_;
Thanks for the info. I really want the exotic swords and Touch of Malice but holy moly they stuffed these quests full of insufferable grinding. I don't know how much more Filament Farming I can do, plus all the RNG planetary material farming for the swords..... ughhh...
I just got to the portion of the Exotic Sword quest where you have to collect planetary materials. This part is not nearly as tedious as people are making it out to be. Here's how to stream line it:
1. Have a ghost that detects the material you need.
2. Spawn on patrol, jump on your sparrow, ride around the perimeter.
3. As you ride around, you will see the nodes pop up on your hud. Collect them.
4. LEAVE THAT AREA. Just go to the next area. It takes too long for the nodes to respawn if you stay.
5. Repeat.
I did mars. I personally went between The Barrens, The Hollows, and The Buried City. I was getting a node every 30 seconds to a minute. Overall I think it might have taken me about 40 minutes.
Anyone want to do Antiquated Rune, got the Bounty to finish it in under 2 minutes.
Looking to get a fresh raid going!
1. Ozone31
2. supremestarhawk
3. TKRunningRiot
Post your ID if you want in. Over 290 light would be appreciated.
Anyone want to do Antiquated Rune, got the Bounty to finish it in under 2 minutes.
I will. Schryverr on PSNAnyone want to do Antiquated Rune, got the Bounty to finish it in under 2 minutes.
Ok, wtf does a white aura mean? What burn? I'm such a noob.
I posted this earlier. Maybe it can be helpful to you.
Anyone want to do Antiquated Rune, got the Bounty to finish it in under 2 minutes.
Do you know if I can complete the county even if it's not my Rune? I can help.
yeah join