Have a Oryx cup if anyone wants to join?
I was just thinking about this, how messed up/good would it be if for Xur day he sold the black spindle? Personally, I would be OK with this, since I was one of the guys that couldn't get it yesterday :/
That would defeat the point of the exerciseI was just thinking about this, how messed up/good would it be if for Xur day he sold the black spindle? Personally, I would be OK with this, since I was one of the guys that couldn't get it yesterday :/
Lol check pointOryx Cup?
Nightfall done
Got a Telesto
Rock hard
Stolen rune hyyyype. Got 2 tonight based RNG. This will get me the last fragment I need![]()
Awesome. My weapons have been junk, so I'm pretty excited.Telesto is beastly, when those void explosions go off I feel sorry for the enemies.
Well I have decided to take a break from DGAF for awhile. The past week has got me thinking about who I want to play with and have fun with this game. I didn't feel like that at all this past week but only with close personal friends. I guess the raid attempt just burnt me out and the Warlock hate is getting too strong on here. But that is my opinion and no it's not a personal thing about the Warlock hate, it's just getting REALLY annoying.
But yeah see you all around.
Whaaaa? Don't leave. I'm a Warlock. And Warlocks are obviously the best. I didn't realize there was Warlock hate out there.Well I have decided to take a break from DGAF for awhile. The past week has got me thinking about who I want to play with and have fun with this game. I didn't feel like that at all this past week but only with close personal friends. I guess the raid attempt just burnt me out and the Warlock hate is getting too strong on here. But that is my opinion and no it's not a personal thing about the Warlock hate, it's just getting REALLY annoying.
But yeah see you all around.
Well I have decided to take a break from DGAF for awhile. The past week has got me thinking about who I want to play with and have fun with this game. I didn't feel like that at all this past week but only with close personal friends. I guess the raid attempt just burnt me out and the Warlock hate is getting too strong on here. But that is my opinion and no it's not a personal thing about the Warlock hate, it's just getting REALLY annoying.
But yeah see you all around.
Everyone's running around with sword hiltsIf you're not good at crucible, you should stop playing it. I'm so sick and tired of awful teammates.
I'm trying to do a win in skirmish for the weekly crucible bounty for the past hour and still can't win. Every match I've been at the top of the leaderbaord, with over 1000 over the second guy on my team, and I always lose because of shitty teammatess
I'm starting to develop a stick up my ass like those guys on lfg during trials ugh
Nightfall done
Got a Telesto
Rock hard
Harvey Birdman is a badass though!And I got the Harvey Birdman helmet dohhh haha
Grats tho!
Harvey Birdman is a badass though!
Last call for who wants to join at oryx cp!
Actually don't think it's happening but if you want to help run some CoO?I'll join if it's still free. diggymow on PSN. I'm just turning my PS4 on
Actually don't think it's happening but if you want to help run some CoO?
What's the status on Drizz, lnkn, Nami, Hudson, and T-44?
Well, we at least made it to Oryx. Sorry that I had to leave. Got class in the morning and well I have to wake up in 6 hours.
Got the machine gun which I really like, the warlock bond, and boots so far.
Thanks again Drizz for the very detailed sherpa. Also, ty for those that raided with us tonight, it was fun.
Made it to Oryx. Not bad for a new group with two noobs. Will continue tomorrow cuz people are tired.
Also, Luke, that is majorhell.platforming
Got the sweet ass 306 sniper rifle in the raid with boots.
The warlock hate is literally just jokes
Just like the Titan hate
And the hunter hate
titan hate is warranted imo
That was some run fellas, very fun indeed! Many laughs were had and we cruised really well all the way tobut I think sleep started to catch up w folks.the Daughtersis a bit much to tackle at that point in the evening so hopefully we can finish it out tomorrow night.So... much... platforming... lol. Oryx
That raid is no joke to finish in one evening with mostly Oryx-kill virgins. Hopefully I explained stuff reasonably well. Biggest challenge of sherpa'ing is communication since everyone thinks differently, what makes sense to me might be nonsense to someone else.
Brief raid musings
I still can't decide what to think about the Oryx encounter. Undoubtedly some greatness but also a lot of tedium once you really understand it. Repeating 4-6 nearly identical cycles gets awfully boring. The completion time doesn't scale with group skill; its challenge trades on precision + duration. It's SO rigidly structured, there's no room for adding personal variety.
Honestly the whole raid feels constricting like this. There's no open ended experimentation like Templar, no compelling individual mechanic like the VoG Relic. Just a kitchen sink of shallow mechanics piled on top of each other, best exemplified by the Hive ship casually strolling through the Oryx fight because hey! Remember the Hive ships!? VoG's mechanical vocabulary had clarity where KF occasionally feels cluttered. They knew when to combine mechanics and when to leave them out, culminating in Gate Keepers and Atheon.
I dunno. KF is great. I can't put my finger on it.
No one hates titans. Other than Sunbreakers in pvp though. Fuck them
I have a feeling there is something after heroic. They seem to finally know what their doing with destiny
Haha thanks. Worst of all, I think it was primary ammo, which I had plenty of. That OCD got the best of me right there, that's for sure.Np, was fun. I didn't know it was your first time because you all knew what to do so well.
Have to admit, though, watching cuco do an ammo run instead of doing the relic part was hilarious. I was like, "where the hell is he going?!" Too funny![]()