A fresh run or from a checkpoint?
Either fresh or from the
Totem CP
the Court of Oryx and Hive ship sections are worth doing for 2-4 Mouldering Shards
A fresh run or from a checkpoint?
Either fresh or from theif anyone has it. Personally I'm not sureTotem CPbut I've already gotten my weekly loot so it'd be up to the rest of the group to decide.the Court of Oryx and Hive ship sections are worth doing for 2-4 Mouldering Shards
Totem cp.. is that the same as the sisters?
Totem cp.. is that the same as the sisters?
Either fresh or from theif anyone has it. Personally I'm not sureTotem CPbut I've already gotten my weekly loot so it'd be up to the rest of the group to decide.the Court of Oryx and Hive ship sections are worth doing for 2-4 Mouldering Shards
Lol sorry X :-/
No, it's the first loot drop with the Anniliator Totems and the big door you power up with runes along the side. Right before Warpriest.
Either fresh or from theif anyone has it. Personally I'm not sureTotem CPbut I've already gotten my weekly loot so it'd be up to the rest of the group to decide.the Court of Oryx and Hive ship sections are worth doing for 2-4 Mouldering Shards
Finally took down oryx. Was I supposed to get a shader? Anyway, how do you "spoiler" something? I want to ask a question about a section in the raid but don't want to spoil it for anyone that's going in fresh.
You still up for a raid run tonight? I've still got one more run to do on my Titan.
I can join if you guys need someone. I already finished Oryx, but haven't been able to kill the. I also need the first two frgaments.ogre
I'd love to join, I'll be online for quite a few hours.
edit: I mean if you guys are gonna be running it now.
Nope, way before. Need one more? Just woke up.
Ohh ok. Well I'm down for whatever if its our intention to go further.i do have the sisters cp though.
Wouldn't mind doing a fresh raid, if it's alright to have someone that's only done up to theif your looking for members that is, if not that's fine ^^2nd boss
Finally took down oryx. Was I supposed to get a shader? Anyway, how do you "spoiler" something? I want to ask a question about a section in the raid but don't want to spoil it for anyone that's going in fresh.
Well, that's 6 right there who are actually looking for loot so I wouldn't want to take up someone's spot unless of course you'd rather have an experienced person tag along. I'm happy to help or bow out depending on what the group wants.
Well, that's 6 right there who are actually looking for loot so I wouldn't want to take up someone's spot unless of course you'd rather have an experienced person tag along. I'm happy to help or bow out depending on what the group wants.
Strictly loot for me.
Well, that's 6 right there who are actually looking for loot so I wouldn't want to take up someone's spot unless of course you'd rather have an experienced person tag along. I'm happy to help or bow out depending on what the group wants.
I've only ever done, so I'm looking to loot and kill the ones before them.daughters and oryx
edit: Anyone want to start the lobby?
I've only ever done, so I'm looking to loot and kill the ones before them.daughters and oryx
Need one for raid on ps4. Were at the war priest.
Were all new so have patience for that.
Yeah you 6 should go ahead and roll it, I'll be on standby in case you need a substitute. I don't want to take anyone's sweet loot.
I'll join with you if we can get another group together. I haven't been able to get into any Raid groups so far this week, and am fearing of missing out if I can't get into one soon :-/Yeah you 6 should go ahead and roll it, I'll be on standby in case you need a substitute. I don't want to take anyone's sweet loot.
I've already done up to thethis week so I don't need the loot up till that point, So someone can feel free to sub till then.ogre boss, (Couldn't beat him as it got late)
Apologies if this sounds rude ^^
Ok, so Drizz is back in I guess. Let's do this!
Hey, I know the feeling. It can be really frustrating especially when you want/need to complete quests. But try to look at this from an outside perspective. There are many people who either are new to the game, or aren't good at PvP and are either trying to get better or they want/need to complete the quests as well. It's also frustrating for them. They want rewards but they're stuck on the quest and they can also feel really bad.
My best advice is to then play with a full fireteam that way you can't get mad at randoms.
My nephew has gotten bad messages for games where he gets 1 kill but he's trying hard and wants to do well and wants to get better. The only way is to keep trying.
You guys are doing from the ogre on?
Best Nightfall ever.
You guys are doing from the ogre on?
Nope first drop afaik
Really regretting my decision to level my Warlock instead of my Titan Defender at the start of TTK.
I miss the bubble, and in my 25 hours of TTK so far I've seen exactly one Titan Defender, and not many Titans in general.
GlamFM you have a checkpoint? I don't, so just join the fireteam and I'll put you as leader.
No cp, sorry
Still want to come in though?
Only cp I have is the daughters
1) feetiemaomao
2) spaaaace
Got my Tlaloc today. Can't wait to try it out. I've always been one to hold onto my super for too long.