Why are these post Regicide story missions so hard? I'm 270 and I'm still getting owned. Am I just a scrub?
Most of them are just slightly more difficult which one are you struggling with?
Why are these post Regicide story missions so hard? I'm 270 and I'm still getting owned. Am I just a scrub?
Why are these post Regicide story missions so hard? I'm 270 and I'm still getting owned. Am I just a scrub?
Why are these post Regicide story missions so hard? I'm 270 and I'm still getting owned. Am I just a scrub?
Only if we get the cp, only have limited time![]()
Didn't Drizz say something about the CP?
Maybe he has it.
Lol most confusing raid grouping everAnd of course Wilde aka ZW who started the ball rolling has apparently fallen asleep or stopped checking the thread.
I have no CPs and need no loots but happy to help if people are still looking to do it. Apparently there were too many and now too few? I'll get online since this is too hard to figure out via OT, haha.
Lol most confusing raid grouping everAnd of course Wilde aka ZW who started the ball rolling has apparently fallen asleep or stopped checking the thread.
I have no CPs and need no loots but happy to help if people are still looking to do it. Apparently there were too many and now too few? I'll get online since this is too hard to figure out via OT, haha.
That fight is so good when you have people who know the fightJust wrecked mini Crota about 5 times lol.
Watching randoms rocketing MiniCrota like
There's no one but me and spaaaace, everyone wanted to start from a CP lol. I don't think we have enough people now, even if we count you in.
Is space still in?
He went back to crucible, but he's in once we assemble everyone.
He went back to crucible, but he's in once we assemble everyone.
That makes 4 including drizzay, do we have 2 more?
May I jump in? I'm fresh to it. 297 Titan
Psn nursezro
That fight is so good when you have people who know the fight
Sadly I'm mobile so I can't post my "when randoms rocket minicrota gif"
Hi there, what are we expecting from Xur today ?
Not gonna keep raiding until my sprint lock issue is fixed. Need yet another new controller. It keeps killing me and slowing teams down.
I'll just be getting Ghosts and Gunsmith bounties, and working on my Swords.
I really wish PvP wasn't such a mess right now with people who don't like it playing just for quests. It was great fun doing PvP every day but now I see people just dancing or idling or not playing to win at all just getting their quests :/ that and Hand Cannons not being viable has killed Crucible for me.
Hi there, what are we expecting from Xur today ?
Not gonna keep raiding until my sprint lock issue is fixed. Need yet another new controller. It keeps killing me and slowing teams down.
I'll just be getting Ghosts and Gunsmith bounties, and working on my Swords.
I really wish PvP wasn't such a mess right now with people who don't like it playing just for quests. It was great fun doing PvP every day but now I see people just dancing or idling or not playing to win at all just getting their quests :/ that and Hand Cannons not being viable has killed Crucible for me.
Yeah we got it done. It was messy as hell though. My controller would not let me sprint for more than 2 seconds so I'd basically die every single time we had to keep running.Good morning sexy beasts. How is it going?
Looking back to yesterday's day. Drizz and Ocean you were able to finish the raid with the group of young Padanwans?
Supercell or bust.
If he does happen to carry a primary engram, I do hope I don't get more supercells x.x I want something that isn't a monte carlo or supercell dammit. Already had two of each.
Yeah we got it done. It was messy as hell though. My controller would not let me sprint for more than 2 seconds so I'd basically die every single time we had to keep running.
It was great fun! But I felt like a liability to the team more than anything.
You up for some Ghost hunting today?
Two of each? I've had 4 Monte Carlos and 3 Suros. I WANT A DAMN SUPERCELL.
Two of each? I've had 4 Monte Carlos and 3 Suros. I WANT A DAMN SUPERCELL.
I didn't have enough coins to get my hands on 7 primary exotics haha. I didn't really want a supercell in the first place =( or an AR in general >.< I like it in the end, but I really prefer other primaries x.x
At least I like my Telesto, though I got two of those too lmao...
I hope he has Dustmarchers for Titan. I don't think Twilight Garrison is a random drop, but that would be cool as well.
As for the random item, I wouldn't mind Telesto or Thunderlord instead of an exotic engram.
Hi there, what are we expecting from Xur today ?
Oh I meant Ghosts ghosts not the fragmentsYes ofc. I am game for everything. I will do the Hunter today. 1 hour should be enough to get 35+ fragments.
With that coin farm I got 4 of those 1 310 even. And yesterday one from NF.... I'd want a BJJ 2.0 though. RNG. I am sure you will get it soon.
Oh I meant Ghosts ghosts not the fragmentslet's go get some useless Grimoire!
I only need 3 in the intro Phobos mission, 3 in Devil's Spire, 1 in the Saber strike bunker, 1 in Echo Chamber. The remaining 4 haven't been found yet.
After that I'll gladly join your insane quest for 3 Malice. You know this is crazy right?
Isn't it guaranteed to be an engram? Pretty sure we get 1 legacy engram, 3 class specific items and 1 year 2 engram now, right?
My current dupe list is 4 Hereafter, 4 Monte Carlo, 3 Suros, 2 Hawkmoon, 2 Telesto, 2 Invective. Still have not gotten a Jade Rabbit/Supercell or most of the new armor.
According to the 9/17 news update, Xur will either sell an exotic Y2 engram for a random slot, or a specific exotic Y2 weapon.
I feel like my group is going to complete the Raid tonight.
So you mean you *dont* wanna get 160 more Hadium Flakes for that?Meh I'm probably one of those guys who'll only bother doing the quests once on only one character and not even think about it on others. Except maybe the exotic sword quest since they have different abilities.
I have no intention of doing the touch of malice quest on more than one character.
So you mean you *dont* wanna get 160 more Hadium Flakes for that?
I would have considered it if they remained classified. Now that I can swap via app? Lol nah
As far as I can tell more engrams should drop in heroic just because there's more majors around. There doesn't actually seem to be a difference in mission rewards between the two though. However at the moment because so many people are dropping or not completing heroic strikes they aren't really worthwhile. You're better off competing strikes in the lower playlist than failing them in the higher one, especially because the difference in rewards isn't really there right now.Can someone clarify the differences between Vanguard Strikes and Vanguard Heroic Strikes?
Outside of difficulty, legendary marks, and fresh troops of course. I'm still not understanding the reward distinction.
REALLY not liking the 25 crucible kills for the sword quest..everyone has shotguns and unless they're half dead, they turn and kill me before I get the 2nd swing in..If I manage to get heavy ammo, I turn a corner and get hit by a rocket.
Was told to hide behind corners and use the third person advantage to see when people are coming..which works, but all they have to do is sprint for 2seconds, turn and shotgun me because of the 1st swing's recovery.