I need to get it done if you find a squad add bigmanny287
we'll get a squad. Anyone else want to do court of oryx?
I need to get it done if you find a squad add bigmanny287
I do! Psn Assassiowe'll get a squad. Anyone else want to do court of oryx?
I do. PSN Jafkuwe'll get a squad. Anyone else want to do court of oryx?
I know this feel man. Hopefully you'll get him tonight!I really wanted to take down Oryx last night. Couldn't sleep at all.
Go get him dude!
I'm going out for a friend's birthday or I would watch the stream
what enemies in the court (or dreadnaught) count as ultras? The summoned ogre from the wormsinger rune definitely ate my three of coins buff last night.
Heroic Strike playlist provides better and more reliable rewards quickly. Granted, no chance at exotics other than a legendary engram turning into one, but still.
Just for anyone who isn't sure which these are, if you're just around the Dreadnaught and weren't involved with the summoning... if you see text in the bottom left like "The hive/cabal are bringing in reinforcements" (not really but something like that) and this wave ends in a named boss, that boss will accept your 3oCThe Ultras summoned with the Wormsinger Runes and Skybringer Command Codes count, and someone mentioned the Antiquated Rune boss did as well. The Reciprocal and Stolen Rune bosses do not. Not sure about the Agonarch Rune yet.
is this confirmed there are better rewards for the heroic playlist than the 36 one? Everything I hear is to the contrary.
I really wanted to take down Oryx last night. Couldn't sleep at all.
is this confirmed there are better rewards for the heroic playlist than the 36 one? Everything I hear is to the contrary.
yea, I hate not finishing a raid. altho I was so tired I fell sleep fast. I leveled up 280 to 292 in 2 hours after work before we raided.![]()
Asking one more time for new page... I think I get overlooked more often than not. LOL
Forever 299. Gimme some better armor already!!!
I really wanted to take down Oryx last night. Couldn't sleep at all.
New page:
2 spots for the Sword Strike!
Edit: After 10 minutes I found a matchmaking party.
I don't even know how you could confirm this.
Forever 299. Gimme some better armor already!!!
Anybody want to help me kill 2 champions and whatever else is curious object for the Taken assault quest? Taken war petra I should say
This has to be the worst quest requirement. wtf
I've only gotten 3 rare material in the past half hour. Who the hell thought this was a good idea?
Does it not at least give more rep per strike?I don't even know how you could confirm this.
I'm tecnically 298, but I just know I'll get stuck on 299 eventually :/
I've been wondering that too. I'd be pretty disappointed if the heroic playlist has no actual benefit outside the 3 initial runs for marks very week.
This has to be the worst quest requirement. wtf
I've only gotten 3 rare material in the past half hour. Who the hell thought this was a good idea?
#Forever299? Cry me a river
First World DGAF Problems
Hahaha dude I'm at 296.
I feel ya
Maybe it has slightly higher purple drop rates? I mean, there's no way we could really confirm that without Bungie just telling us though. I'd always suspect I'd just gotten lucky.
You have got to be fucking kidding me. Completed the 14 step Crucible quest line (including winning 2 games in each gametype). Big reward at the end - one Crucible Commendation. Are you serious?
Raid gear wax the only thing that could push me to 300.I feel like the mid-high 290's are all stuck in the same rut. I don't get high level blues any more. It's all 260-270 crap.
Is this the mars one? Yeah, I needed help for those too. I'm at work so I can't help.
It's literally the WORST thing in TTK right now.
Yeah, the blues above 290 are rare. CoO or Raid much better shots at progress from thereI feel like the mid-high 290's are all stuck in the same rut. I don't get high level blues any more. It's all 260-270 crap.
So confirmed Nightfalls don't give marks eh?
The rewards are sooo all over the place. I think the best thing for it now would be just some form of guaranteed infusion material. Used to be if you got a legendary with a bad roll from a Nightfall it was garbage. Now if you get one with some higher attack/defense and don't want it you can at least use it to power up something you like. But 3 of Coins or Motes...
Does it not at least give more rep per strike?
lol there's more steps in that quest line. i think you go to banshee to get wins with 6+ auto kills, then pulse, hand cannon, and scout, then to Shaxx for win 9 points in crucible. win = 3, starting a new match = -1. then you unlock the weekly bounties.
Yeah, the blues above 290 are rare. CoO or Raid much better shots at progress from there