Hey guys, I'm on XB1 and keen to raid. 297 Hunter. GT: PatDH1
Feel free to add me!
Oh and I'm also happy to help with the Nightfall![]()
not sure if my group is gonna get together or not did the raid yesterday got to the sisters had to quit..
i only need to start one again because i missed the very first fragment lol
psn ne0ism- Ll295 hunter..
God this armor set looks so good...
Neuroghast is pretty sexy. I'm still missing gloves.
This and the Bog Marsh are my favorite sets of TTK.
Anyone wanna do CoO? I've got a tier 3 rune, 3 tier 2s, and 2 tier 1s. We can do everything! PSN: ultrajari
new page quote. Anyone for Court of Oryx everything up to and including Tier 3?
I've only gotten the boots and cloak so far :/ Which helmet is that?
LOVE my Bog Marsh gear!
Hey guys, I'm on XB1 and keen to raid. 297 Hunter. GT: PatDH1
Feel free to add me!
Oh and I'm also happy to help with the Nightfall![]()
Neuroghast helmet.
new page quote. Anyone for Court of Oryx everything up to and including Tier 3?
First strike-specific Weapon. A scout rifle called Treads Upon Stars. Slightly worse stats than my Hung Jury + shitty perks. Infusion fodder.
We have a spot for a fresh run of Kings fall.
Anyone interested?
God this armor set looks so good...
Just watched a team of 300+ Light Level clear King's Fall in 42 minutes
gotta be the world record right now
Floe is streaming Destiny!
Lets hook up for raid at some point.
Cool! I added you. I'll probably be on around 9 pm or so EST.
Floe is streaming Destiny!
Neuroghast helmet.
new page quote. Anyone for Court of Oryx everything up to and including Tier 3?
Neuroghast is pretty sexy. I'm still missing gloves.
This and the Bog Marsh are my favorite sets of TTK.
Bog Marsh cloak looks horrible with most shaders.
Yeah, he has been pretty frequently, I watched him get the Spindle![]()
He's been playing it for a while. I was in there the other day helping him with it. MegaMan Steve also plays it and one of the Max's friends.
God this armor set looks so good...
Bog Marsh cloak looks horrible with most shaders.
That's probably the best idea. I have a feeling Bungie will change TLW portion of that quest and they will probably change the main PvP questline as it's currently insufferable. The amount of steps and grinding for wins is such a drag due to terrible randoms.
I wonder if he has done the chaperone quest yet. I want to watch him get those kills with TLW equipped.
I hate that shaders no longer apply to the majority of the cloaks. I end up pretty much using only the black shader so that I don't look ridiculous with an off colored cloak.
Hunters have always looked badass they're the rogue class after all.Hunters finally look badass
He's been playing it for a while. I was in there the other day helping him with it. MegaMan Steve also plays it and one of the Max's friends.
Where's the best spot for champions at Mars?
Luke Smith apparently just told Kotaku that they are considering ways to improve the Crucible questline experience. In my opinion, they should just open up the weekly crucible bounties sooner and instead offer some Legendary Marks or something as a reward for the remaining steps of the bounty - each step of the bounty makes some sense to me but it's incredibly long to have the weekly bounties gated behind.
TLW quest step for the Chaperone was not that bad in my opinion. It only took me 2.5 hours to do, including a couple games I played where I didn't use TLW the whole time because it was on PS-exclusive maps I didn't know. Considering Chaperone is not an OP weapon that everyone needs to have to be competitive or something, I don't see anything wrong with having it locked behind a difficult quest. It seems like a PvP analogue to the crazy-hard Black Spindle mission which I couldn't beat.
Well the size got massive so had to use 10 FPS to get all of it, but yes