310 PVP gear is harder to get then doing the raids or using 3oC.
I don't mind if Trials gear is 310.
IB is easier, so that could probably be 290 or so.
Let me make it clear how I think PvP and PvE when coming to Light should work.
Lets say IB, ToO and any other rated battlegrounds for that matter, have a cap at 300 light
And a softcap at lets say 290 or 295.
290 or 295 gear gets upped to 300 while in the crucible, and the 301 and over gear gets scaled down to 300 light.
However problem with destiny is that everyone feel they need to hit that Light cap, which in reality is just ItemLevel.
PvP plays have no need to hit that cap, ever.
PvP gear should be dropping at 290-300 but never at 310.
PvE on the other hand, is about getting as much resistance to AI damage as possible, as well as maximizing the damage output.
To achieve maximum Item Level one should have to Raid, because Raiding that season is the End Game.
While having this in effect PvP gear needs Player Resilience and Player Attack Power perks, which means they take less Player damage, while doing more.
In normal crucible this wont matter as much, but in ranked and rated arenas, you would want that extra Resilience and Power. Going into ranked with Raid gear would be a stupid idea, as it would put you at a disadvantage.
You would need to participate in both PvP and PvE to get gear that would benefit in each situations, and therefore have a Loadout system.