Breezy, hold up. The ferret escaped and my dog is trying to kill him.
LOLWait, all the balance changes Bungie did to PRs and ARs were less than 1%. They updated the patch note page.
Wait, all the balance changes Bungie did to PRs and ARs were less than 1%. They updated the patch note page.
Wait, all the balance changes Bungie did to PRs and ARs were less than 1%. They updated the patch note page.
Small increase to base damage
Low RoF (Suros Regime, An Answering Chord): 0.3% increase from previous base damage
Med RoF (Zhalo Supercell, Paleocontact JPK-43): 0.7% increase from previous base damage
High RoF (Arminius-D, Necrochasm): 0.04% increase from previous base damage
They're doing what every company has done since the start of time when they believe they've got a dominant position. Take the piss out of there customers as they think whatever they throw at us we'll swallow
Edit Auto Rifle buff is in said earlier nothing feels overtly different, we'll see what the numbers say
Auto Rifles
Small increase to base damage
Low RoF (Suros Regime, An Answering Chord): 0.3% increase from previous base damage
Med RoF (Zhalo Supercell, Paleocontact JPK-43): 0.7% increase from previous base damage
High RoF (Arminius-D, Necrochasm): 0.04% increase from previous base damage
Wait, all the balance changes Bungie did to PRs and ARs were less than 1%. They updated the patch note page.
Wait, all the balance changes Bungie did to PRs and ARs were less than 1%. They updated the patch note page.
This was my biggest problem with Destiny. Time-gated events and quests had made me feel compelled to log on and invest time into game; time that I didn't really have that day or evening. Destiny basically began dictating what I would do and when I would do it.
That's not okay.
Bungie's promise to make this game more schedule friendly was complete bullshit. They made it worse, if anything.
Needless to say I have quit Destiny. The sparrow stuff looks cool, but it's just another timed event. I had a lot of fun with DGAF. Stay strong peeps.
holy fucking shit
what the ever loving fuck
oh my god
Coding is hard. That is true. Bungie is just incompetent tho. .04%? That's literally nothing, you'd need to shoot 400 bullets to notice a difference.
Holy shit. What the fuck. I knew pulses and ARs felt the same. I wonder how long it will take them to do the actual fix.
Well this makes the nerf to Lyudmila look even weirder. What we thought was supposed to be a 9% nerf should have been a .9% nerf; but is ACTUALLY a 19% nerf.
What in the actual fuck
They have fixed it, they've changed the %s and are going to feed us some bullshit about how they out out the wrong numbers before
Someone fat fingered the . for the 1 on the numpad or something... >.>
PRs are here to stay
I'm ok with this
A 0.04% damage increase is rather deeply meaningless. Less than one half of one tenth of one percent.
What happened here is certainly one of the deeper mysteries of our age.
A 0.04% damage increase is rather deeply meaningless. Less than one half of one tenth of one percent.
What happened here is certainly one of the deeper mysteries of our age.
Pulse Rifles
Reduced base damage
Low RoF (The Messenger, Spare Change): 0.9% reduction from previous base damage
Med RoF (Hawksaw, No Time To Explain, Red Death): 0.9% reduction from previous base damage
High RoF (Bad Juju): 0.9% reduction from previous base damage
Highest RoF (Grasp of Marok): 0.97% reduction from previous base damage
Reduced damage falloff to start between Auto Rifle and Hand Cannon ranges
A low range Pulse Rifle will have shorter damage falloff than an average Hand Cannon
A high range Pulse Rifle will have farther damage falloff than an average Hand Cannon
Increased base damage against AI combatants by roughly 5%
Someone post this on gaming side. I want to laugh and cry
Need two Nightfalls, anyone wanna help? Psn is JinjoNL
I'm a pretty rational and laid back dude. But I honestly think this is a complete farce. The blog post/patch notes makes no sense in the context of buffs as small as 0.3%. It literally isn't even affecting the post patch damage numbers.
I absolutely think the original patch notes reflected what was intended, and they're editing them on the fly as they figure out what the changes actually were.
I think I'm going to.
I think I'm going to.