2 more spots for raid, starting as soon as we fill
EDIT: One space left!
PSN: Ghostfacedon
If you're still looking
2 more spots for raid, starting as soon as we fill
EDIT: One space left!
2 more spots for raid, starting as soon as we fill
EDIT: One space left!
Luke still hasn't answered my question whether guardians have sex and live in apartments.
List of things not to do when you are down 0-4 in trials and the other team has supers:
1. Bunch up in a small closed room
Okay, need 2 for Aksis phase 2. Please be experienced. We have all the monitors. PSN Lifendz
No worries mi amigo! The fever can strike at any time. Sorry we could get it done for you. Hopefully you will get your clear!Sorry Raven117, molnizzle and Pandora for the waste of time. I can't believe I missed that throw...
Raid and faction packages, or wait till tuesday.any tips on ghost shells? Stuck at 358. Most other gear is 368-369
Sorry Raven117, molnizzle and Pandora for the waste of time. I can't believe I missed that throw...
Same here!Don't sweat it man, if you had been there for my first few runs I was doing waaaay dumber shit than that. You did great considering it was your first time ever attempting. Feel free to send me an invite if you're running again some time.
Anybody free to help me with the first puzzle for OutBreak Prime on my Titan?
It will take like 2-3 minutes
I can move forward onto next part and complete that on my own...
Need Hunter & Warlock
Thanks for the WotM run. Much appreciated patience as this newbie learned the ropes. Definitely a better raid than King's Fall, less mechanical and I felt like everyone had a more robust role to play throughout. The loot was surprisingly generous - I couldn't even carry it all out with me. That said, I ended up using all of it as infusion fodder, an alternate set of chest armor aside. Went into the raid at 361, came out at 365. Not bad.
It was fun to get all the monitors, but boy I don't think I've ever dropped a quest faster than I dropped that one once I saw the requirements. That's a giant heaping bucket of nope. Whatever it earns isn't worth that.
Its a quest that doesn't look like it should be done in one go, I could see it being completed over a couple of weeks of gameplay quite easily
I just looked up what it gets you - I'd never use it, so I won't worry about it. The record book mentions four exotic quests - I have two (the 'Horn and the rebuilt first gun). What's the 4th?
I just looked up what it gets you - I'd never use it, so I won't worry about it. The record book mentions four exotic quests - I have two (the 'Horn and the rebuilt first gun). What's the 4th?
Best addition to Destiny?
Anyone down for casual trials or WotM?
Chroma, obviously.
Now that I have gotten the armor set with rolls I wanted, the game feels rather empty.
Cool, you´re all in! And thank you for the help Zakalwe
So the group is:
Newbies WotM run - Sunday 16th 18:30 BST (UK time) - PS4
1. JJShadow - JJShadow77 (Sherpa)
2. Zakalwe - astropoff (Sherpa)
3. Future PhaZe - iStrangePixel (Newbie)
4. YomommaZ - Gigly (Newbie)
5. wheremypho - wheremypho (Newbie)
6. plantedunicorn - voa127 (Newbie)
As I have mentioned before, if you´re able to watch a videoguide to get familiar with the mechanics beforehand that would help us a lot. Otherwise do not worry, we will be giving detailed explanations for every encounter (sorry about my shitty English beforehand haha)
See you all tomorrow!
We about to go?
Just a quick reminder about our Newbie WotM run scheduled at 18:30 BST (roughly 6.5 hours from now)
Newbies WotM run - Sunday 16th 18:30 BST (UK time) - PS4
1. JJShadow - JJShadow77 (Sherpa)
2. Zakalwe - astropoff (Sherpa)
3. Future PhaZe - iStrangePixel (Newbie)
4. YomommaZ - Gigly (Newbie)
5. wheremypho - wheremypho (Newbie)
6. plantedunicorn - voa127 (Newbie)
We'll start in 6.5 hours mate
If you have anyone drop I'd be up for it, never done it but 381LL
The time converter I used failed so hard wtf
Looking for a Titan and Warlock to do the "Be the Battery" quest step for Outbreak Prime on PS4. Any takers?
Sure! I'll put you on reserve in case anyone drops
Are you still up for it?
We about to go?
Pretty fun to watch slayerage (he's 2 manned aksis and did the 20 min raid speed clear) doing a 3 man WOTM run with all 3 players at light 360, they are at aksis 2 now. No special raid gear or anything, they are in greens and blues haha
It was pretty insane watching them 3 man the zamboni and aksis 1.