Anyone doing trials?
PSN: djice9
I can go on my hunter (385).
One more!
Raid and faction packages, or wait till tuesday.
My vault is full. Like so full. I dont want to get rid of these Year 1 Weapons and Armor. Especially the raid stuff
That addiction lol
I should probably wait until the patch to turn in these weekly Crucible bounties since I'm at 385 light right?
What's the deal with the heroic strikes? I remember the legendaries actually dropping before RoI. I've done dozens and haven't seen any of the strike exclusives.
What's the deal with the heroic strikes? I remember the legendaries actually dropping before RoI. I've done dozens and haven't seen any of the strike exclusives.
Strike exclusives don't drop from the boss, you have to use a skeleton key (that can drop from the boss) on the chest at the end of each strike to get a guaranteed strike exclusive from that strike. It's RNG which one you get if there are multiple items though.
PSA regarding skeleton keys: If you have 5, they get sent to the postmaster. But if you click on it at the postmaster while holding 5 keys, it completely vanishes. RIP 1 skeleton key for me.
Bungie has said they'll drop more easily from more sources. It's gon rain shells.what's on Tuesday with Ghost Shells?
Anyone up for the nightfall? I just realized I never ran this week's on my titan.
Thanks Spaaaaaaaaaaaaace!
What is the chroma armour packs for Dead Orbit Titans?
Thanks!Y2 Spektar gear, that chroma colors can be applied to. You can preview them in the package.
So they legitimately don't drop on their own anymore? That's messed up. Especially with keys not being that plentiful. Strike legendary chances were really high in the nightfalls too iirc
Hey DGAF, my friend and I are still at Aksis phase 2.
We would really like to finish the raid before Hard Mode is released. Would anyone gives us a hand today?
We will be available from 3pm onwards (Dublin time, GMT+1). I'm a titan at 365, he is a warlock at 374. We've never beaten the boss before, but we know what to do (practiced a few hours with the last raid group).
Is there any group of experienced raiders who would like to carry us?
(Raven117, molnizzle and Pandora, we would love to finish it with you guys if you're available, but I guess timezones will make it very difficult)
- Marco_Tovarich
- BSK_Kluster
- ?
- ?
- ?
- ?
Doing Archon Forge
Also have a Titan looking for full Outbreak Prime quest
Any takers?
Doing Archon Forge
Also have a Titan looking for full Outbreak Prime quest
Any takers?
TO ANYONE I RAIDED WITH OVER THE WEEKEND, it was genuinely a pleasure. If you ever need help with the pulse rifle quest, I have a Hunter & a Warlock that is always at your disposal. Don't hesitate to ask.
I'm in love with Inferno Supremacy
Holy shit is it fun and good
No Radar, No Special till like 3 minutes, No Heavy!
Hey DGAF, my friend and I are still at Aksis phase 2.
We would really like to finish the raid before Hard Mode is released. Would anyone gives us a hand today?
We will be available from 3pm onwards (Dublin time, GMT+1). I'm a titan at 365, he is a warlock at 374. We've never beaten the boss before, but we know what to do (practiced a few hours with the last raid group).
Is there any group of experienced raiders who would like to carry us? (Azolith joined, need 3 more!)
(Raven117, molnizzle and Pandora, we would love to finish it with you guys if you're available, but I guess timezones will make it very difficult)
- Marco_Tovarich
- BSK_Kluster
- Azolith
- ?
- ?
- ?
That makes three!
DISCLAIMER: I'm at work right now.
Should have said happy to help, anytime I'm available. Sorry for the confusion.