Thorn bounty obtained. And on my warlock.nothing manacles for the win
Which Faction package has the highest Ghost drop-chance?
Armor, chroma or weapon?
IB shottie is absolutely horrible for PVP. it's good for PVE tho which is amusing.
Spent way too much time at that boss with the Ogre eye cannon. Those two Hunters were 379 and 380 kept dying to him. I almost quit that strike.
Yeah, I was blasting shielded captains in the raid with ease with it. with 6 rounds in the mag it can dish out a lot of damage quickly.
also I love the look if it. A bit of rusty pipe tied with strings
it was awful on arc burn because nobody knew how to manage the shanks. at least on void burn you just have to avoid the boss.
I'm pretty sure they are weekly bounties.Will there be more IB bounties today?
I'm pretty sure they are weekly bounties.
When you have Invective what is special spawnplayers huddling around the special spawn like it gives heavy ammo.
Don´t know why, but I´m killing it in this IB.
I´m usually really bad at PvP, but I´m consistently "carrying" my matchmade team.
I don´t use a shotgun BTW. So you can do OK with just an AR.
I'm somewhat decent at pvp. Definitely a competent player but not very quick on hair trigger snipes and godtier clutch kills but this Iron Banner has awoken a sleeping beast lol. I've been 1st place every game save for 2 all of yesterday. I think our team lost maybe 5 or 6 games total, one of which was due to everyone getting kicked for "bird" errors. Since few people seem to actually play the objective it's kinda simple to stay on top just by running into the mix to grab the crests, but on top of that it's easy to just kill everything on your way as well lol. I catch people not paying attention constantly. To many Guardians trying to play long game in a hustle gametype.
Yesterday was the most fun I've had playing pvp since Destiny launched.Yep, having a great time.
+ Two IB matches = one entire raid in terms of loot - wonderful!
What are the defacto regular PvP weapons? I used to always main Autorifles and do well but now I'm usually next to last and losing a ton of my gunfights despite shooting the head.
I use the Raid AR and I´m doing great with it.
Unfortunately, I haven't done the raid and for whatever reason, my Monte Carlo seems worse now than it was last week. Maybe my skills just dropped massively or people just got incredibly better
What are the defacto regular PvP weapons? I used to always main Autorifles and do well but now I'm usually next to last and losing a ton of my gunfights despite shooting the head.
Love the raid auto in PvP. Headshot pinging like nobody's business.I use the Raid AR and I´m doing great with it.
I hit Rank 5 on my Hunter in like 1 hour, thank God the alt buff is super quick.
Try a Suros maybe, keep in mind that LL matters in IB.
I'm using a Matador and will try out the Suros. Not really a big fan of the slide/camp corner shotgun tactic, but it seems the most reliable and effective. I think I just really suck now and most people are handcannon gods.Something lethal in closer range might be what you need, if autorifles aren't working for you. Monte Carlo is decent but if I'm filling my primary with an exotic I'd rather take something like Zhalo or Suros. Packs more punch.
A shotgun or fusion rifle perhaps? Supremacy is basically a grudge match so taking a shotgun into the chaos will usually do you well.
That's awesome to hear. I just want to keep playing as a Titan haha. Going to burn the lock and hunter real quick today, then.I hit Rank 5 on my Hunter in like 1 hour, thank God the alt buff is super quick.
I got a sniper from rank 5. Also got a sniper from one of the bounty completions.What you get at rank5?
That's awesome to hear. I just want to keep playing as a Titan haha. Going to burn the lock and hunter real quick today, then.
I got a sniper from rank 5. Also got a sniper from one of the bounty completions.
Anyone have any views on the IB hand cannon? I got one with hammer forged, snapshot and LITC.
It looks like an ill-will type gun with high impact but very low RoF. Probably won't suit me as I tend to miss my shots so each miss is expensive in terms of DPS!
Well it turned out to be a good day for me
Took my Titan from 376 to 384.5
Warlock from 378 to 385.5
Hunter from 374 to 384.5
Completed all IB Weekly Bounties on each char and the quest
Came out with a good ton amount of loot
Even got my first 387 piece!
Hey Grave! Beside Outbreak Prime, does anything goes beyond 387 right now?
Im at 386 and never seen anything drop above 387. But somehow i saw a guy in trials with a 389 sniper, no idea how he got a secondary that high. Also someone on reddit was 388.
You can get drops at 388-389.
I have a 388 class item, Ji66a got a 389 heavy.
I didnt know there was an IB hand cannon. Was that from getting rank 5 in IB? I've never seen a handcannon or the scout rifle drop in a match. So maybe they dont randomly drop?
I got a 387 sniper from a strike chest and my light level is only a 384.You can get drops at 388-389.
I have a 388 class item, Ji66a got a 389 heavy.
The IB gear looks hideous. I really liked the look of the previous loot, but this DIY aesthetic is almost as bad as Crota's Fall: Monster Hunter.
Where did those drop from?
The IB gear looks hideous. I really liked the look of the previous loot, but this DIY aesthetic is almost as bad as Crota's Fall: Monster Hunter.
Yep - which is great.
I can use it for infusion without looking back.
I don't agree at all. I really like the look of it.
I hated the spikey dinosaur bones of kings fall and didn't think much of the crotas end weapons either but this IB stuff looks great.
Looks like I'll be doing this, unless I get a truly great roll for pvp.
It looks completely out of place with every armour set in game, and makes no sense considering the level of tech the in game world has access to. Of course, this is a silly com[plaint really when we consider the Fantasy Sci-fi ridiculousness of Destiny, I just think it looks terrible and I wanted some new PvP gear so I'm salty.