Apparently, the Icebreaker's reloading/recharging time is not affected by Chain of Woe. What a shame.
I have a feeling the ice breaker will be nerfed. And that feeling makes me sad.
I have a feeling the ice breaker will be nerfed. And that feeling makes me sad.
Apparently, the Icebreaker's reloading/recharging time is not affected by Chain of Woe. What a shame.
I am just terrible at PvP. I want to play a whole bunch of rumble matches to do the bad juju bounty. I keep getting one shoted while I am unloading my ammo into the other guy even if I start shooting first it seems... Can anyone tell me good strategies for PvP and rumble? How do you get good and win?
After 98 hours and only one primary Legendary drop, I'm willing to pay for a slightly inferior version then, rather than rely on RNGesus.
I have a checkpoint for the Raid (on hard mode) at the Gatekeeper section (before the Atheon fight).
If anybody wants to join, send me a message!
Levels 29 or 30, with previous experience of hard mode, please
Here is my Shadow Price. I got it early in the game from Vanguard rank up package and is "inferior version" because no magazine upgrade. I still favor it in PvP and PvE over Suros, it's just that good AR :
People using PMs over Xbox Live in order to find people to Raid with. The website on the computer also takes a long time.
Why can't we just talk in the hub?
hmm. Is Thorn worth it? It took me ages to get the 25K/D ratio for I'm not looking forward to the Crucible-part of the Thorn Bounty ;o
I have a feeling the ice breaker will be nerfed. And that feeling makes me sad.
Mine did too. I don't get it. Maybe it's random?
hmm. Is Thorn worth it? It took me ages to get the 25K/D ratio for I'm not looking forward to the Crucible-part of the Thorn Bounty ;o
I'm also terrible at pvp. I played 8 hours straight yesterday just for the Invective bounty (get +25 kills/assists). Like someone told me, stick with your team and play defensively.
At first when I was playing and my radar would light up red with multiple enemies I'd just keep going and hope to get a kill before dying. I learned to just gtfo of the area if you have no back up though. It's just not worth it.
I also used the shotgun a lot. I have one that has less spread (more damage) when zoomed. So what I ended up doing is using that for a lot of one shot kills. And I always followed it up with a melee just to be sure. Got most of my kills that way.
Here is my Shadow Price. I got it early in the game from Vanguard rank up package and is "inferior version" because no magazine upgrade. I still favor it in PvP and PvE over Suros, it's just that good AR
If you have decently good weapons then biggest pain is learning maps, but if you tough it out and learn them you will start to get better and better scores in matches.
Nope, not yet at least. 6 rounds and the reload is horrendous. I've had enemies regain their shields while I was reloading... There's supposed to be a buff coming soon, though
PSA to everyone complaining about (or excited for) the Ice Breaker:
It's pretty much the worst sniper in the game for PVP. Every sniper is 2 shot kill, or 1 headshot, so the Ice Breakers impact and attack are worthless. The rate of fire is not the worst in the game but there are plenty of faster options, and the stability is atrocious (RoF is the most important stat for a crucible sniper, stability is a close second). The only 'perk' is the infinite ammo, but this isn't a big deal in crucible either (see: all those guys using nothing but fusion or shotgun).
There are common snipers more suited to crucible than the Ice Breaker. I would recommend the (rare quality) Heiracon LR5 or the (crucible reward version) Silvered Caracas-LR4 or the Legendary equivalent (I don't think I've seen one, Final Boss is close though I think).
This also frees up your exotic slot for the Vex Mythoclast, which I assume everyone has now... right guys? (Ok, SUROS).
PSA to everyone complaining about (or excited for) the Ice Breaker:
It's pretty much the worst sniper in the game for PVP.
Wait, the "drop" Shadow has a larger mag?
Anyone want to do the weekly ishtar strike in about an hour or so? Either level 22 or 26? 22 would probably be better because I'm not very good but I'll still try 26.
Fucking first blood bounty is broken. Just have to do one more and I should get it but the last two times I did, it didn't count. Fuck this.
I don't get the big deal regarding ice breaker... I have it, and I still prefer FINAL BOSS. The ammo thing doesn't seem like too big a deal, since ammo is plentiful anyways.. Maybe I just like the Last Word too much to give it up for IB, idk
I have a checkpoint for the Raid (on hard mode) at the Gatekeeper section (before the Atheon fight).
If anybody wants to join, send me a message!
Levels 29 or 30, with previous experience of hard mode, please
Would lose my shit if they do that just because it is on sale and now everyone has it. Its bad enough that it got Suros'd.
High attack only really matters against high level enemies, you won't see any difference against a level 3 Dreg but a huge difference against a level 30 Praetorian.I noticed this as well. I have to start rethinking my Gunslinger setup. Icebreaker also made me realize that the Galahad E rare gun is still a viable auto rifle even during the end game. I had to swap out my Suros so I could try out the Icebreaker and the Galahad was my only other AR. It took down raid goblins just as fast as the Suros, if not faster. I'm really starting to wonder about the attack stats and what not. How does a 242 weapon hang with a 300 weapon?
That's sounds like the slowest way to level an alt... Killing an enemy gives 20xp, finishing a heroic mission gives several thousand. You are also killing enemies (at almost the same rate) when playing missions, and you unlock more areas which gives you more bounties you can do along the way.
WWTH is slower and more tedious, but then people stand in front of loot caves all day, so knock yourself out I guess
The Moon isn't the only place you can get ship plans from chests, right? I've gotten so many from the moon and never any from other planets, and I usually chest farm on other planets more. I just got 2 within a 10 minute span of opening maybe 10 chests.
I agree it's a great gun, but the magazine size is pretty much it's only weakness, if I had one with the mag upgrade I would probably stop using the SUROS Regime.It can get perk for larger mag yes, but that perk isn't really needed with Shadow. It's beast mode even without it.
Well, ran the raid for the first time, or at least part of it. Didn't get to Atheon but the Templar stuff was pretty fun. Now that I've actually experienced some of it I'm excited to get in and do it again. If anyone has any XB1 raid groups that might need members then let me know lol.
Not sure if you fixed the problem but future reference, going back to the Tower and then back into matchmaking will fix it a majority of the time.
If that doesn't work then restart the game.
I've had that glitch happen several times and that's always fixed it.
I agree it's a great gun, but the magazine size is pretty much it's only weakness, if I had one with the mag upgrade I would probably stop using the SUROS Regime.
I agree it's a great gun, but the magazine size is pretty much it's only weakness, if I had one with the mag upgrade I would probably stop using the SUROS Regime.
The kills you get during missions are slower than WWTH... but not by much. Let's be generous and say WWTH gives twice as many kills per minute, that's half of your xp I am making already, then I have the xp bonus at the end of every mission, plus bounties. It's not even going to be close.How does that sound like the slowest way? I've done it myself, made a new level 20 Warlock in no time, it's efficient and has the added bonus of throwing new armour and weapons at you quicker than you can bother re-equipping them when you level.
Dunno why are you comparing the XP from a single grunt vs. the XP from a whole mission, there's also no way in hell any other mission throws enemies at you at the same rate. That story mission grants you approx 25 kills per 30-35 seconds of play time, including down time between deaths, obviously less when you're still a very lowly level. Do the math... Let's say 40 kills per minute... 20XP x 40 kills x 60 minutes = approx 50,000XP per hour (easily really, as you also take out the higher-ranked enemies for 35XP (I think) a time, just not the Knight). Not to be scoffed at for relatively little effort and equivalent to 24 of the heroic missions you mentioned... also... just how do you suppose you are going to complete heroic missions at level 4 exactly?
If you want to discuss tedious, this is Destiny we're talking about afterall, it redefines what tedious can mean. What I described is no hardship to anyone who's at the point where making an alt to farm and double-up seems like a good idea. Never said it was riveting fun, just that it's efficient you could kill 4 with the upgrade? I don't understand your argument. I already said its a great gun, and arguably the best.I can kill up to 3 players with one mag in PvP [Normal or IB] without mag upgrade so..![]()
gamechanger87 said:This game is going to be dead by November.
anyone else want to put down a thingI seriously think this game will be dead by February.