You can color me as one very concerned Spurs fan....
Where are the hard fouls going to come from? Game 7's are all about asserting your physical presence and that's something the Spurs just don't do.
What about the clutch free throws to keep the pressure on Detroit?
How many times are the Spurs going to pass the ball around the half-court trying to break down the Pistons defense before realizing the Pistons defense ISN'T going to break down and they're probably better off taking the first or second, or even third, good shot they get?
I don't have enough fingers on both of my hands to count the number of times Nazr isn't going to finish at the hoop or catch a pass right to him.
If there was a page in the NBA record book for the player who dribbled into the lane the most times only to lose the ball without even beginning to get a shot off, it would have a nice big picture of Tony Parker on it.
Al Michaels can just STFU with all this "the bankshot is Tim's moneyshot" garbage too. Fact is, anybody who watches the Spurs knows that Duncan hasn't been able to hit the bankshot consistently for about 3-4 years. He used to be so confident in that shot that he'd pull up for it about as often as he pulls up his penis to piss in the urinal. Now he only takes the shot - and reluctantly, at that - if that's all the defender will give him, and more often than not he puts too much muscle into it and it bounces over the rim.
Note to Brent Barry: stop putting your hands on your man's shoulder blade and neck. That's not how you play defense, and you get called on it EVERY GODDAMN TIME by the refs.
Billups is Detroit's best offensive threat this series, so I'd like to see our best perimeter defender on HIM please. Yes, that means Bowen.
The next time Duncan says, "We know what we have to do", "We know what we just gave up", or some derivative of "We already realize/know... blah blah", I know what I have to do: punch him in the teeth. They obviously DON'T know or DON'T realize, since the same criticisms of Duncan's teams 5 years ago still apply today: lack of leadership, mental toughness, and killer instinct.
If this Game 7 is close, and there's no reason to assume it won't be, you have to pick Detroit - the team that can hit their free throws. Spurs need a fast start to build their confidence up, and on the flip side a fast start by Detroit may mean a quick end to Game 7. I just don't believe the Spurs can keep their composure unless this game is made somewhat easier for them somehow.
And so help me God, the refs better not overcall the game early. Let the players play, and let the teams decide who is better ON THE COURT.
Despite my concerns, I still hope the Spurs win tonight. Not exactly the Finals performance overall to get the casual fan to start thinking Spurs dynasty, but winning a title is better than not winning a title any day of the year.
EDIT: Oh yeah, forgot one thing: FUCK THE PISTONS!