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Diablo III: Reaper of Souls |OT2| Enchantress: Look! More hidden loot!

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Aww yiss.

Had to switch a ring to my RoRG to keep my 6p Akkhans set, but I think its a fair tradeoff.


FINALLY got 4 piece Marauder (using RRoG of course) and then on the next rift run I got a Bombadier's Rucksack. Just need two more pieces and I'll be set for the next patch.


Junior Member
Wizards in T6 alone are horrible, you can mask their underperformance in groups and rationalize it however you want but the fact is they fall way behind every class imo including zDps monks.

Wizards is even more horrible in group than they are solo. Black Hole interrupts with Monk's pull, and it's also bugged where monsters can't die while being dragged. Provides very little burst damage, a lot of potential for CC but CC isn't required when most mobs die in seconds, little group buffs and low mobility.

It's sickening how messed up the class balance is right now. A dog can actually outdamage an entire class with all BiS item and skills choices for maximum damage.

Watch this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1BuidfcC7Y&feature=youtu.be&t=10m25s


Junior Member
That's a bit dramatic, dogs are pretty much single target.

Yes, but if you're telling me it's perfectly fine for a summoned creature to have the ability to outdamage an entire class with endgame BiS gears, stat rolls and skill choices optimized for dealing damage, you're mad.


Yes, but if you're telling me it's perfectly fine for a summoned creature to have the ability to outdamage an entire class with endgame BiS gears, stat rolls and skill choices optimized for dealing damage, you're mad.

I think it's perfectly fine that the dog sees big numbers, which is apparently what you have a problem with. None of that "yes but" crap. It's single target, a dog will never clear a rift in timely fashion by itself. You are being ridiculously dramatic.


Junior Member
I think it's perfectly fine that the dog sees big numbers, which is apparently what you have a problem with. None of that "yes but" crap. It's single target, a dog will never clear a rift in timely fashion by itself. You are being ridiculously dramatic.

Tell me why is it fine a dog can take down Ghom T6 in 5s and a wizard cannot?

Don't give me the bullshit answer that because pets are single target only.

I don't care about clearing rift speed, I mean straight up damage against ONE target. Answer this, you SERIOUSLY think it's fine a dog can outdamage an entire class with optimized build and item even against one target?


It's not a bullshit answer. Are you really this mad over a pet class being great at single target?

Rift clear speeds are the only thing that matters when it comes to actually farming anything, not arbitrary Ghom tests. Or are you going to complain that a Monk with Furnace clears Ghom faster than your Wizard?


To be fair, Wizard's are fairly bad vs a single target. It's the weakest part of their class by design.

On top of that, yes, I think it's fine that a pet that is the majority of the single-target damage of a class should be able to outdamage another class. That's the entire point of the pet in that build. You are aware this is talking about comparing the focus of one build vs the focus of another, yes? It's not like random_pet_anyone_has_01 outdamages an entire class. It's the big DPS pet of the pet build of the pet class.

I mean, how much damage do you think the actual WD is doing in-general when pet spec? It's pretty much zero.


Junior Member
It's not a bullshit answer. Are you really this mad over a pet class being great at single target?

Rift clear speeds are the only thing that matters when it comes to actually farming anything, not arbitrary Ghom tests. Or are you going to complain that a Monk with Furnace clears Ghom faster than your Wizard?

You are dodging my question.

I said disregard rift clear speed and all that. How is it logical that at pet could outdamage one whole damn class by such a large margin? The WD can literally just stand there and let all the pet do all the work, he doesn't even have to do any shit.

I can accept that a class can outdamage another class. What I can't is that a pet can outdamage another class. This is strictly about against single target.


Junior Member
To be fair, Wizard's are fairly bad vs a single target. It's the weakest part of their class by design.

On top of that, yes, I think it's fine that a pet that is the majority of the single-target damage of a class should be able to outdamage another class. That's the entire point of the pet in that build. You are aware this is talking about comparing the focus of one build vs the focus of another, yes? It's not like random_pet_anyone_has_01 outdamages an entire class. It's the big DPS pet of the pet build of the pet class.

I mean, how much damage do you think the actual WD is doing in-general when pet spec? It's pretty much zero.

If you really think that's fine, I have nothing to say about it.

Let's wait until patch 2.1. We will then see if it's really fine as you described it.

Oh ya, why did so many players reroll to WD class using Jade Harvester or pet build recently? Coincidence? Oh nevermind, I'm sure it's fine, according to you. :)
Come on 2.1 PTR next week!

Speaking of pets, they are going to get useless after a tier or two in greater rifts if the first T6 rift of act 5 enemies are anything to go by. Hoping for a season item that gives pet CC immunity or reduces pet dmg taken.


If you really think that's fine, I have nothing to say about it.

Let's wait until patch 2.1. We will then see if it's really fine as you described it.

Oh ya, why did so many players reroll to WD class using Jade Harvester or pet build recently? Coincidence? Oh nevermind, I'm sure it's fine, according to you. :)

WD's overall strength is another thing entirely. The crux of your argument is whether or not it's fine for the big pet from the single-target damage of the build that is best at killing bosses to be better than the class that is the worst at it. In that regard, yes, I think it's fine. Ultimately, it's saying that one build of a class is better than another class at something. That'll always be the case; there will be a "best" and there will be a "worst." You're just thinking that the pet is some minor part of the WD build here for some reason. They're both build comparisons, not "this pet is better than an entire class" like you keep trying to say. It's "the single-target build of WD is better than the best single-target build of Wizard's."

And I think it's fine that WD are super strong. I don't think it's fine that there's such a gap, however. That's why I want 2.1 to be about raising class power across the board as opposed to reducing it at the top level. This, however, has nothing to do with what you've been saying thus far short of the original statement of Wizard's aren't in a good spot at the moment compared to other classes, that's very much true and I agree with that.

I just disagree with the notion of "it's just a pet." It's literally the focus of the build. Saying otherwise is disingenuous.

Come on 2.1 PTR next week!

Speaking of pets, they are going to get useless after a tier or two in greater rifts if the first T6 rift of act 5 enemies are anything to go by. Hoping for a season item that gives pet CC immunity or reduces pet dmg taken.

I'm curious as to how high the damage scaling will be in general for the greater rifts. Like, it won't take too long for it to just be outside the realm of current mitigation values and it's not like we're going to see the addition of a lot of gear to compensate. Probably more towards skill combinations with provided DR% and CC-chain setups I guess.


You are dodging my question.

I said disregard rift clear speed and all that. How is it logical that at pet could outdamage one whole damn class by such a large margin? The WD can literally just stand there and let all the pet do all the work, he doesn't even have to do any shit.

I can accept that a class can outdamage another class. What I can't is that a pet can outdamage another class. This is strictly about against single target.

But the dog is the vast majority of a WD's damage. It's not like a WD is doing comparable damage to other classes by himself AND getting the damage from the dog.


To be fair, and keep in mind I haven't been playing WD long, you could have the dog, a gargant, a fetish army, and either double haunt or locusts running at the same time. It's not like the dog is the only thing doing damage. The build linked in the video only has the dog, plus hex, piranahdo, locust + haunt, and toads. You could easily switch fetish army in there for better crowd control, or gargant for even more single target damage.


His skills are Toads (for Sycophants, CC as well) and Locust Swarm (general pulling and CC with the belt) and then Spirit Walk (because Spirit Walk). The rest are pretty much damage boosting (BBV with Slam Dance, Wave of Mutilation) and then dogs.

Considering the gear (Mask of Jeram, Tasker, Tall Man's Finger), the rest of his skills aren't really adding much. DoTs don't really do much damage without the gimmick of Jade Harvester. It's all +Poison% gear so not much boosting the Fetishes outside of the generic bonus from MoJ and Tasker. In that build, the dog is basically all of the damage of the build. Everything else is either to support it or general crowd control. Swapping in Fetish Army or Gargantuan would ultimately be worse for clearing with a marginal gain for elites.

Edit: Though, 2.1 Fetish Army + 6pc Zuni's may be worthwhile over LS then.

And, yeah, LS + FS + Toads isn't "much" damage but it's still enough for clearing trash. If anything, I suppose that's probably the bigger thing about the build. It's relatively safe with all the CC + Spirit Walk, can clear at a reasonable pace, and then has a ton of single-target damage off a single skill.


DoTs aren't that bad without Jade. Haunt will end up doing an additional 333 per sec. It doesn't compare to the dog's damage but on my Wizard I'd be happy for an additional 333% weapon dmg per second, such as with Pox Faulds. Then again, my Wizard doesn't have dogs or gargants, so the sense of scale is completely different. And if the player has sycophants, then there's really no need for it, yes. They'll want to spend their time dropping toads to raise sycophants.

On that subject, sycophants are worth mentioning as a source of damage (edit: as you've edited), such that the WD is not all single target. I wouldn't call Garg marginal damage, either. It should hit over 100 mil, though I agree it would obviously be worse for clearing. There is a more complex argument for necessity, as well, such that if the Garg is not needed for single targets then it is a liability in general, but I think that's getting out of the scope of the topic at hand.

That being redressing the balance of the argument. If I recall, the discussion at hand was, in its evolving state though not originally, that WD excels at single target by design, that Wizard excels at crowd control by design. From my view, though, WD is not that bad at crowd control, just weaker than its single target performance. Fetishes aren't bad, piranahdo is quite nice, and there are other options besides the dog. And a Jade WD is pretty good at both.

Ultimately, I don't have a problem with differentiation of classes based on single target versus crowd control abilities, with WD being on one end and Wizards at the other, preferably with some overlap in the middle so that neither has an achilles heel that prevents them from contributing in any situation or being a liability in any situation. And I am also hopeful 2.1 will fix a lot of the imbalance problems in the game, mostly by bringing other classes up rather than nerfing WD and Crusader.

EDIT: Yes, I'm glad you edited that in. That was the angle I was approaching the discussion with. It's a nice build with great single target and decent crowd control.

EDIT EDIT: I need to get a Rhen'ho Flayer...


That being redressing the balance of the argument. If I recall, the discussion at hand was, in its evolving state though not originally, that WD excels at single target by design, that Wizard excels at crowd control by design. From my view, though, WD is not that bad at crowd control, just weaker than its single target performance. Fetishes aren't bad, piranahdo is quite nice, and there are other options besides the dog. And a Jade WD is pretty good at both.

The original argument was just about why it's fair that the dog does as much damage as a full class: It's essentially the full damage of the build in that role. So it's not "this pet vs this class" but a more general "this class vs this class." It's perfectly fine for the pet to deal that much damage then: It's the focal point of an entire build to do that one thing.

If we want to discuss class balance at large, it'll be a different argument (though, I'd still say the amount of damage here is fine, just the class gap is not then).

EDIT: Yes, I'm glad you edited that in. That was the angle I was approaching the discussion with. It's a nice build with great single target and decent crowd control.

I figured. I went back and forth on the wording and then noticed I took like 20 minutes ;__; It's not that the rest of the build doesn't do damage it's just that it doesn't really do much damage for single-target compared to the dog. Just like the addition of Garg would add a lot of damage but doesn't really alter the kill speed much. You're better off fixing the clear speed then instead.


Yeah, I don't have a problem with most of a class's damage coming from one skill. I don't think it's great game design, though. It's boring, imo, unless there are other things to keep them busy (like toads for sycophants). From a larger perspective, as long as the class is in balance with other classes, it's fine. Nor does class balance need to be "we all do the same single target damage", either. It just needs to be "we're all viable solo and we're all useful and valuable in a group".

Most importantly, I think almost all of us agree on that point. Right now, Diablo 3 is not well balanced at the end-game. Aside from Wizard, several other classes have serious problems as well.

Even so, I'm still enjoying the game. I may not be playing as much as before, but I still like logging in and playing an hour or two. That's true whether I play as Wizard or Witch Doctor or Crusader. There's plenty of work left to do, though. The game needs not only another pass through its items (as Scy has mentioned before) and class skills, but also more content.


The original argument was just about why it's fair that the dog does as much damage as a full class: It's essentially the full damage of the build in that role. So it's not "this pet vs this class" but a more general "this class vs this class." It's perfectly fine for the pet to deal that much damage then: It's the focal point of an entire build to do that one thing.


People don't like it because it's a "pet" or whatever. The thing you need to realize is that that dog that is doing all that damage is a spell. Not only is it a spell, it's the spell he has spent every % boost, 5-6 pieces of very specialized gear and every passive on. It's no different than any other classes' fireball, disintigrate, blah blah. It's just that there are enough unique pieces of gear in the game to really make the skill shine. Right now for the wizard there aren't that many pieces of gear that boost them uniquely. They've already said they want to improve that in the future.

You might not like that his 'pet' does all his damage, but that's exactly what it's supposed to do. Almost quite literally, 99% of the damage from that build comes from *pets*. You take that same build, make him put the dog away, stop spawning sycophants/garg and he wouldn't be able to clear torment 1.

So while you might not like the playstyle, it doesn't mean it's "not fair". It's just a classic minion based playstyle. It's not for everyone, I honestly don't care for it even though I have a very well geared petdoc. Right now in the game, your wizard can't match it. Perhaps soon it will.

But saying it's not fair that his pet is "doing more damage than a class" isn't really fair. The pet is the class. It's like seeing a shotgun crusader melting T6 and bitching that "he's only using one skill, it's bs". Meanwhile the guy spend 2 months straight grinding for absolutely perfectly rolled cdr rings/ammy, a fate of the fell, a hellskull and perfectly rolled full 6piece armor. All really rare gear that takes a lot of luck to get in the first place.

They've already mentioned that they want to boost classes through specialized rare gear the way the wd is currently. I would say the wizard is probably right there in line.


Dear Gaf, I need help.
So after the auction house began allowing selling/buying goodies with real money I decided to stop playing. I had a 60 (9) monk and I was basically doing well in torment I. Now, after almost a year, I decided to come back and give it a try to see what has changed. What the hell has happened?!!! It is a completely different game (which is a good thing though!). I mean, I really want to play again but I'm getting my ass kicked even in expert mode by elites. My dps was around 120k (unbuffered) and now is 65 k. I'm scared! Please, could anyone tell me whats the best option to find better gear or level up so I can at least play torment I or expert without getting raped? Should I play in lower difficulties? what about finding better gear then? Is ROS then worth getting?
Thank you in advance!


Get RoS. It's awesome. Finnish it, that should get you to almost lvl 70. Then do adventure mode, you will quickly find gear that moves you towards Torment difficulty. Now that crafting doesn't require specific materials, it won't be long until you are at least at T2. Go for Aughilds first. Don't read up too much on how to gear your character, it's fun to figure out by yourself as well!


So let me just make sure, there is no way to play this game offline, right?

Where I am stationed the internet is very poor. I am getting back into the game but I can usually only play for about 5 min before connection is lost. I wasn't sure if a patch was released or process was know to allow offline play. Thanks!


So let me just make sure, there is no way to play this game offline, right?

Where I am stationed the internet is very poor. I am getting back into the game but I can usually only play for about 5 min before connection is lost. I wasn't sure if a patch was released or process was know to allow offline play. Thanks!

You're correct, you cannot play offline mode in Diablo 3. After what was being done and said about Diablo 2's offline mode RGT hackers/etc, I highly doubt Blizzard will ever add this as a feature.

It might be worth checking if it helps to change a lot of settings, such as the graphics and the option to refuse users to randomly join your game (by putting it on private by default).


You're correct, you cannot play offline mode in Diablo 3. After what was being done and said about Diablo 2's offline mode RGT hackers/etc, I highly doubt Blizzard will ever add this as a feature.

It might be worth checking if it helps to change a lot of settings, such as the graphics and the option to refuse users to randomly join your game (by putting it on private by default).
Thanks I hadn't thought of that, suppose it's worth looking into!


Get RoS. It's awesome. Finnish it, that should get you to almost lvl 70. Then do adventure mode, you will quickly find gear that moves you towards Torment difficulty. Now that crafting doesn't require specific materials, it won't be long until you are at least at T2. Go for Aughilds first. Don't read up too much on how to gear your character, it's fun to figure out by yourself as well!

Thanks for all the info. I might get ROS then, the new progression system sound really fun. Very linked to loots.


Drops have been so bad of late, I am quitting, and playing other things until Blizzard actually gets their fingers into the code and fix it.
But will the LoH buff be retroactive?

I remember from the twitch stream a week ago during Theorycraft Thursday that someone asked a question about buffing items. Travis Day said something along the lines of "Yeah we're looking into buffing some more crappy legendaries like Heart of Iron"

One of the other streamers said "Oh well I guess I better start storing some up" and then Day basically said "Don't bother" or something like that.


You are dodging my question.

I said disregard rift clear speed and all that. How is it logical that at pet could outdamage one whole damn class by such a large margin? The WD can literally just stand there and let all the pet do all the work, he doesn't even have to do any shit.

I can accept that a class can outdamage another class. What I can't is that a pet can outdamage another class. This is strictly about against single target.

You keep referencing a dog alone outdamaging another character and thats very wrong, its not the dog doing most of the DPS but the sycophants. Try summoning the single dog alone and see how long it takes to kill ghom without the 9 sycophants critting for 36m each.


Getting kind of tired playing solo/pugs, is there any room in a clan? Or anyone just want to play? BurningNad#1515 on US. Add me or pm in case I miss it here.

Main is a Demon Hunter, can do T4/5. Also have a WD that can do T5 as well.


You keep referencing a dog alone outdamaging another character and thats very wrong, its not the dog doing most of the DPS but the sycophants. Try summoning the single dog alone and see how long it takes to kill ghom without the 9 sycophants critting for 36m each.

Not in the build being referenced. The single-target damage of the build is primarily on the Poison dog due to the way the DoT stacks. Sycophants are more there for clears and just to be bodies in the way. I mean, FS does add damage on elites and so-on but it's not meaningful, really.


Getting kind of tired playing solo/pugs, is there any room in a clan? Or anyone just want to play? BurningNad#1515 on US. Add me or pm in case I miss it here.

Main is a Demon Hunter, can do T4/5. Also have a WD that can do T5 as well.

Hopefully someone can get you in, the guild is pretty dead most of the time still. Peak is like 10 people on anymore.


Not in the build being referenced. The single-target damage of the build is primarily on the Poison dog due to the way the DoT stacks. Sycophants are more there for clears and just to be bodies in the way. I mean, FS does add damage on elites and so-on but it's not meaningful, really.

Why would you leave Sycophants out of an pet build though? Even doing Ghom I have them out, they might not be stacking a single dot but they are all critting from 10-50 million each x9 with BBV.


Why would you leave Sycophants out of an pet build though? Even doing Ghom I have them out, they might not be stacking a single dot but they are all critting from 10-50 million each x9 with BBV.

They're in the build. They're just that much less damage than the dog when it comes to a single-target. Also, the video in reference is a no-prep T6 Ghom kill so no FS spawned going into the fight. That's why the entire focus was on just the dog. Though, to be fair, I think Wave of Mutilation proc'd an FS too but it's a non-factor for the kill time Rewatched it, it doesn't proc one there.

This isn't to say FS doesn't do damage or doesn't add something or anything like that. It's just that it doesn't matter in the specific instance brought up.
I log on play some HC, and am completely unmotivated to touch my SC characters ...

This patch needs to happen before destiny lands and I go MIA
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