Start by upgrading your gems to at least all imperial
Reroll your pants to RA in place of life regen. Find or gamble some new shoulders with RA.
Awesome. Thanks for the help. I've had such horrible luck with finding shoulders.
Start by upgrading your gems to at least all imperial
Reroll your pants to RA in place of life regen. Find or gamble some new shoulders with RA.
Last 25 rifts:
6 legendaries
3 forgotten souls.........
What a joke
I think many people are in the same boat. Only way I can get a legitimate upgrade is if I get a Nat's Slayer (which I can combine with Calamity and my Nats Boots for a significant damage upgrade) or a Marauder Spaulder.
Does anyone here play on max settings and manage to sustain 60 fps in 4-player games when fights get intense? My framerate is 60fps in small fights and everywhere else but when things get busy, it dips to as low as 20fps at times. I'm running a 560Ti and have turned off Reflections as well as moving Shadows to Medium and it still dips a lot. Thinking of upgrading my graphics card just for this. Any advice?
This is why all of my "casual" friends have stopped playing. I say casual lightly as they're only casual compared to those of us who play much more each day. These are the type of people that aren't just waiting for the next patch (like I am) either. They've moved on and are pretty much gone for good.I am noticing more people complaining about this similar;y, 5+ rifts for 1 leg.
Looks like it's time to start a new class!
I use Heaven's Fury (Blessed Ground) + Bowmen if I need the extra single-target damage. Otherwise, I use Shield Glare (Divine Verdict) for the Damage Bonus when grouped instead of Bowmen.
why does everyone else have a Holy Gyrfalcon's ;__;
Well, it's true. All the proof I need.
Which means we're about to get shit for drops soon.
Which means we're about to get shit for drops soon.
Disable quick join.
Awesome! Had no idea. Thanks guysThat
It's in the Gameplay options.
He did apologize and mention something about being in his 30s and having kids, but he also ignored my earlier request that he leaves the game because he was pretty much ruining our speedy rift-running.
That's actually something I want to address. I hardly see anyone active nowadays in primary GAF clan. Heck I've had days with less than 5 people online and I don't even see clan officers being active. I think that there needs to be a clean up of non active members. My suggestion is to make a clan post and post in the Neogaf thread warning about the clean up and give everyone 2 to 4 weeks notice to PM or post someone indicating that they are still active. This should apply to all the GAF clans. After the inactive members have been removed, the active ones who weren't in the first GAF clan can choose to join it. The inactive ones can still join the other GAF clans later once its full again.
I think it needs to happen in the thread here.
In reference to a player needing an invite to the main clan, I can do invites. Maybe any member can, for that matter? I'm the one who invited Scy. So just find me or one of the other active members. That is, as long as there is space. Last I heard there were only one or two spots left after the inactive kicks.
I am noticing more people complaining about this similar;y, 5+ rifts for 1 leg.
The only upgrades left for me now are a better roll on the aughild helmet, a better chain that doesn't waste a roll slot on weapon throw damage,(or a string of ears) and the arcane absorb necklace
So I really want to get my Barb to 70 now that I found a Thunderfury. I'm at 63 now. Are there any "fast" ways these days?
Solo - Rumford at the gate wretched mother trick, just google it.
What should I reroll? All Res or Area Damage? (Fire Barb)
Yes, I failed at the screen capture and cut off the edges.
I pray to RNGesus to let me find Gryfalcon's Foote. Found 4 friken jenkenbords, but no Foote yet =(
I think something like 6 out of my last 7 weapon drops have been Two-Handed Swords, Two-Handed Axes or Staffs. Seriously, am I the only one getting trolled like this? I mean just drop me a fucking Monster Hunter and troll me with that orange Sword text on the ground for a second. At least, it's not as disappointing as a Two-Handed Axe orange text on the ground goddamnit.
EDIT: Just finished another rift and the RG droppd me a leg Staff.