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Diablo III: Reaper of Souls |OT2| Enchantress: Look! More hidden loot!

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Dat feeling

killed the guardian in over 100 rifts 0 legs from him smh


OK game. You can stop giving me green 1h xbows now. Add another danetta to my collection. At least this one had a better damage roll. I'll salvage my old one and try to roll a socket.


Holy crap are you kidding me?

First, I pick up Odyn Son while playing on my Fire Monk..
Now, I pick up Cindercoat while playing on my Lightning Wiz.


Now I had to roll INT off and put Dex since I picked it up on my wiz but now I have the dilemma of either Sockets or Dex... any suggestions?
I had diamonds in my previous socketed chest for Res so it's either Dex or Res for me.


Holy crap are you kidding me?

First, I pick up Odyn Son while playing on my Fire Monk..
Now, I pick up Cindercoat while playing on my Lightning Wiz.


Now I had to roll INT off and put Dex since I picked it up on my wiz but now I have the dilemma of either Sockets or Dex... any suggestions?
I had diamonds in my previous socketed chest for Res so it's either Dex or Res for me.

pretty sure 3 sockets is better. personally i would've made a fire wiz after getting that.


Playing on my Crusader tonight, got a sweet drop!


What should be my roll on that? Seems like its not the best for a Crusader, so maybe this is the motivation I need to get my Barb from 60-70. I assume there are some cool builds for Barb.



Reroll the hatred regen or vit into a socket. One of my major complaints with giving up my quiver is the loss of toughness. Keeping the vit and giving up the hatred regen would go a long way in making up for it.

CA DH is all about hatred dumps rather than the slow recovery anyways.

I only use my danetta's for quick bounty or mat runs anyways so maybe it doesn't matter. I use a nat's slayer and quiver for rifting.
What in the hell determines the blacksmith learning a recipe? I have all the materials to make Skelons Deceit and I still don't see it in Forge Armor.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Got a great rolled blade of prophecy and defender of westmarch within 5 minutes of each other

Not too hot on condemn though and the proc of my schaefer deals roughly equiv damage over period of time without conceding a skill slot and isnt bound by cooldown

Buuuuut it can make for a pretty good mob clearer, i will say that. Too bad i am using a lightning build and not holy :x

But the defender of westmarch i have been trying to get forever and it rolled so gooood except its primary block % (13+11) but i can live with that

Now hoping on pox faulds (pls loot gods... pls) and andariels visage... going for the best AFK build I can manage
70 ...

I have some decent stuff transferred from my monk to my DH too. Need to start rifting for weapons and or quivers. Need to figure what I'm doing too lol.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Aaaaaaaand just got the pox faulds :D

Thanks loot godsssss

Now to get andariels and then hop onto my wiz to get a moonlight ward for my sader

The feel of having near constant 1000% weapon damage just from legendary procs is gonna be so awesome
70 ...

I have some decent stuff transferred from my monk to my DH too. Need to start rifting for weapons and or quivers. Need to figure what I'm doing too lol.

Can do some rifts when both online. Can link all drops I don't need(which is 95%,just chasing a few specific items), speed it up for you a little bit.

EDIT: Although if you gave all your extras from your Monk chances are prob almost as geared as I am haha.
Well I've had enough Disappointment Simulator for one night....

Don't even know where to spend my shards because 500 on 1H weapons with no legs for the 5th time in a row is getting old....
What in the hell determines the blacksmith learning a recipe? I have all the materials to make Skelons Deceit and I still don't see it in Forge Armor.
As others have said, plans.

I use Skelon's on my barb. Great pants, they are super tanky if you socket x2 +78 Res all gems in it. If you do this you will get 250+ Res all from the pants slot alone.


Can someone please explain to me why the drops for legendaries become so bad for the past couple of weeks? Is blizzard purposely nerfing the drops now?


Playing on my Crusader tonight, got a sweet drop!

What should be my roll on that? Seems like its not the best for a Crusader, so maybe this is the motivation I need to get my Barb from 60-70. I assume there are some cool builds for Barb.

You already have a decent damage roll and a socket, so roll LoH away for aspd or dmg.

I actually have a TF on my crusader, and it works great. The proc has a huge range, so all your "mid-range" abilities will proc it off too, but the proc will originate from you.


Been playing a WD Fetish build. Got my APS to 2.16 and got bored after running some rifts. What are the other viable builds out there?

WD mojos are incredibly uninspired. Most of them are just generic legs. Coming from a Wiz who has several build-changing sources, that is quite a disappointment.


Been playing a WD Fetish build. Got my APS to 2.16 and got bored after running some rifts. What are the other viable builds out there?

WD mojos are incredibly uninspired. Most of them are just generic legs. Coming from a Wiz who has several build-changing sources, that is quite a disappointment.

You are an expansion behind on game-changing legendary mojos. The one which gave WD's +20 yards of goldpickup defined "gamechanging" for vanilla D3 for almost two years :p
Well after about 2 weeks of playing Crusader I switched back to Barb. Crusader was a fun break, but Barb is just so much more enjoyable. The mobility, tankiness, whirlwind ... it's just too much fun. 30% free dmg mitigation + Superstition(one of the best passives in the game IMO) is insane. Running at 125% speed + Chilanik's Chain boost makes me feel like Usain Bolt compared to Crusader.

Crusader was fun and all, but Barb4Life.

Here's my Bnet profile: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/xDUMPWEEDx-1132/hero/339876


OK game. You can stop giving me green 1h xbows now. Add another danetta to my collection. At least this one had a better damage roll. I'll salvage my old one and try to roll a socket.

It has been doing this to my friend too. Its fine with me because now I have a 1h crossbow collection.


See this is what blizzard needs to get right also why 60-70 should have been 10 times as long it just doesn't take long at all but yeah shame the first two weeks was fucking amazing and was soo fun I play but yeah finally got my Cain pants last night and other than getting two amazing rings or an ammy my monk is done she can barly do t2. Don't really wantto play a wiz its such a chesse class got it to 60 and never played it again looks like its back to barb soon still need to get crusader to 70. Blizzard needs to hurry with that patch

Haha no. If anything, 60-70 is a complete waste of time and leg drops at that level are painful because anything that is even remotely useful you'd just want a level 70 version of anyway.

And how is Wizard even a "cheese" class?


What a dark path RiF bloodshard rolling puts you on.

I think I rolled about 5k shards last night on Voodoo Masks

How do I hold all these Andariels. Still no Quetzalcoatl or Jeram


Junior Member
Sigh. Really have no idea how to obtain a Wand of Woh.

Seriously disappointed with how little "game changing" items there are in the loot table. Like Fragment of Destiny which boosts Spectral Blade. Why not add cool effect than a boring % increase? Like in one of the suggestion thread, chance to proc additional Spectral Blade in different angle of the character. What about a wand that adds thunderstorm element in each cast of Blizzard, all these cool stuff.

The Foul

Screw this Leoric Gorget proc. The skeletons pop for 10 seconds; either dying or not doing anything.
I know what you mean, more then half the time, I don't even notice them. Then when I do, they are already vanishing away.

Yeah its a real shame, they're too super slow and weak to partake in the next massacre once proc'd. I'd prefer if they triggered once per 10 kills/30sec for the standard 10 sec duration. As it stands the skeles are pointless, still like seeing them proc for the D2 necromancer nostalgia tho.
Can someone please explain to me why the drops for legendaries become so bad for the past couple of weeks? Is blizzard purposely nerfing the drops now?

I just got 4 in one hour ... so yeah RNG. Granted two of them were crappy rings (same ring too, Skull something) but the pants I got was decent enough and roll socket on the first try.


What's the status of the Primary GAF clan? I'm currently in GAFMax and the clan activity is definitely dropping off. I don't think any of the officers or leader play anymore or at least frequently enough. If any are moderating the thread can we please promote more officers.

Perhaps we can start to combine some of the overall GAF D3 clans to make one stronger overall community.


I don't like that I can't give a piece of great gear that I no longer have need of to a friend.

Conversely I think trading items straight up would be awesome. Don't need gold or an AH, just allow item trading blizzard. It'll be very PoE like. Use Souls as currency or do straight item trades.

Pretty much this. Items and mats should be currency. The market will create itself.

These are all terrible ideas because we'll end up with the same stupid situation like in D2 where anyone even desiring a modicum of efficiency in trading are forced to turn to ridiculous third party sites like d2jsp (which is not even anywhere near as efficient as the AH). The point is there really is no middle ground here. It's either AH or BoA. Anything else in between and things just fall apart and Blizzard has been smart in recognising that.

For the record, I am perfectly satisfied with both the old and current system. They both have their merits and I have derived a lot of enjoyment playing under both systems. I wouldn't mind the AH returning but I don't want a half-assed middle ground like D2.
These are all terrible ideas because we'll end up with the same stupid situation like in D2 where anyone even desiring a modicum of efficiency in trading are forced to turn to ridiculous third party sites like d2jsp (which is not even anywhere near as efficient as the AH). The point is there really is no middle ground here. It's either AH or BoA. Anything else in between and things just fall apart and Blizzard has been smart in recognising that.

For the record, I am perfectly satisfied with both the old and current system. They both have their merits and I have derived a lot of enjoyment playing under both systems. I wouldn't mind the AH returning but I don't want a half-assed middle ground like D2.

the only problem with the old AH was the combination of RMAH + the game being designed around getting people to use the RMAH as much as possible (by making self found impossible)
When every item you find is just something to turn into gold/money in the AH so you can use that gold to eventually buy an item you actually need it's pretty awful

Now self found is quasi possible if you are tenacious enough (like me, I'll be hitting 1000 rifts today and found the items to make my build) and aren't in the 5-10 percent of players that will just never see their desired drops after hundreds of hours (wiz friend I run with still has no Woh and only recently finally completed his vyr set for his archon cooldown reduce build he wanted to make so he's been stuck on the cookie cutter disintegrate build for 200+ hours that he never wanted to play).
So the loot system is fixed for the self found aspect but the rng still makes it painful for a percentage of players

We could have had both trading and a proper loot system (and without the real money AH bullshit)

you wouldn't even need an AH, with the current loot system people could get what they need by trading within their clan or from their friends easily enough
the sheer amount of set pieces , thunderfuries and key items like lut socks/jeram and what have you getting salvaged in my clan/among my friends is pretty sad

I ran with a friend of a friend yesterday and dropped my second lut socks in almost 1000 rifts... another person in the clan has been looking for them for 3 weeks to finally make his quake build but fuck him because blizzard took their ball and went home
Maybe if he bangs his head against the rng wall for another 500 rifts he'll get some, maybe not
It was due to sheer luck that the friend of a friend who just dinged 70 needed them else they would have been a soul (like so many other setpieces and build defining items before)

In POE the currency trading is a failure because the loot is so insanely rng (everyone needs a DIFFERENT (o not like trifecta gloves in diablo) one in ten thousand unique roll on an item to balance out their resists and stats and spec on their specific gearset depending on the rolls on the items they already have) that you can't just find useful items for your friends most of the time.
You need an indexing site like poe.xyz because finding the roll you need is literally like finding a specific phone number in a phonebook, there is no use advertising a specific roll much of the time (unless it's something like tri resis) because 99.9 percent of players seeing it in chat will not fit that in their gear anyhow.
This is totally different than me finding earthen set shoulders and say advertising them in chat (literally every would be quake barb would be able to use them)
Currency trading in POE is not a failure, their loot system/resist balancing/amount of possible rolls and horrible range of rolls (imaging being able to roll +4 int on your tal's chestpiece instead of a minimum of +426!) are a failure
Because of that failure the trading requires an AH , and the community has made (a really inconvenient) one themselves
The developers know this well enough that's why they allow their forum to function as an indexing site for items tagged to specific players to begin with.

end POE rant


Screw this Leoric Gorget proc. The skeletons pop for 10 seconds; either dying or not doing anything.

That's a big problem with most all summon procs. They stand around for half of the summon time and are not aggressive enough in targeting/attacking. It even happens with skill summons like Phalanx.

Also, that seems like a silly proc. What good is summoning help AFTER a massacre?


What's the status of the Primary GAF clan? I'm currently in GAFMax and the clan activity is definitely dropping off. I don't think any of the officers or leader play anymore or at least frequently enough. If any are moderating the thread can we please promote more officers.

Perhaps we can start to combine some of the overall GAF D3 clans to make one stronger overall community.
That's actually something I want to address. I hardly see anyone active nowadays in primary GAF clan. Heck I've had days with less than 5 people online and I don't even see clan officers being active. I think that there needs to be a clean up of non active members. My suggestion is to make a clan post and post in the Neogaf thread warning about the clean up and give everyone 2 to 4 weeks notice to PM or post someone indicating that they are still active. This should apply to all the GAF clans. After the inactive members have been removed, the active ones who weren't in the first GAF clan can choose to join it. The inactive ones can still join the other GAF clans later once its full again.

Tom Penny

These are all terrible ideas because we'll end up with the same stupid situation like in D2 where anyone even desiring a modicum of efficiency in trading are forced to turn to ridiculous third party sites like d2jsp (which is not even anywhere near as efficient as the AH). The point is there really is no middle ground here. It's either AH or BoA. Anything else in between and things just fall apart and Blizzard has been smart in recognising that.

For the record, I am perfectly satisfied with both the old and current system. They both have their merits and I have derived a lot of enjoyment playing under both systems. I wouldn't mind the AH returning but I don't want a half-assed middle ground like D2.

Works fine in path of exile certainly not perfect which is far more complicated. It would be easy in D3 since legs drop like candy and are very class specific. I never used a third party site so I don't care.


The main problem with the game:

There is no incentive to get better than 1-1.5 million damage, which is not hard at all, at this point you can clear T1 as if it was normal, as in melt mobs, and farm the game at a very efficient level. T2-T6 do not offer anything but XP, which is near useless.

Even if you made a character that somehow did 2-2.5 million damage and did T3 as if it was Normal (or whatever higher Torment) it does not really matter, the gear you get is not better.

The only motivation after that is either gearing another character, or trying to find the few items that can allow you to make a class with a different build work well. A Zoo DH, the melee Dual Hydra Wizard etc.

What the solution perhaps is, is to make gear scale with your Paragon levels to some extent. The higher Paragon you are, the bigger roll a rare or unique can roll.

Example: Firebird's Tarsi
Intelligence: 416-500

With a 300 paragon level, that could increase the roll on every stat by 30% (300=30%). So it would be

Intelligence: 530-650

Not a perfect or even great solution to adding longevity to the game. A far better solution is better content updates, but i doubt we are going to get many of those. Or simply better items in higher Torment levels to at least push people to do more than T1. This emphasis on Paragon, puts emphasis on XP, which puts emphasis on higher Torments and hopefully pushes people to want to do more than just T1. With 300 paragon items, you would melt through T5 perhaps etc etc

As it stands the game is getting a tad stale, its much better than D3, but it does not have as many interesting items and builds as D2 had. And i know people in D3 community hate that comparison by now, but it cannot be ignored. D2 did not have this issue with scaleable difficulty, you did the hardest difficulty because that is where all the best items were AND because lvl 99 was a huge grind that was worth doing because of skill points.
Finally got magefist. Was a random drop too, not even Kadala after spending near 2000 shards so far. Unfortunately didn't roll with either CD or CC so they could definitely be alot better. Will keep gambling Kadala to try get better ones I think.


I lose 10% sheet DPS but it still appears to be doing more damage then my other gloves.
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