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Diablo III: Reaper of Souls |OT2| Enchantress: Look! More hidden loot!

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I feel bad.

I know that the Ring of Royal Grandeur is super sought after, and people do endless Act 1 bounty runs to get it. I'm not a big fan of grinding over and over again. I just joined into a Torment 1 game that was on Act 1, with 3 bounties done. I get my cache, and with that, my ring. I'm going to use it on my WD. It has Int, Attack Speed, Life on Hit, and Area Damage Chance. Should I reroll Area Damage or Life On Hit?
Can't believe people are still gear swapping mid-fight. Nemesis bracers, I get it, but swapping your weapon/etc? Must be just me.

I swap out my main weapon for another Danetta when I want to cross the map in about 5 seconds. I gain unlimited vault by doing that. I also use that setup for act 1 normal bounties, since moving around faster is more important than dmg output.

I'll also swap to the 2x Danetta setup when I hit a conduit pylon. I just vault through the map trying to kill as much as I can. I'll check the minimap for any stars once it wears off :)

But that's the only thing I swap.
I feel bad.

I know that the Ring of Royal Grandeur is super sought after, and people do endless Act 1 bounty runs to get it. I'm not a big fan of grinding over and over again. I just joined into a Torment 1 game that was on Act 1, with 3 bounties done. I get my cache, and with that, my ring. I'm going to use it on my WD. It has Int, Attack Speed, Life on Hit, and Area Damage Chance. Should I reroll Area Damage or Life On Hit?

An absolutely identical RRoG dropped for me (also for my WD) over the weekend, and I rolled the Area Damage into CC%: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/Senorchris-1294/hero/45858473

(my reasoning: I use leeching beasts, and get most of my regen from LoH)


Just got the expansion and am getting back into the game. Two quick questions:

Any good resources for a Monk build? I can't decide between what spells to use. Is there an accepted "best build" for solo farming?

What's the best way to power level a Level 1 character. I'm getting a bit bored of Monk and wanna try Crusader/Wizard and IDK if I wanna put the like 50 hours it takes to pace my way up to 70? I used to have a bunch of GAF friends and still have some on my friends list but its been so long I don't wanna ask anyone to power level for me I'd feel bad - so what's the best solo way?
Just got the expansion and am getting back into the game. Two quick questions:

Any good resources for a Monk build? I can't decide between what spells to use. Is there an accepted "best build" for solo farming?

What's the best way to power level a Level 1 character. I'm getting a bit bored of Monk and wanna try Crusader/Wizard and IDK if I wanna put the like 50 hours it takes to pace my way up to 70? I used to have a bunch of GAF friends and still have some on my friends list but its been so long I don't wanna ask anyone to power level for me I'd feel bad - so what's the best solo way?

boost up the difficulty and open your game to public. Rinse, wash, repeat.


Just got the expansion and am getting back into the game. Two quick questions:

Any good resources for a Monk build? I can't decide between what spells to use. Is there an accepted "best build" for solo farming?

What's the best way to power level a Level 1 character. I'm getting a bit bored of Monk and wanna try Crusader/Wizard and IDK if I wanna put the like 50 hours it takes to pace my way up to 70? I used to have a bunch of GAF friends and still have some on my friends list but its been so long I don't wanna ask anyone to power level for me I'd feel bad - so what's the best solo way?

Best Monk build will depend on your drops. Generally most Monks go for either a Lightning-based build using LTK: Scorpion Sting or a Fire-based build.

As for the best way to solo power level, the Captain Rumford Wretched Mother trick.


I want a damn GNK for my monk.

And gaf black is back.

edit - the fake .0.5 patch on reddit/bnet forums...I wish was real.
On t6 as a monk, you need to Go full tank support mode in a party. Let other classes to do the damage. You just provide CC, buff and tank. Dps monk is just too squishy for t6
Couldn't find the thread anymore didn't know it was moved to the graveyard

hit 1000 rifts today (still no shard of hate:p)

I've really hit a wall on my barb now, just missing a good countess amulet and either a near perfect sankis or sunkeeper and other than marginally better rolls on items I already have there's nothing left.

Barb ruined every other class for me, I just can't enjoy them anymore since they all have such terrible mobility in comparison
Just got the expansion and am getting back into the game. Two quick questions:

Any good resources for a Monk build? I can't decide between what spells to use. Is there an accepted "best build" for solo farming?

What's the best way to power level a Level 1 character. I'm getting a bit bored of Monk and wanna try Crusader/Wizard and IDK if I wanna put the like 50 hours it takes to pace my way up to 70? I used to have a bunch of GAF friends and still have some on my friends list but its been so long I don't wanna ask anyone to power level for me I'd feel bad - so what's the best solo way?

Leveling goes quite fast now. I leveled up a DH in 15 hours and a Wiz in 13 with no tricks other than a nice weapon with reduced level requirement (you can roll for that).

At level 20 (a lvl 20 weapon) get a weapon and roll a socket onto it and put a high ruby into it and go up to T1.


WOW, that blackhole is making my life so much easier!! Thx for the tips. NOt sure about the piercing orb tbh though, it seems a bit better umber wise, but less precise...

I also have this in my stash, would you consider equipping it and get back to electrocute?

Thx again!

sorry i forgot to look back at my old posts. I don't think Myken's Ball of Hate is anything special unless you get the Helmet that doubles Electrocute jumps. Even then, Electrocute (non arc lightning version) is really poor for single target damage, and that item doesn't benefit against a single target at all.

I was hesitant about piercing orb honestly too. I was exactly like you, I used Arc Lightning, tried piercing orb, was very MEH about it and switched back. Then later I tried it again and noticed the Fulminator proc happening much more often. Give it a shot for a while because the proc is very effective at dealing damage and I believe you will notice a difference.


So looking at the kadala drop rates summary on diablofans (http://www.diablofans.com/forums/di...ing-drop-rates-summary-part-2-share-your-post) against the leaked non-torment loot table.. Calamity costs roughly 37,000 shards to get from Kadala. That's on average of course. CALAMITY 1.79% (1/55.86) ... Kadala 1H Leg 1/45 * 15 shards = 675 shards per leg ... 55.86 * 675 = 37,705.5 shards

So at 50(?) shards per rift, that would take 37,705/50= 754 rifts to obtain. At 10 minutes per rift, that would be 7540 minutes or 125 hours which is a little over 5 days of rifting. I guess RIF would help. I'm never gonna get one!

oh wow, and the rarest item in the game is http://us.battle.net/d3/en/item/the-star-of-azkaranth at 0.16% = 837,500 shards or 2791 hours of rifting (116 days).

Yesterday I told myself it was all or nothing with getting a weapon upgrade. I spent a couple thousand shards and got shit. Not even a single legendary (1H) from her. I ID'd the couple legendaries I got from the rifts which all turned out to be inferior junk/repeats. I hit the wall, fuck this game. I'm taking a break. If this break is like my other "breaks", I'll probably be gone from this game for a long time if not forever.

It's just flat out disgusting really. The real reason drops are so rare is in part due to the fact that there are so little legendaries out there in the first place, with the majority being carry over, aka blizzard recycle-a-thon, from 60. If there were more, they could drop more, but since blizzard knows they got lazy and made so little they want to keep them rare. Most of which are just stat sticks at best.

I'm sick of watching streamers get drops so often, and good ones at that, while I get jack shit.

Thanks. I read the official forums and realized that a lot of framerate issues go away if I turn off sound so I don't think it's entirely my GPU that needs upgrading bthe game is just buggy as shit.

Yes, audio is part of the issue, but reducing it won't solve all the issues. The game is an unoptimized mess, while looking like a smartphone/tablet game in visuals over all. Blizzard either has really lack-luster developers/programmers, or, they just don't care and/or lazy. It's hard to tell because they put so little content into their games anymore they're not worth the asking price.

I get frame drops not just in large groups or packs, but in specific parts of the game like the notorious bridge. There is no reason the game should turn into a slide-show considering how low tech it looks.

780 Zotac Amp! Edition
Samsung 840 Pro


Anyone seen this build?

Hydra wizard T6 solo rift [7min]

Here is the spec: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/calculator/wizard#aQSijO!YeZd!cZZcaZ

I literally just got a Serpent Sparker and wanted to try this build. The damage isn't great, but it looks like another Hydra would make up for the DPS loss?


Reroll cooldown since I don't worry about it at all?


Couldn't find the thread anymore didn't know it was moved to the graveyard

hit 1000 rifts today (still no shard of hate:p)

I've really hit a wall on my barb now, just missing a good countess amulet and either a near perfect sankis or sunkeeper and other than marginally better rolls on items I already have there's nothing left.

Barb ruined every other class for me, I just can't enjoy them anymore since they all have such terrible mobility in comparison

Just starting to get into my Barb. Care to share your profile?


Can't believe people are still gear swapping mid-fight. Nemesis bracers, I get it, but swapping your weapon/etc? Must be just me.

I swap to Trag Ouls mid-fight sometimes to refresh cooldowns and resources if there's a healing well nearby, but that's pretty situational. Usually I don't need to do that.
I know how difficulty etc effects cache drops(pretty much that it doesn't right now) but can I farm up a bunch of caches on my DH then open them on my Wizard for a better chance of rolling INT or will they be mostly DEX as I got the caches using my DH?

Quoting myself as I didn't get an answer from last night. Thanks.


Cache loot is determined when you open it. Farm on whomever and open it on the character you want the loot for.


Quoting myself as I didn't get an answer from last night. Thanks.

If you open them on your wizard they'll roll INT. Or rather, they will be smart loot-ized for your Wizard, so they'll mostly roll INT but there's still a possibility they could roll non-INT just like there's a possibility that caches you open on your DH could roll non-dex.
If you open them on your wizard they'll roll INT. Or rather, they will be smart loot-ized for your Wizard, so they'll mostly roll INT but there's still a possibility they could roll non-INT just like there's a possibility that caches you open on your DH could roll non-dex.

Awesome. That's what I was hoping. I get that it won't always be INT. I guess a better way of asking would have been when is the smart loot system applied, obtaining or opening.

Thanks again.

EDIT: Has there been a maintenance message yet, if so can someone please confirm the start time?


how can i make this not shitty??


What class is using it?
If it's not a Wiz or WD then reroll the primary stat. If it is then change out the area damage. It came with a socket and the process should make it much better than another weapon with similar DPS.


No. Not area damage. You will probably get a higher weapon dps if you re-roll the bonus damage. I have a TF that had a similar damage roll except it came with Vit instead of area damage. I did the math and even accounting for the upcoming fix where %damage would also buff bonus elemental damage, re-rolling the bonus damage instead of trying for %damage would yield better results.


No. Not area damage. You will probably get a higher weapon dps if you re-roll the bonus damage. I have a TF that had a similar damage roll except it came with Vit instead of area damage. I did the math and even accounting for the upcoming fix where %damage would also buff bonus elemental damage, re-rolling the bonus damage instead of trying for %damage would yield better results.


seems ok now?

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
Asking again. Does anyone get silky smooth 60fps (even in huge 4-player battles) at 1080 or 1200 high settings? What hardware are you running, if so?

No. It doesn't matter if you have the absolute best PC possible you will not get 60fps solid in Diablo III.

There are a few problem areas in the game that absolutely tank the frame rate, those include Rakkis Crossing, Core of Arreat and parts of act 4. Pulling even a few mobs in these areas will half my FPS, whereas I can pull 3 elite packs anywhere else and drop to 55 at the lowest. I get 60fps a lot of the time, even in 4 player, but until they fix certain areas Diablo III will never be a truly smooth experience.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I am really starting to dislike Crit. Chance. and Crit. Damage. They are OP and thus invalidate so many items. I would like to see CHC and CHD reduced to few slots and emphasized more in Paragon points and skills. I got that Deadmau dancing amulet last night but because it doesn't have CHC like my Countes Julio amulet, I am like, meh fuck it, probably won't use it ever because I can't be arsed to spend a metric fuck ton of gold and mats trying to re roll an amulet that might not end up being that great. So many drops could be fun if it wasn't for the dependency on CHC and CHD rolls.

Totally agreed. You simply can't afford to not have CHC and CHD at close to maximum values in every possible slot. Itemization in this game is just restricted as hell. I feel like the whole stat system is just kind of crap. Too much of your damage output, which is the most important thing in the game bar none, is tied to a few very specific attributes.


Maaaan enchanting costs really get expensive quick! I found two pieces of the Firebird set tonight, but the source refuses to roll crit. It's up to 500k per try and I'm completely broke. Just keeps rolling crappy skills I don't use.
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